- Fast proc of passive 2nd ability
- Can 1v2/3 and even 1v4/5 when ahead in gold and kills
- Strongest ADC in game
- Strong use of her passive from [vayne:2]
- You are a squishy champ
- Your team does not have a tank
- Ranged Baron laners can become a problem for you
Vayne Build
Best Build Guide for Vayne

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
I you need some more health,
Trinity Force
is the go-to because it also gives you attack speed and AD.
If there are a lot of AP or you get targeted, go
Guardian Angel
If there is a
go for [stasis enchant] to counter his [fizz:ult].
Mercury's Treads
when the opponent had AP and CC champions, like
, ...
If there are no CC champs: go for
Gluttonous Greaves
for extra vampirism.
When there are no tanks in your team, go for a more tanky build to help your teammates.
Vayne Runes
Best Runes for Vayne

Lethal Tempo
is THE RUNE fro
. This helps her in reaching faster her 3rd basic attack from [vayne:2] for the true damage.
These are the main runes you use on Vayne. You can use
Bone Plating
instead of
Hunter Titan
for a more agressive play early-game.
Sweet tooth is used for a more safe play in Baron lane. You can change this one to
Nimbus Cloak
for chasing enemies easier after using [flash].

Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

A combo where you position yourself with Tumble, pin down the opponent against a wall with Condemn and use Silverbolts to deal extra damage and heal if you have taken damage. The passive of Silver bolts will apply on the champ. Normally you can follow up with some more auto-attacks to finish off the enemy/enemies.
Use this combo when lvl 3 or 4.

This is to jump in a teamfight with
, use
Final Hour
for the extra damage and movement speed. Use
to pin an opponent down against a wall/turret, activate
Silver Bolts
and shoot the enemy with auto-attacks. To escape afterwards, use
to escape and go invisible so the opponent does not know where you are going.
Vayne Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
An easy matchup. Let him not get close to you. As long as you are out of his range, you can win the lane. Use
If he gets to close with his
Decisive Strike

Early game
Try to outtrade your opponent when possible. After lvl 5: this is the moemnt where you can go killing the toplaner. Try to communicate with your jungler to gank you opponent if he is stronger/ more skilled than you.
Make sure to build
Blade of the Ruined King
as soon as possible.

Mid game
Mid game is where the teamfights start, so make sure you are there to help your team. Your
Final Hour
will have a longer duration by killing and assisting in taking down enemies. Use
at the right champs to quickly disable them. Taking jungle camps from the enemy is also good.

Late game
This is where you will shine. With 3-4 items + boots, you will be unstoppable. You can easily go 1v2 or maybe even 1v4 people. When going 1v5, make sure to have
Guardian Angel
so you can keep on fighting. Make sure to help your teammates in taking down Baron, Elder dragon or other champions.

When leveling up, make sure to max out
Silver Bolts
first since it gives you more true damage when attacking an enemy 3 times. After that, max up
for the extra damage from the shot. Max
last since you only use this to pin enemies down or push them away from you. Always put a point in
Final Hour
when possible.

Tip for [vayne:1]
If you want to shoot your empowered shot faster, use
against a wall. The tuble animation will be shorter so you can shoot faster. ;-)