[4.3] Caitlyn Guide - Caitlyn - Enemies arrested for leaving grey screen
Caitlyn - Enemies arrested for leaving grey screen
- longest range of all ADC (650) => great lanebully
- Highest AD scaling of ADC's
- strong early and quite good late-game, after mediocore mid-game
- Medium skill floor, high skill ceiling
- very fragile and vunerable to dive
- falls off mid-game
- Combo heavy champion for optimal dmg output
- has a hard time to comeback when behind
Caitlyn Build
Best Build Guide for Caitlyn

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Items + explanation:
Always your first item. The slow helps you to get of another AA or to add a combo element. Statewise it's really good and cheap. | |
![]() | Another good item synergizing with Stormrazor. You can apply the slow and extra damage from even greater range if you have both. Usually RFC makes a good 3rd item if you don't grab armor pen at this time. If you feel like you really need RFC 2nd then at least build a
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Personally... i hartly find a place for Statikk these days. The AOE is great to farm and poke from range, but RFC just feels better, and BT is a great option to get sustain and some extra AD (which is really important, since Cait has the best AD scalings of all ADC) | |
![]() | If you get dived a lot you wanna grab PD for the lifeline, else it's not that great on her. |
![]() | The 2nd item you should build. Extra crit dmg and high AD (makes head shots at this point already really dangerous). After IE definitly finish a
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![]() | Great option as last item. Let's you sustain in fights, gives you a shield when full hp and has crit and 50 AD. |
![]() | If you play against lot's of tanks consider picking this up instead of BT. Else BT is the better item. |
Uhm.. ok so the extra bolts are nice for faster clear, but else this item isn't that great on Caitlyn. | |
![]() | If you don't get 100% crit with your other 4 items (+boots) grab LDR, else i personally prefer Mortal Reminder |
Go to armor pen item. It has higher AD and anti heal (prevents enemy ADC from leaching full in teamfights) | |
[if you intend on building a bith flat armor pen EoN is great to block an ability, but careful, enemies will always try to proc the item. | |
[serpent's fang] | Pick this up when you play vs
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Agains AP heavy comps which aim to burst you down quickly. |
Caitlyn Runes
Best Runes for Caitlyn

Your best choices here are either
Fleet Footwork
which is always a good choice, but must pick vs lots of enemy poke, or
Lethal Tempo
which is great if the enemy has a lot of short range/melee champs. You quickly stack up LT for a high dps.
Hunter Vampirism
is a great choice here, for free extra lifesteal. If your team is rather scaling orriented you might pick
Gathering Storm
since you won't finish early game.
Giant Slayer
is also a viable choice if you face tanky teams.
is my go to, but [boneplating] is great if you play against double all-in (f.e.
) ór
Hunter Titan
if you need extra tenacity.
Nimbus Cloak
is the best choice here, but else you might pick
Sweet Tooth
for extra sustain in lane.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Yordle Snap Trap
Piltover Peacemaker
+ AA (
) = short base combo

Yordle Snap Trap
Piltover Peacemaker
+ AA (
) +
90 Caliber Net
+ AA (
) = extended combo

[flash] + [caitlyn:3] + AA (
) +
Ace In The Hole
= finisher combo #1

[flash] + [caitlyn:1] (buffered) +
90 Caliber Net
+ AA (
) +
Ace In The Hole
= finisher combo #2
Caitlyn Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Short Range gets bullied out of lane by you.

Gamestage Guide
You wanna play early as agressive as possible. Keep enemies shoved in to grab as much platings from the enemy tower as possible. Try to snowball the laning phase and help the jungler to contest drake with the laneprio you have. Poke enemies with your long range out of lane and prevent them from farming up. Prevent the enemy jungler from approaching you and your support with the traps. Also use them to "ward" bush entrances, this way you will guaranteed hit the enemy support or ADC with an
. If your support has a CC, combine your traps with their CC for maximum damage.
Here you fall off a bit and struggle especially vs tanky champs. Try to farm a lot and contest objectives with your team (IMPORTANT here: As ADC you don't have to be directly present as the fight starts, cause if you do you likely get targeted by some spell like [vi:ultimate] and die, but join in and help your team out, let them soak key abilities). Snipe low HP targets with [caitlyn:ult] to gain the gold you need for the strong lategame asap. Block important passages to your location with
Yordle Snap Trap
or even escape routes for the enemy team.
Preasure objectives with your team. Abuse your high range (probably increased by RFC) to chip off the enemy HP bars, so they can't defend their towers. Use traps to block flanks for the enemy. Squishies stepping into your traps, at this point in the game, will lose ~50% of their HP.