- High damage early game
- Passive allows you to snowball a game
- Counters all marksmen
- Has a speed boost for escape and chase
- Has CC than can airborne enemies
- Global ultimate
- Hard to comeback if behind
- You need to control your axes
- You need to know when to catch your axe or not
- You need to position wisely
- You need to kite and dodge while catching axe
- Dying when passive is huge is a huge loss also.
Draven Build
Best Build Guide for Draven

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Long Sword
- this is the best start for
obviously, more ad.
First back
Serrated Dirk
- this is the most efficient first back item because it builds into your first core item which is
Youmuu's Ghostblade
B.F. Sword
- you can buy this if you have money to buy it on first back because it deals more dmg than
Serrated Dirk
on the early game.
Youmuu's Ghostblade
- this will be now your core item because of the crit changes and crit will deal less damage if you don't build high ad items, and now, building RFC will make you deal less damage than last time so we will replace RFC for this item as first core item, sustain is not needed (
Vampiric Scepter
) except if you really need it early, BT will be shifted to 3rd item and IE will be 2nd.
Infinity Edge
- this is your super core item because it's the item with the highest ad in it also increases your crit damage, you will always build this as your 2nd item. The reason why we build IE nowadays 2nd because of the crit changes and crits deals less damage now so we'll need to buy more dmg item with no crit for first item and that's ghostblade. Now we go YG -> IE -> BT so our build will work 100% more than the older builds. If you don't build IE, buying other crit chance items is useless because this item increases your crit damage.
- this is important because this is the only lifesteal item you can get for
it's the best because it gives you high ad and will help you sustain in games. You build this 3rd 100% of the time if you want a smooth game. In the current patch there are only 2 lifesteal items that can be bought for
and it's this and BORK but doesn't make any sense on
because it gives you attack speed and
doesn't need attack speed, you want that high AD of this item, BORK can be usefull if you really need it like 5 tanks in the enemy team lol.
Boots (Remember to always build boots after your first core item)
Gluttonous Greaves
- this is the most offensive boots for
it will give you 8% omnivamp which means you can get 23% lifesteal with
Plated Steelcaps
- this is the boots when there are 4 or 5 ad in their team, or if you really need that armor instead of the omnivamp.
[mercury treads] - this is the boots when there are 4 or 5 ap in their team, or if you really need that mr and tenacity for the ccs instead of the omnivamp.
Enchants (You can buy enchants anytime you want)
Quicksilver Enchant
- the most common enchant to debuff ccs.
[stasis enchant] - the most common enchant to avoid burst or to make flashy plays.
Protobelt Enchant
- the most common enchant when snowballing.
Situational Items
Maw of Malmortius
- good item after your cores if you need the lifeline passive for heavy ap bursts.
Guardian Angel
- good item after your cores if you need the passive to avoid dying when being burst my ad or ap.
Mortal Reminder
- this is important every game especially if the enemies are stacking armor and healing, it's the best last whisper for draven because it has the highest ad of the 3 last whisper items. But you can sit with
Last Whisper
Executioner's Calling
early if you need the defensive items before this item, when snowballing you build this item 4th.
Lord Dominik's Regards - last whisper item with collector if you're snowballing.
Shieldbow - this will be your 4th or last item, opposite of maw if they don't really have ap burst but they have ad burst.
Collector - this will be your 4th or last item if you don't need defensive items and you're snowballing.
Draven Runes
Best Runes for Draven

Conqueror - gives you ad continuously when attacking champions, it was the best rune for
and it's still the best for him even though they changed the fully stacked bonus.
Gathering storm - the longer the game goes the more ad you will get from this rune, it was the best for
for scaling and still the best now.
Perseverance - the best rune because this gives you tenacity, armor and magic resist after cc'd.
Nimbus Cloak - the best rune for
offensively in inspiration because it gives you movement speed when using summoner's spells, gives you more speed to chase or to disengage.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

This is good if you want to surprise enemies with plays, this is better than using Flash +
Stand Aside

Support Synergies (WIP)
1. Yuumi - permanent ad when she is riding you.
2. Janna
3. Nami
1. Thresh
2. Leona
3. Nautilus
1. Pyke
2. Morgana
3. Sett

Runes Explanation
Keystones for Draven (Best in order, I did not include other keystones that I don't like):
1. Conqueror - this is the best because once you've hit someone it stacks AD, means that every next attack until full stacks is getting higher damage. It will help you continuously oneshot enemies and will help you sustain in full stacks but still we take this keystone for the ad not for the omnivamp.
2. Aery - this is my second best keystone because it will help you oneshot people early, it's an alternative to conqueror when you want to focus on early game or snowbally games, it outdamages conq early to mid but falls mid to late game. It's the same damage without omnivamp and it will help you in lane than Conqueror.
3. Fleet Footwork - the first keystone that is viable but not good for me, it's better than lethal and kraken slayer because of the heal, mana and movement speed, it wlll help you sustain in lane and in late game but will deal less damage to conq and aery, but still better than attack speed and third attack dmg, also the energized effect synergizes with
Rapid Firecannon
so you can generate this keystone 25% faster.
4. Lethal Tempo - the 2nd keystone that is viable but bad for me, it's because it only gives you attack speed meaning
will have high dps but low chances of oneshot enemies than conq and aery,
isn't really a fan of attack speed items and if you'll say why
Rapid Firecannon
is a core for me, I don't take that item for attack speed, I take that item for the energized passive that can oneshot enemies.
5. Kraken Slayer - the worst keystone to take but still viable, it helps you in lane because every third auto in trade will help you deal more dmg, the damage of the third attack scales to but little, this isn't a good keystone for draven early-late but still viable for trades, it's just not worth to take because it will only proc during your third attack but draven can oneshot or 2 hits or maybe 3 which means you won't really see the damage.
1. Gathering Storm - this is the best because it's the one who scales the hardest and even if you don't notice the damage early because it really gives little, it will help you carry games that you think that you can't carry. This rune will help you flip games with the help of the permanent AD it gives that increases when the game is ongoing.
2. Vampirism - this is the best alternative for gathering storm if you think the rune is not really good until late game only, this rune will gives you 2% physical vamp or lifesteal at the start of the game and killing each of the enemy will give you stats, the max stats are 7% lifesteal and 10 AD, at 9 minutes it's like even for the AD of the gathering storm but still better than gathering storm because of the lifesteal but not all games ends below 15 minutes. This will also overload your lifesteal if you have
Gluttonous Greaves
meaning it's better to take defensive boots when taking this rune.
3. Brutal - this is the best for early game because it increases your basic attack's damage, and that's the downside, it only increases your basic attack damage but the other 2 gives you permanent AD.
4. Triumph - this is good for making montages, this rune will keep you alive in teamfights or plays and will help you kill more with the bonus dmg on low health, it will also help you in laning. I take this when making videos.
5. Giant Slayer - this is good if enemy has 5 tanks or if you think the game will go super super late game and they have more health than you, imo this rune is really useless because if you snowball early even if there are many tanks in the enemy team, you won't even notice the damage of this rune because you didn't even reach the time the enemy will be tankier than you.
1. Hunter Titan - this will help you gain health and tenacity permanently, a total of 120 health and 15% tenacity though the tenacity is bad when the enemy doesn't have any cc but it's rare to find one. I take this every game, this is the best imo.
2. Conditioning - this will help you gain armor and magic resist overtime which is good for scaling although the downside is the stats the rune is giving you is not really for a marksman like draven it gives you stats for a frontliner, it's still a good rune tho for scaling.
3. Nullifying orb - like triumph in the domination tree, this will help you make plays smoother, I take this rune for montages, this is also useful for some games if you think you'll be burst every game or idk, I take this if making montage, the shield is really smooth.
4. Bone plating - you take this in laning phase if the enemy if your lane is 2 melee or 1 melee and 1 ranged. Means that you take this to avoid combos.
5. Second wind - you take this in laning phase if the enemy if your lane is 2 ranged or pokes, means that everytime they poke you, you heal.
6. Adaptive carapace - this is a one-sided rune so I personally don't take this rune, this will give you armor or mr depending of what damage dealt to you before going low health, it also gives permanent hp which is the only good thing.
1. Nimbus cloak - this is good for montages, this is also an alternative to hunter genius if you really good at catching axe, but it gives you nothing, it will only take effect when you cast a spell.
2. Sweeth tooth - this is good for laning and early game because it gives you more heal and gold when you eat the honeyfruit, also good alternative for the 2 runes above.

Summon Spells Explanation