[5.0] The Exile - Riven Guide
The Exile - Riven Guide
- High burst damge and mobility
- Mana-less
- Low cooldowns with CDR
- Scales very well in late game
- Great kill potential
- 2 CC on skills
- Very squishy
- No sustain
- Requires a lot of skill to play
- Weak when behind
- Prone to CC
- Vulnerable to CC
Riven Build
Best Build Guide for Riven
Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
- Long Sword . Gives you additional AD at the start of the game. This item is going to help you build your core items and help you last hit minions on your first waves and deal damage to your enemies.
- Phage . Gives HP and AD. It's passive grants you extra 20 movement speed after an attack. Kills grant 60 movement speed. This item is going to be one of the components of Black Cleaver .
- Kindlegem . Gives HP and ability haste, which allows you to tank more damage and spam your skills more often. This is another component for Black Cleaver and Death's Dance .
- Caulfield's Warhammer . Gives AD and ability haste, which is a component needed to build Youmuu's Ghostblade or [duskbalde of draktharr] if you are playing Riven in Jungle.
- Serrated Dirk . Gives AD and flat armor penetration. Another component for Youmuu's Ghostblade or Duskblade of Draktharr .
- Black Cleaver . Gives HP, AD and ability haste. It's passive allows you to lower the enemy's armor by 5%. This can be stacked for 5 times, which totals in 25% armor reduction. This is great for Riven as it allows her to deal decent damage in teamfights especially against tanks and bruisers.
- Death's Dance . Gives AD, HP, ability haste and physical vamp. This item is very important for Riven as it helps her mitigate some of the burst damage she receives thanks to the items passive. It's passive turns 30% of damage taken into a bleed effect for 3 seconds.
- Sterak's Gage . Gives HP and +50% base AD. This is useful as it makes tanky and increases her overall damage. The lifeline passive will also help her sustain against burst damage.
- Guardian Angel . Gives armor and AD. This allows Riven to be confident in teamfights and survive much longer. The AD is also good too.
- Randuin's Omen and Frozen Heart . These items are good against ADCs especially when they're ahead. These items will reduce their movement speed and their attack speed.
- Thornmail . Gives HP and armor. Use this when the enemy team has a lot of AD. Reflects any damage you take back to enemies and inflicts them with grievous wounds.
- Maw of Malmortius . Gives AD, MR and ability haste. This is basically the AP version of Sterak's Gage . The lifeline passive only works against AP damage. Only use this if you want MR and damage at the same time.
- Spirit Visage . Gives HP, MR, health regen and ability haste. I recommend to buy this item if you have healers on your team such as Soraka or Sona . Otherwise, only buy this for the HP, MR and ability haste. It also increases the shield as well, but that's not going to do much in late game.
- Force of Nature . Gives HP, MR and bonus movement speed. Every time you take magic damage, you gain more MR. Buy this item if you're up against heavy AP team comps.
- Youmuu's Ghostblade . Gives AD, flat armor penetration and ability haste. Upon reaching 100 stacks, you gain extra movement speed. This is great if you are playing Jungle Riven or if you want more mobility in the Jungle.
- Dead Man's Plate . Gives HP and armor. This is the armor version of Youmuu's Ghostblade and has the same passive. You're going to use this if you want movement speed and armor.
- Duskblade of Draktharr . Gives AD, ability haste and flat armor penetration. This item is good if you are going for an assassin build as Riven .
- Mortal Reminder . Gives AD and 30% armor penetration. Applies grievous wounds to enemies you hit. This is perfect if the enemy has a lot of tanks with great healing.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
is one of the best boot items for
. The ability haste it gives is great as it allows you to spam your skills more often.
Plated Steelcaps
Mercury's Treads
are very situational. If there's a lot of AD on the enemy team, pick
Plated Steelcaps
. If there's a lot of CC, go for
Mercury's Treads
Gluttonous Greaves
gives you omnivamp which is good if you want more sustain in lane.
Quicksilver Enchant
is the best enchant you can use for
since she is prone to CC.
[stasis enchant] is also a great option if there's a lot of burst damage on the enemy team.
Teleport Enchant
is self-explanatory since you're a Baron laner. Use this enchant to splitpush or get into the frontlines quickly.
Riven Runes
Best Runes for Riven
This rune set is basically the default runes for Riven , but I think this is actually decent enough considering we don't have a lot of runes in the game. Conqueror is best rune for Riven as it allows him to deal more damage continuously. Hunter Vampirism gives him adaptive AD + physical vamp after each champion takedowns. Sweet Tooth will allow her to gain gold and sustain more when she's behind.
This rune set is built with team fighting in mind. Triumph will allow you to restore health after champion takedowns and Hunter Genius will give you extra ability haste per kill. Only choose this rune set if you are very confident with your skills as Riven .
This rune set is good if you want to scale in late game. However, you lose the physical vamp you gain from Hunter Vampirism . Gathering Storm and Conditioning have been recently buffed in Patch 2.3 so these runes are now good if you are into scaling and afraid to be behind.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points
Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential
This is the standard combo for Riven if you are going for a surprise attack.
This is your combo with Riven when you're going to trade some damage and minions in Baron lane.
This is the one of the full combos for Riven . Using your ult here (assuming it's available) is optional.
This combo is helpful if you are against a hard matchup. Cast Broken Wings , Ki Burst and auto-attack and then dash out with Valor .
This is another combo you can do safely during the laning phase. This is can be done by casting the 3rd phase of your Broken Wings , auto-attacking, then immediately cast Ki Burst and dashing out with Valor . This combo has very little outplay potential so abuse this every time.
This combo for Riven is mainly used to finish a retreating target off. Make sure Conqueror is on full stacks btw. Using your ult is optional.
This combo is the same as the other combos, but his one requires you to use your ult 2 times.
Riven Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Easy matchup for you as long as he doesn't get a lot of stacks. Harass him whenever he's going for a last hit. Run away from him if he uses Fury Of The Sands .
Favorite Matchups
. This yordle is one of the best supports you can have as she turns you into a raid boss during teamfights.
. Perfect team fight combo. You knock enemies up with your
Broken Wings
as she follows it up with
Command: Shockwave
and then you proceed to stun them with your
Ki Burst
. This armordillo is strong by himself at ganking as he can do it at level 3. If he gets you a lead, you can carry the game.
. This is another great synergy for her. Her ult + your knockup and stun from
Broken Wings
Ki Burst
will guarantee to win all team fights/skirmishes.
Early Game
Avoiding Ganks:
- It would be great if you can rush tier 2 boots like Ionian Boots of Lucidity , Mercury's Treads , Plated Steelcaps , or Gluttonous Greaves . This of course, depends on who you are laning against and who is the jungler on their team.
Pre-level 5:
You see that bush nearby the enemy tower? Yes, that's right. If you are up against a squishy opponent, you can hide there at level 1. This gives you a great opportunity to harass your opponent or even get a first blood if you are lucky. Make sure that you level up your Broken Wings first of course. Against stronger opponents on the other hand, you might as well go hide in the bush near your tower.
To visualize (Yes, I'm using the old map of League PC here as a reference):
If they respond immediately, use Broken Wings to get to them and do the full combo, then use Ignite. This may or may not kill them, but it can guarantee that they'll flash away while you get a huge health advantage. Doing this against stronger matchup may not work, or even get you killed.
At level 2, take
Ki Burst
after the level 1 trade. With
Broken Wings
Ki Burst
combined, you should be able to get them at 50% with a combo. When you're up against a ranged matchup, you should take
instead because it allows you to farm without taking damage from their auto-attacks. It also keeps you HP high and allows you to do more damage since you're not using
Broken Wings
as a gap-closer.
At level 3-4, you should have all of your skills available and your
Broken Wings
now deals more damage. This is where you start punishing mistakes, like that
who wasted her
on you even though you're not against a wall or that
who missed his
. However, you should still be wary of the jungler. Make sure to ward and don't overextend. In these situations, you should chip away their health bar with
Ki Burst
. You should save your
Broken Wings
at this point. You should also focus on farming and freezing the wave so your jungler can gank your lane.
This is where you pop off and most matchups can be killed at this point, especially
. If you walk close to him and he pulls you in, pop your
Blade Of The Exile
and turn the fight around. If he doesn't pull you in,
Blade Of The Exile
===> Auto ==>
Ki Burst
Broken Wings
(through him to avoid his pull) ===> Auto ==>
Broken Wings
===> Auto ===>
Broken Wings
Blade Of The Exile
again and Auto. This should be more than enough to kill him. This is very similar to most matchups. Against ranged champions on the other hand, you must engage with
Blade Of The Exile
Broken Wings
===> Auto then
Broken Wings
===> Auto then
Blade Of The Exile
then Auto.
- 4:00 ==> First dragon. You should roam at this point since everyone is going to be fighting for it.
- 6:00 ==> Rift Herald. You should ward this after the first dragon was killed. If you manage to kill this, use this as an opportunity to push tower.
- 10:00 ==> Baron Nashor. You should also ward this just in-case the enemy team tries to sneak a Baron. This will also give you an opportunity to find where the enemy jungler is.
- 11:00~ ==> Elder Dragon. If possible, prioritize this over Baron Nashor since its buffs are permanent. Don't forget to ward this too.
Make sure your flash is up, if not, be careful. Then you can happily go splitpush. Make sure you're flashing into a fight that means something. If they're on your side of the map, that may just have to be that way. If you can get an engage near their towers though, that can open up progress. If you ace them at your inhibitors, it's just empty gold, if you ace them at their inhibitors, it's game over.
Teamfighting is rather difficult on
. But you really just have to wait for an opportunity to engage with
Blade Of The Exile
, Flash, Third
Broken Wings
-> Auto ->
Ki Burst
. This gives you 1.5 seconds of cc and whatever other damage you can get off in that time.
Always target champions with cc that you can one shot.
? Sure!
? Probably not. If you can hit them and the ADC/Mid laner with the combo and live to tell the story or re-engage, that's the ideal timeline. Of course you could always hit the miracle combo of all 5 with everything but that's incredibly rare.
If you must, a shorter range combo offers less time for your enemy to react. It's much more complicated though.
Blade Of The Exile
, Flash ->
Ki Burst
Broken Wings
(third) -> 2nd
Blade Of The Exile
Broken Wings
. The aforementioned combo is incredibly difficult and unnecessary in low elo where people don't react to the normal teamfighting combo. I had to develop this because I kept eating CC'ed before my third Q landed in high elo. Even a simple
hook would just ruin my day.
This usually can kill one or two champions assuming you don't get interrupted (make sure that doesn't happen). Sometimes you just have to wait for someone to "draw aggro" (run in like an idiot) and then engage because all the CC will be used on them.
If you're using other items, you don't have to think about that, congrats. The lethality build is very built around one shotting it's targets while also being durable. The crit build is based around long fights so it can get out many autos. Meaning it's best for split pushing.
References Used