[4.3] Aurelion Sol Guide - Aurelion Sol - Knockback Supporter
Aurelion Sol - Knockback Supporter
- Easy laning harassment.
- Fast potential for gaining level experience in a session.
- Magic orbs do high damage to other targets.
- Good for keeping a consistency, when you achieve it.
- Provides a method similar to how an Assassin fights on enemy Minions.
- Allows for a pure damage Support type of build to help Minions for the Lane you stay.
- You need to play as a Protective from the low Defense rating.
- Difficult to use Comet of Legend as Ability 3.
- Priority must be placed on to an enemy champion, if one shows.
- Pushing an opponent out of range from Minions is the core of strategy.
- Maintaining an effort on an enemy champion may convert to a slow taking of a Tower from the opposing team.
- Protecting the Minions of the Lane you are in is vital.
Aurelion Sol Build
Best Build Guide for Aurelion Sol

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Aurelion Sol plays like a melee ranged Caster. This results from his Passive named Center of the Universe. The Stardust orbs encircle him to complement the Basic Attacks he will do. His ability set controls how the orbs hurt his opponents, so you will be focusing on one target. My list of items helps for high damage from basic attacks, so you may focus on his abilities for primary consideration. The Stardust orbs should be a secondary concern, so you use Minions to judge how to use him for adding damage. You will find the vulnerability to be melee range, where orbs may not touch. Summoner Spells of Flash and Heal will help him in surviving an enemy Tower.
1. Nashor's Tooth - High Attack Speed and Ability Power with good Ability Haste. This sets you for adding Ability Power to Basic Attacks. The point of this item is in how you may move and shoot, while you aim the Ability 1 of Starsurge. You should emphasize keeping a distance from Minions and enemy champions to live. The battle will be for the Minions, yet you must use a team Tower of the Lane you are in to survive.
2. Ionian Boots of Lucidity with Quicksilver Enchant - This gives a generous cooldown reduction to all your abilities and the capacity to break free from crowd control. Flash is not available at all times to you, and this helps keep you alive to run for distance.
3. Hextech Gunblade - Good damage and high Ability Power with nice Omnivamp to restore your own health from what ever damage. This allows you to position at a Tower and attack minions to fill your health to full. The automatic use of Hextech Bolt is good additional damage. Note the lack of a Defense item please.
4. Phantom Dancer - You get marginal Move Speed, a decent Critical Rate gain, and a respectable Attack Speed as a mix with a Lifeline Shield. The other item to compare against this is Archangel's Staff to Seraph's Embrace. Archangel's Staff is good, if you start it as your first item. Phantom Dancer will give you all the benefits of Seraph's Embrace, but you will lack the Mana and higher price. This is an easier item to attain, and you get the good early.
5. Lich Bane - High Ability Power with marginal Ability Haste and Move Speed. The Spellblade effect from it will damage structures at least, from it adding to a Basic Attack. This item emphasizes the keep away style of play you should adopt with your Ability 1 of Starsurge, if you try this build.
6. Rabadon's Death Cap - The highest Ability Power rise for the price available. The item is for enforcing your Ultimate.
Aurelion Sol Runes
Best Runes for Aurelion Sol

Electrocute is good, if you may Starsurge, Celestial Expansion, and Basic Attack your opponent champion in three seconds. Brutal is good for harassing an enemy. Second Wind is the most important Rune for self healing, so you do not need to teleport to camp. Sweet Tooth encourages you to stay Mid Lane near a Tower.
I normally prefer Demolish for destroying Towers in a fast way, so I do not select Brutal.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

The idea includes maximizing Starsurge, as soon you find your self available to do that. Your character travels with a spell in the style of dashing, and the spell's area grows in size and stunning duration as you level your Ability 1. You should NOT Starsurge in to an opponent champion. You need to fly your spell off to the side of your opponent. Celestial Expansion is good for harassing at then, so you may run. Comet of Legend allows you to ignore terrain for a short time to hop Towers.

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Test. Yes. My first guide. More needs to go here.