[4.0a] Diana Guide - Diana - Mid Laning Level Gainer
Diana - Mid Laning Level Gainer
- Fast leveling build.
- Strong melee style focusing on close combat.
- Mid Lane rushing with a mix of damage sources.
- Handle any other opponent one to one.
- Cope with baiting techniques from the enemy team.
- Steady money gains.
- Weak Abilities compared to a dedicated Caster.
- Long Cooldowns.
- Constant need to use Abilities.
- Preferable to Clear Minions and NOT kill opponents.
- Pushes out your competition.
- Basic Attacks have the killing power.
Diana Build
Best Build Guide for Diana

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
This is a rushing build for taking out Mid Lane Minions in a quick way. The starting items come cheap, so it is easy gaining your rise in levels. Diana's Basic Attacks will be very damaging with a mix from magical and physical origins. Diana is only at a 1 Difficulty rating, so it should be easy for you to take down an opponent. The key component for this revolves prioritizing the opposing team's Mid Lane Towers. You must work with your team's Mid Lane Minions, and you need to recognize your need of protecting them. It is preferable for the opposing team's Mid Lane Towers to take down your team's Minions, but Towers have a way of getting strength by killing those Minions. That will be the purpose of chasing out your opponent. It may slow your enemy at gaining levels, while you take experience more than your team mates. This could help you win M.V.P. of your gaming session.
Diana has a 3 Damage rating, and a part of that comes from her Abilities. You may notice in the items collection from this build of NONE stirring Diana's Ability Power. She in her Passive of Moonsilver Blade will cleave through all Minions and opponent champions at her frontal side. You will have a total +75% rise in your Critical Rate, if you get the Sixth Slot item of the build. All the items mean in money completing a focus on her Passive. I mention a portion is from her Abilities, from them possessing a high mixture of damaging potential. The problem is the Cooldowns. You choosing her Abilities over her Basic Attacks may be good, but it will NOT be in this build. That is preferable for Jungling. She is easy to bait, so you have a weakness in Mid Laning. She has a 2 Defense rating, so Diana handles her self fine in one to one to an opponent. You need to direct your self back to your guarded Tower.
1. Manamune to Muramana - You need this item first to power it up. The Shock effect given is really strong, when you fight an opponent champion. This item cares for your Ability needs for your entire session from satisfying expensive Mana costs. Getting an Attack Damage item first helps you level quick. Diana has a strong Basic Attack at your start, and Crescent Strike for her Ability 1 keeps your Moonsilver Blade cleaving Minions for your experience.
2. Ionian Boots of Lucidity with Quicksilver Enchant - The Boots help your Cooldowns, and that alleviates from Diana's main weakness of answering an attack for baiting you. You may find an opponent distracting you in to an opposing Tower's range. Diana's health depletes at a heightened speed, if you have a harassment problem. Crescent Strike is your single solution at forcing an opponent to stop. You will likely own higher defenses than your opponent, but the build is NOT going for Defense. You need at least a lessening of your opponent's health. The idea causes them to risk life. That is how you secure a kill from the enemy. Quicksilver Enchant allows you to break from a problem spell interrupting your movement. You need to prepare to use Crescent Strike on your opponent, if you feel a necessity to use your Boots / Quicksilver Enchant to free your self. Mid Laning causes you encountering many more interruptions from enemy spells.
3. Wit's End - This item helps burn down your opponents. It serves you as a primary Defense item. Minions do NOT hurt much, if you clear them out at a distance apart from your guarded Tower. They will focus you with their attacks, if you stay at your Mid Lane Tower. It is important to leave the attack range of your friendly Tower to minimize damage coming at you from opposing Minions. The provided Magic Resist assists surviving unexpected harassment spells.
4. Phantom Dancer - The Critical Rate and Attack Speed bonuses add to Diana's Passive of Moonsilver Blade. You also gain in Movement Speed to stay on an escaping opponent or for your self. The Lifeline effect gives you a saving desperation move, so your escape works. It is not good to risk a 2 versus you fight. It is vital of you to learn how a friendly Tower keeps you alive. You may need to Teleport to your Camp's Crystal to buy what ever and come back following your health's restoration to full, if you survive a bad harassing activity. A team Tower is very high in strength, if you stay near it for about a minute to keep enemy Minions off of it. You want to level fast, so you should stay active by the Minions coming past the Tower. This is the last Defense item.
5. Solari Chargeblade - This is a fantastic item, and it helps for you getting it almost last in the Fifth Slot. All the bonuses in Damage from your all collected items affect your enemy's Minions and the Jungle Monsters, and that is incredibly rare for a build. You may realize your smartness about positioning and how using Diana's Abilities aid her survival techniques. The Sunburst effect means in money to use every Ability, but you save your Ultimate for your worst opponent. Just cycle through your first three Abilities to keep the charges going on Minions. Your advantage to itemizing with this build is a high usage of those Abilities. That translates to an improved clearing of Minions, so you should take levels swiftly. Please notice you will level faster, if you use Abilities often. Saving your Abilities for opponent champions causes you to level to a slow pace.
6. Infinity Edge - This is not a pushing item, so it surprises your opponent at purchasing time. Diana's high Critical Rate, Attack Speed, and raw Attack Damage at this point flattens your opponents. Your Ultimate of Moonfall is why you take the item. You lead with your Ultimate, when you start a Basic Attack at your target champion. You need to start a melee first, so your victim may choose to escape. Your Passive allows you to cleave, so focusing your Basic Attacks on the opponent strikes any Minions surrounding you. Moonfall slows your victim. You should have enoug time to kill, so they do not reach the safety of a Tower. Use Crescent Strike to stay safely outside the range of the enemy team's Tower and harass your victim. You may have enough time to reach the unprotected Healing Fruit near the Tower, so you may finish the job of death with your victim in Basic Attack distance to you.
1. Manamune to Muramana: Diana has expensive Mana costs, and the item fixes the problem. The item is fully worth the game gold to buy for attacking a champion.
2. Ionian Boots of Lucidity with Quicksilver Enchant: A cheap fix lessens your Cooldowns and helps against a harassing enemy with your Crescent Strike.
3. Wit's End: It cares for your Defense needs and gives good Damage.
4. Phantom Dancer: It keeps you alive for an unnoticed desperate time sneaking on you in the form of an offensive item.
5. Solari Chargeblade: Massive damage to Minions and victimable champions through a high value in Ability use, as you allow them.
6. Infinity Damage: It focuses on raw Damage over Attack Speed from your high Critical Rate. You kill enemy characters with a 1 Defense rating easily. You must still consider Diana's life, when two or more approach her presence. Keep that friendly Tower in mind, when you make your choice. You need it.
Diana Runes
Best Runes for Diana

The Lethal Tempo rune is recommended from Diana's Passive of Moonsilver Blade. It helps push out more cleavings to clear out any Minions around you, as you attack your victim. That is most important to protecting her health and the why of doing it, from you providing a form of Defense through self healing by your Wit's End item. I suggest the Demolish rune over choosing Brutal, so you may take down an enemy's Tower in a quick way. You will not have much time to take down an exposed Tower. Minions of the opposing team refresh them selves to keep it up, and that eliminates at your team's Minions in Mid Lane attacking it. An opponent coming at you in sight will stop your attempt in most situations, so the Demolish rune helps highly minimize those of your attempts. You need a rising gold flow paying your item gain, and you taking down a Tower is the easiest way for you. You must stay alive long enough to push your Mid Lane opponent out from needing to heal. You may have an extreme difficulty harassing, if you do not take Ability 1 of Crescent Strike first.
The Second Wind rune keeps your health up and provides a mild Defensive advantage.
The Sweet Tooth rune is excellent at teaching you to stay near your friendly Tower and keep it alive. Healing Fruit gives you extra money and healing on the side. It helps fund your items, if an ally from your team visits your lane. Team mates only come from the need to escape and heal in most occasions. Your summoner's spell of Heal helps you and your visitor.
Lethal Tempo, Demolish, Second Wind, and Sweet Tooth.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
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Crescent Strike means you tag your enemy, so they will choose to escape or attack you. Pale Cascade has a short duration, so the idea is to start the spell for the shield and spinning orbs to attack. The shield doubles in value, if all your orbs spend them selves making contact with your enemy. Lunar Rush closes the distance to your opponent, if you are able. Moonfall brings your victim to you slowed down. Your cycle of Abilities is finished at this time, and you continue as necessary.

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