by JhinJungleWR

[4.3] Jhin Guide - How to Jhin in the Jungle [4.4]

This Guide isn't 100% finished or perfect. This is due to the website not having all items and runes in from the newest patches. See me on Discord for further information.
Patch 4.3
October 19, 2023 11:47

How to Jhin in the Jungle [4.4]

In this guide you're going to learn about Jhin and more specfically, about his jungle. He absolutely belongs there, and many have recently begun to try it. Hopefully, this guide will keep you from running it down in the wrong direction. Please refer to my YT for more.


  • Great early gank potential (level 2)
  • His clear speed is decent after a few levels
  • 4th shot early damage during invades goes hard
  • He can 4th dragons if his smite isn't up
  • He can steal barons and Elders with his ult
  • He can counter gank flank his laners to protect them using ult


  • If you know nothing about the Jungle, you'll lose
  • You're an adc in the Jungle
  • People will flame you until you're carrying them
  • Most people will troll pick in lobby unless you get last pick
  • Your clear speed and ganks might be slower than the enemy JG
  • Spam gankers are hard to keep up with sometimes

Jhin Build

Best Build Guide for Jhin

Core Items
Protobelt Enchant
Essence Reaver
Infinity Edge
Edge of Night
vs Rammus/Wukong
Stasis Enchant
Black Cleaver
Essence Reaver
Infinity Edge
Edge of Night
Glorious Enchant
Sterak's Gage
Dead Man's Plate
Spirit Visage
Frozen Heart
Light build
Quicksilver Enchant
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Essence Reaver
Infinity Edge
Death's Dance

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

Welcome to the JhinJhin Jungle Guide!

This isn't going to be accurate because I realized that the items here weren't added. Like the newer items. If you're more curious about how all this works, see me on Twitch, sub on Youtube. Or just come talk to me about it on Discord! JhinJhin

Jhin's Twitch JhinJhin
Jhin's Wild Rift Discord JhinJhin

Runes : ElectrocuteElectrocute Sudden ImpactSudden Impact BrutalBrutal
This build was made with very specific runes. I have a blue build and a rage (red) build. The blue build is designed for scaling and 1 shotting late game (think of Blue Kayn 1 shotting, it's based off of that), while red build is more like Ka. The red build you need flash for, because the rune of choice is sudden impact. Flash and protobelt both send you straight into the enemy team, which procs the rune and shreds through their armor.

AA + Protobelt + Q + 4th shot JhinJhin

Items to avoid using : StormrazorStormrazor
Items we like are : COLLECTOR Infinity EdgeInfinity Edge BloodthirsterBloodthirster Essence ReaverEssence Reaver Black CleaverBlack Cleaver (order can depend on enemy team).

The most important thing is knowing your matchups. For me I started maining Mid lane, then tried Top lane, even played Jhin support. Anything to get away from the idea of him being an ADC in that horrible bot lane. When I mastered all those matchups, I moved into the Jungle.

I've been there ever since. Masters Jungler with Jhin only. Just to prove it had nothing to do with MMR, I made a new account in the same season, and also 1 tricked Jhin Jungle, just to get to Masters again. I've played against GM and Chall Junglers in the process. The results were still the same. Still climbed, still won.

A big determining factor for this to work is the same as with a normal JG (to a degree). If the laners feed. Especially if you ping the enemy JG going bot and your bot still decides to die, then it puts you behind the enemy JG for no reason other than your bot lane having no hands.

It's very important that you keep in mind Jhin is usually immobile in comparison to a Ka, Kayn, Horse, ect. In fact banning the Horse (due to my bot lane always feeding them) is probably my main ban. I'm not really afraid of Kayn since stasis is good enough against him most times. Ka is a problem and an annoyance due to his jumping away all the time. He can be harder to secure.

If there's a Yi just drop everything and build ThornmailThornmail + Frozen HeartFrozen Heart after your first 2 items and boots.

Black CleaverBlack Cleaver is a very good item to take 4th item if there's a lot of tanks. If there's a GarenGaren LeonaLeona ect. You'll want to get cleaver and deal with these tanky subjects. A lot of people think that Jhin can't play against tanks, and with things like WukongWukong getting unfairly buffed, it's easy to see why. However, he definately can, with good kiting, good flash usage, and knowing when to hover team fights with ult vs with your body.

It's notably important, that Jhin should keep himself more fed and ahead that not only the enemy Jungler, but the enemy ADC. If their ADC becomes more ahead of yours, you'll want to take on the responsiblity of shutting him down and hindering him until your ADC can catch up. The best part of being an ADC in the Jungle, is that your carry potential is almost limitless.

Jhin was built for all lanes and roles, just look at his kit. Traps for vision and lane safety, great during team fights. He has a root to secure threats. Long-ranged ult to keep people back while your team gets away. A nice Q here and there for multikills if the enemy team runs away low and you still wanna finish them off... there's endless possibilities and that's why I've elected to exclusively main Jhingle now.

Will people invade you? Yes. If they have a solid team comp, they will invade you. Are you going to die? Idk are you? Play smart. Take 1 with you if you absolutely cannot avoid dying. Your early damage is insane, make them suffer for daring to enter your Jungle.

Where do you start? Depends on my mood. If my bot laners are top side, I start blue then move to red. I hover around lanes that have enemies shoved under their towers. I don't force, and I look for oppertunities to secure kills for my laners. Once in a while I'll start a fight before dragon, but that's because we need the enemy bot laners and their JG dead, in order to secure the objective.

AA + AA + W + AA + AA JhinJhin

Jhin Runes

Best Runes for Jhin

Sudden Impact
Sudden Impact
Bone Plating
Bone Plating
Hunter Genius
Hunter Genius

This website hasn't updated the new runes system. I have posted on the front page, the actual build with the new runes and items. Here it is again. Obviously smite gets replaced with ignite if you're brave enough to use the glass cannon build in lane (not suggested but I do it all the time lmao).

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Whisper - Passive
Dancing Grenade
Dancing Grenade
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Deadly Flourish
Deadly Flourish
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Captive Audience
Captive Audience
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Curtain Call
Curtain Call
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Always take flash.
Always take smite
This is optional for different builds.
Take ignite instead of smite if you're going to be laning with this build.
If you get filled into support lane lmao.
You're never going to need this.
Using barrier is troll.


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Auto Attack
Deadly Flourish
Curtain Call
Curtain Call
Curtain Call
Curtain Call

Probably the most basic way to secure someone in mid is to just attack them, root, and ult safely.

Ult LuxLux if she's mid. We hate LuxLux

When playing Jhingle you want to think more about being a counter-jungler than just straight going in on someone. There's a lot of times where your Mid is going to be the center of the enemy JG's attention (especially if you have a weak AFK KassadinKassadin or KayleKayle anything that they'll want to shut down early and keep from scaling).

AA + W + R JhinJhin

Protobelt Enchant
Deadly Flourish
Auto Attack
Dancing Grenade
Auto Attack
Auto Attack

There's no way someone's gonna get away from all of that. Aggressive flash. Sudden ImpactSudden Impact

You want to make sure that you blue smite them during the fight too, so that you can secure the kill. With the amount of damage you're going to be doing, using the Q into 4th shot is going to be the best way to deal with whomever is in front of you. Be it if you're chasing the enemy JG to secure him before a dragon, or just involved in an ARAM fight in mid.

Kill supports. LuxLux MorganaMorgana SeraphineSeraphine NamiNami

Auto Attack
Deadly Flourish
Captive Audience
Auto Attack
Auto Attack
Dancing Grenade
Auto Attack

This is just a basic combonation for locking someone down. If they're 1v1-ing you in a lane while you're laner is gone, it's pretty basic. You root them, keep auto attacking then put a flower under them, and keep hitting them til they explode and die lmao.

Burst down things like OlafOlaf or VolibearVolibear if they don't have R.

AA + W + E + AA + AA + Q + AA JhinJhin

Auto Attack
Deadly Flourish
Captive Audience
Dancing Grenade
Auto Attack
Protobelt Enchant

Basically flash into someone, blue smite them to slow them down. Root them so they can't get away from you. Throw a trap over whatever direction they were fleeting towards, Q them, auto (preferably a 4th shot auto), and then protobelt "galeforce" into them to execute them. If you have collector- you'll probably see it go off here if you're almost full build.

Sudden ImpactSudden Impact + Smite + AA + W + E + Q + 4th shot + Protobelt JhinJhin

I do this to gank LuxLux ZedZed VexVex BrandBrand ect.

Jhin Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Master Yi
Master Yi

Just ban this braindead champ.


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