by Rocketmania

[4.1b] Zoe Guide - Zoe, the Off-Meta Support

Patch 4.1b
May 17, 2023 01:08

Zoe, the Off-Meta Support

Welcome to my Off-Meta pick, Zoe Support enters the Wildrift!


  • Great Damage Scaling
  • Safe Warding Placement
  • Good Zoning Potential
  • Free Summoner Spells and Enchantments
  • Can Solo Kill


  • Weak Without Ultimate
  • High Skill Cap
  • Skillshot Reliant
  • Very Squishy
  • Get Ready To Be Flamed by your Own Team

Zoe Build

Best Build Guide for Zoe

Starting Item/First Back
Spectral Sickle
Boots of Speed
Lost Chapter
Core Items
Luden's Echo
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Stasis Enchant
Rabadon's Deathcap
Infinity Orb
Void Staff
Lich Bane
Cosmic Drive
Guardian Angel
Banshee's Veil
Perfect Build
Luden's Echo
Stasis Enchant
Rabadon's Deathcap
Infinity Orb
Void Staff
Lich Bane
Counter Build
Luden's Echo
Stasis Enchant
Banshee's Veil
Guardian Angel
Rabadon's Deathcap

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items


Every Support players pick either one of the support items. For Zoe, I recommend...

Spectral SickleSpectral Sickle - since we play aggressive and a lot of skillshots, we want to use that to proc the passive in order to rush it into tier 3 as soon as possible. Why? Because not only we need it's damage and ability haste but also to allow you to clear a wave on your own after upgrading it to tier 3.

Relic ShieldRelic Shield - sometimes there are some match ups that makes her hard to lane against. They are mostly champs with tanks that are aggressive who usually always goes in like LeonaLeona AlistarAlistar NautilusNautilus , etc. and long range champs who spam their skills non-stop such as SennaSenna SeraphineSeraphine KarmaKarma , and so on. Remember, you are weak without your Ultimate to poke unless you really want to commit. Also, always save one charge for cannon minion. It will make it even faster to upgrade its tier.


When you have 1,450 gold, you can start recalling back to base to buy your first items.

Lost ChapterLost Chapter - for damage and whatnot. Always buy this first. Even you can't afford boots for now, the damage can make difference in trading in lane.

Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed - for mobility and whatnot.

Note: If you feel confident in your lane and killing it literally, you can wait until you can buy Luden's EchoLuden's Echo straight. Having this will make enemy fears you even more and gaining the tempo your team needed. Becareful though, avoid using it on wave as it can kill the minion in one hit, especially those range minions.

Note: Always change your ward into Sweeper Lens or Control Ward depending on situation and your team's current ward.


Luden's EchoLuden's Echo  - is your trusted item in terms for bursting down enemies and wave clear. It is cheap and has good overall stats which benefits well with ZoeZoe even for a support.

Ionian Boots of LucidityIonian Boots of Lucidity - for more ability haste and reduces your summoner's spells (not the spells/enchantment shards you picked up) because you uses a lot of it in order to become more effective in teamfight. Don't buy other boots since you are always at the back of the fight picking and sniping off enemies.

[Stasis Enchant] - is quite situational if you are always dies quickly, enemies has a lot of mobility in their kits, or always being ganked by enemy's jungler then buy this item as quick as possible (after your 1st item, of course).


Rabadon's DeathcapRabadon's Deathcap - if your lane is winning then proceed to buy this next. Always buy Needlessly Large RodNeedlessly Large Rod first for a huge AP value everytime. If you didn't buy the [stasis enchant] or not upgrading your boots to tier 3, then buy the rod first then upgrade the boots and afterwards buy this item to maximize your survivability and damage in a long run.

Infinity OrbInfinity Orb - if you can't run down your lane in early laning phase, both of your ADC and you, and has low income then you can skip deathcap completely and then proceed to buy this instead. It is cheaper in gold compare to its packing punch, enabling you to rundown enemies until late game.

Void StaffVoid Staff - is your alternative of Infinity OrbInfinity Orb against enemies with stacking Magic Resist and Armor since this game encourages not only tank to buy tank items but also every bruisers. Give it a try and you can remove them in teamfight quite fast.

Cosmic DriveCosmic Drive - is a really good item and best to buy it if you can't afford Rabadon's DeathcapRabadon's Deathcap or if you are behind. This will give a boost to your movement speed without relying on shards you picked up or to use spells.

Horizon FocusHorizon Focus - is also a really good item and an alternative for Cosmic DriveCosmic Drive . Buy this if you can hit enemies with your bubble and shoot your star to it. I guarantee to you that the damage exceed to that Rabadon's DeathcapRabadon's Deathcap damage if that is your second item (what if you have them both? That will be overkill). The passive is really strong and the AP scaling is really really good. Though, you must hit them with bubble first in order to do that.

MorellonomiconMorellonomicon - if against lots of healing in enemies team. Buy this second instead of Rabadon's DeathcapRabadon's Deathcap to counter them heals. Skip if your good allies really bought anti-healing early.

Lich BaneLich Bane - as your last item and selling your support item, this will make ZoeZoe fully pleaged AP Burst Champion in late game. You can pretty much removes any enemy you catch and become a real threat to everyone. If you manage to buy this one as your last item in your slot that means you carry your game quite well.


There is only two items you need for survival.

Banshee's VeilBanshee's Veil - good item to avoid enemies that can burst you down with their full complicated and very skilled combos, getting caught by crowd control for some reason, or just fed enemy you passed by. It is also good as Anti-AP team.

Guardian AngelGuardian Angel - if all that won't work, that [stasis enchant] and Banshee's VeilBanshee's Veil , then proceed to build guardian angel if you feel you are being targeted first. You can buy this mid to late game as your 4th or last item depends on your situation. It may make ZoeZoe lose her damage but it will make it worth your while.

Zoe Runes

Best Runes for Zoe

Sudden Impact
Sudden Impact
Nullifying Orb
Nullifying Orb
Nimbus Cloak
Nimbus Cloak

Electrocute - is good for burst combo to your target and walk away then rinse and repeat. Summon Aery is also good since it has low cooldown and only great for poking damage.

Sudden Impact - for increase armor penetration since you abuse her blink from her ultimate. Really good on her.

Nullifying Orb - is great if you are being targeted by the enemy. With additional shield when you are low, you can escape most dangerous situations. Good for extra mobility. Boneplating is also good against combo-based champs making you survive even the harsher burst attacks. Try switching these two green runes depending on your opponents.

Nimbus Cloak - is your best friend for mobility whenever you use any summoner spells even the one you picked up. Good for chasing and retreating. Manaflow Band is also really good since her abilities requires a lot of mana.


Phase Rush - might be really sounds good but it will not help you kill your enemies. Yes, you can spam your abilities but the mana it requires to use them is fairly high. Also, the movement speed from it is really good for running away but it already covers that from her 2nd ability and Cosmic DriveCosmic Drive . There is no reason for you to use it. Your job is to lower enemies health bar, or kill them if you can, to make an upperhand in team fight or objective. Make yourself a scary-one-hit combo not run around without contributing to your team.

Font of Life - why you need sustain if enemy is already dead? Why do you need your ADC healthly if both of you can deal so much damage to your enemy laners? Why on earth you need this rune for? Besides, you are range and the healing is cut in half which can't really called a sustain in the first place. Don't bother picking this one.

Brutal - she doesn't need more damage as her star scales by level which means she can be deadly later in the game. Also, you don't need early damage while trading in the early laning phase since she is very squishy and can be punishing if you commit to it.

Triumph - can be good but she plays at the back line where she poke and sniping off enemies, not in front line. She doesn't need sustain since she will not greet enemies in close quarter combat. Also, it will be useless healing even after you kill your opponent as you are in a safe position where you attack. She doesn't need it and move on.

Scorch - might be good but it is not even after its recent buffs. It will always foreshadow other runes and doesn't provide fairly early damage for her. Pick other runes but not this.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

More Sparkles!
More Sparkles! - Passive
Paddle Star!
Paddle Star!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Spell Thief
Spell Thief
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Sleepy Trouble Bubble
Sleepy Trouble Bubble
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Portal Jump
Portal Jump
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

This summoner spell is a must. It not only good for great escape or chase, it also great for extending your star to deal more damage.
For anti-healing and finisher for a good cause.
If enemy has burst damage or relentless attacks.
If you ally didn't take Barrier for some reason :/ Or maybe risk it and avoid this spell and take the Ignite or Exhaust for good measure.


Learn how to maximize the champions potential


Basic Trading Combo

1st(1) > AA > 1st(2) > AA

Try to use your 1st ability(1) beside the wave and behind the caster minion to avoid hitting them and auto-attack the enemy to trigger her Passive then throw your 1st ability(2) again to your target and also auto-attack them for additional damage.

Note: This will give enemy an opportunity to trade back because you actually going to get close to them so keep that in mind. Very risky but rewarding. This is also useful in 1v1 situation instead blindly throwing your star so quickly.


Ally Follow-up Combo, pre Ult

1st > 1st > AA > 3rd

Throw your star behind you and throw it again quickly to hit the enemy and do auto-attack and lastly throw your 3rd to make your target sleep. Do not attack it while sleeping until your ally attack first otherwise attack the enemy before the effect expire or your ADC didn't follow-up. 

Note: Sleeping effect makes enemy's next receiving attack will deal true damage so don't waste the opportunity even for a little auto-attack.


Typical Zoe thing, pre-Ult

3rd (preferably on walls) > 1st > 1st > AA

Use the wall to increase the range of your 3rd ability and make easier to hit enemies. If you successfully do that, proceed your most commonly known combo of her. Do not forget to auto-attack to maximize your damage.


Fast Paddle Star or Delayed Paddle Star

3rd > 1st > 1st > Ult > AA

This is her fastest paddle star she can do. It makes enemy unexpectedly hit them with unknown force. Great for getting enemies caught off guard and might actually kill them. You can also use 3rd last so your allies can follow-up. Adding some [flash] and/or [protobelt] after your ultimate extend even more for more damage.


Easy Bubble Land

Ult > 3rd

By using this you can easily land your bubble without relying on walls to do so. Then you can follow up with your desired combo. Typically, 1st > 1st > AA > Ignite/2nd current held.

Note: You can simply tap the 3rd ability after you blink to almost accurately hit them. But if they are out of your range, she will hit the minion or the nearest enemy she could find.


Forward Star

1st > 1st > AA

Do this if enemy is running away. Shooting towards to the enemy make it easier for you to land the star and will not make them dodge it.


Instant Burst

1st > 1st > Flash > AA

You can do this to finish off enemies or enemies who's health is at half or 1/4. After you successfully hit them and they still manage to stay alive somehow, then stay close to them since your 2nd ability's passive - missles - will do the work and finish them completely.

Zoe Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters


Becareful using your Ultimate in front of him because he can wait until you blink back to your location and hook you in.

Try to use your bubble if he rushes towards to your position for knock-up then do your thing again.


Tips and Tricks Abilities

Passive: More Sparkles

- Enhances your next basic attack after using abilities. The attack will instantly connect to the target making it the fastest empowered auto-attack range champion.

- You can weave auto-attacks in between your abilities to increase her damage output especially useful for taking down plating or helping your jungler's objective. It is also good for dueling, too. You can do it by, 1st > AA > 1st > AA, 3rd > AA and Ultimate > AA.

1st Ability: Paddle Star

- By tapping the ability alone, she always throw the star behind her. So if you are running away from enemies, tapping it will hit the enemy instead.

- You can throw the stars in front of you to hit the enemy instantly, 1st > AA combo. This is good for finishing off enemies who are running away.

- You can extend the range of your 1st by either Flash or Protobelt or both (remember if you want to use them both, go for this sequence - Ult > Flash > Protobelt), making it deal more damage since the damage of that star depends on the distance between the second part of 1st ability.

- At level 1 of 1st Ability is very weak and it seems that it deals no damage to enemies. Becareful to use this for trading since you will commit to get close to them as possible. Same goes to her passive's empowered attack.

2nd Ability: Spell Thief

- There are two parts of this ability. First is by taking enemies used summoner spells and enchantments. Second is activating this ability or by using your own summoner spells and she will shoot a 3 missiles at the enemy she last attacked.

- People always forget her missiles that float around her. So in order to maximize your damage, you can use your stolen spells/enchantments, even the useless ones and use it early so enemies will not expect that damage. Best spells and enchantments you can take are Flash, Ignite, Heal, Protobelt, Redeeming, Gargoyle, and Locket. Too bad, starting in patch 4.2, boots will no longer be activate meaning no more early boots shard you can pick.

- Keep that in mind that her missiles are slow af unlike Ahri's 2nd and it only chase the one you recently hit.

- Using the shards you picked up or spells used, you will gain movement speed burst. Use that to your advantage and avoid enemies skillshots. You can also use it to run away or chase them with your star. Either way, it is very helpful.

- You can use your currently holding shard to activate your missiles especially those useless ones but not Zhonya. These missles can target tower, too which increases your pushing potential even more. You can also use it to any objective monsters, of course.

- Also, if your currently have a spells or enchantment in your ability, taking another one will take 1 second to change it. Using your ultimate to take shard is also good way to not take damage. If happened you don't have any shards and picking up using your ultimate with two shards near to each other, she will pick the those two. Of course, she will pick the closest one than the farther so keep that in mind and don't messed up your priority.

3rd Ability: Sleepy Trouble Bubble

- Upon hitting enemy with her bubble and damaging them, it will apply slow effect called Drowsy effect which slowly losing their movement speed and then they will enter in Sleeping state. Dealing damage on sleeping enemy will deal true damage and wakes them up. Any damage on enemy with Drowsy effect will always deal true damage that is why she can one shot people anywhere.

- Using this on terrain will extend the range of your bubble.

- Throwing on enemy's pathway or brushes can make your team secure objectives succesfully.

- You can partner it with her Ultimate and then throw your bubble for easier landing your 3rd.

Ultimate: Portal Jump

- This is your best friend for your star to hit enemies from far away. Also, your bread and butter for plays and one shots. You will not live without this ability and you will rely too much to be able to do your thing.

- Using your Ultimate and then AA to deal extra damage to those who are far away from you. Great for finishing off enemies.

- Do not use it for escape since it will not bridge the gap between your enemy and you. But you can use it to juke their skillshots and throw your star at them giving youself to buy sometime in order your allies respond... or just delay your death perhaps.

- You can also use it to place wards, taking the enemy's bloom plant and picking up shards from the ground in safer position.

- There is a bug which for some reason people can still hit you even when you are on the other side of your portal just by hitting your initial portal than your current one. I hate that >:(

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