[4.0a] Pantheon Guide - how to dominate top laners early
how to dominate top laners early
- versatile, can be played as assassin or even bruiser
- wins against majority of top laners early
- (almost) global ult to gank and return to lane quickly
- most champs made out of paper during lvl 1 (easy to poke)
- 3rd ability easily blocks execute ults
- burst champion and great all-in at lvl 3
- will lose late if you dont win early
- hard to lane against ranged champs
- most likely going to get ganked (pantheon pushes wave easily)
- will start to get harder to lane against AA heavy champions after lvl 6 (jax, fiora, kayle, trynd)
- need to get kills early-mid or you'll be useless
- not a good teamfighter
Pantheon Build
Best Build Guide for Pantheon

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Starting Item:
Long Sword
(You obviously need the AD.)
Final Build:
Black Cleaver
(Probably a must-have in any Pantheon build,
Aegis Assault
can proc the Sunder effect of BC and shred the whole 24%. Just great damage.)
Youmuu's Ghostblade
(Can be switched out for
Blade of the Ruined King
. While your abilities are on CD, you can use the 25% attack speed bonus to stack Mortal Will faster.)
(Stasis Enchant) (You wanna build either
Mercury's Treads
Plated Steelcaps
, depending on the team comp. I prefer the latter, since it's better for most enemies at top lane. [steel-plated stasis] is just an amazing item. If you're getting targeted during teamfights (which you probably will since you are an engage champion) you can stasis and let your tank take the damage for you. Then just annihilate the ADC or whatever person happens to within range lol.)
Death's Dance
(Allows you to soak damage for much longer, just trust. Also extra armor for defense and any enemy using
Black Cleaver
can't proc the effect as quickly since the damage dealt will be true instead. Or atleast I'm assuming that's how it works.)
Sterak's Gage
(Is that Aatrox's hand? Anyways, this item makes you much for tankier and gives you more damage on auto-attacks when your abilities are on cooldown.)
Guardian Angel
(Basically a second chance at life, and increased tankiness.)
Core items should usually be build in order, but if you get fed like me then buying
Guardian Angel
early might not be a bad idea.
Pantheon Runes
Best Runes for Pantheon

Conquerer always, the extra AD is necessary.
Triumph is great since it's basically the same thing as your
Comet Spear
Bone Plating or Adaptive Carapace work. Doesn't matter, but if your enemy uses bone plating you might be fucked in an all-in.
Mastermind is great, so is Manaflow. Mastermind can be used when the top laner is immobile and you can quickly
Grand Starfall
to tower and explode that thing. Manaflow can be used if you're an assassin trying to spam all your abilities.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

In general, you ALWAYS want to level up Comet Spear first. Comet Spear allows great poke, great damage and a way to clear waves. Shield Vault second. In general, you want to poke with Comet Spear at max stacks, AA some minions 4 times then stun and hit the enemy with another empowered Comet Spear. Usually you'll be out of range for them to AA when your stun duration is over. Then level up Aegis Assault to deny any damage when retreating and deal some to them.
Pantheon Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
You don't lose to Sett unless you're bad. You have better range, a way to deny his true damage, and much faster overall. Poke him, block his Haymaker with your shield and just bully the hell out of him at lvl 1-3.

Tips and tricks.
- Use your third ability to block all executes (or execute-like abilities). This includes
, or anyone who's ult does massive damage like
- Use your first ability to steal kills (lmao) during fights since it's almost like an execute, it does more damage to lower health opponents.
- If you and your enemy top laner are isolated and your team is fighting a 4v4, go ult them and turn it into a 5v4. Thank me later.
- Ban Fiora. Ban Fiora. Ban Fiora. Ban Fiora. Ban Fiora. Ban Fiora. Ban Fiora. Ban Fiora. Ban Fiora.
- Despite what most people say, you can 1v1 enemy junglers if you get the first hit in. I personally like to assault Olaf's and Master Yi's. If you're not confident, don't do it.
- When being chased by multiple enemies, ult away if you know for sure they don't have a stun. Preferably, do it in a bush.
- Stun enemies when they're using their stupidly broken massive AOE ultimates, like
, [nunu and willump],
, and
Miss Fortune