[4.3] Akshan Guide - Akshan Mid lane
Akshan Mid lane
- A lot of damage
- Can fight most champs late game
- You can gank lanes with your jungler
- Takes time to master
- Squishy(can’t change it)
- You need to have patience
Akshan Build
Best Build Guide for Akshan

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
The current items haven’t been added but you need collector and dynamism boots or the AD armor pen boots with this build. Crit is your friend especially with your main rune is kraken slayer. BT and Botrk is used for lifesteal. Stromrazor for the attack speed. Essence reaver is used for mana and additional crit damage. Lord Dominik’s regards was really useful until they took it out as you get additional armor pen.
Akshan Runes
Best Runes for Akshan

So kraken is your best friend. You will deal a lot of damage with it even early game. You can proc it thru auto attacks and with heroic swing. I’ll post the actual build.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

You need to throw his bommerang out and proc his passive. Once you hit the enemy champ, you hold down auto cuz it will give you a shield and proc kraken as well. You can swing towards them to proc kraken slayer as well for true damage.

You go invisible, swing towards the enemy champ, auto them twice and ignite them. The swing wil proc kraken slayer and it should be back in time to auto them leaving the low enough for your ult.
Akshan Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
The only thing you have to worry about is her ult and her stun. You out damaged her early and late game especially if you don’t give shutdowns. Again the only time she’ll beat you if you give her shutdowns or her jungle ganks you nonstop.

Mid Akshan only
Akshan is best in mid lane only. He doesn’t have viability in solo lane or duo lane. Granted you can play him in solo lane but you will have a hard time due to the tanks. Akshan takes time to master. You will not be good your first game if you try him. His swing takes skill cuz you have time it perfectly cuz if you don’t , you will lose your lane. Certain matchups will easy or hard. Take the time to learn his [heroic swing] angles. You can recast it and go backwards with enough practice. I didn’t get all matchups done but once I do get them done I’ll updated the guide. Now since the website doesn’t have current items, I’ll post pictures of what I believe is a good build for akshan. You can swap out some of the items with other ones in different situations. Like if they have 2-3 tanks you can swap out mortal reminder for black cleaver. If they have a lot of ap champs , swap out mortal reminder for wits ends or force of nature. Force of nature not only gives you magic resist but also hp. The single rune you will use is kraken slayer. The sub ones are precision and resolve. You can swap out legend bloodline for legend tenacity. You don’t have to worry about attack speed. Until they add press the attack kraken is your best rune. Your true damage will make fights go in your favor. Again you will need time to master akshan. But hopefully this guide will help you understand how to play him somewhat.

Solo Lane akshan
Now in the off chance, you decide to play
in solo lane. Here’s the runes, same as mid lane. For the build you’re gonna want
Black Cleaver
first item because you’re gonna be facing tank champs instead of squishy ones. The build can be the same but black cleaver is first. The mid build can be used in solo lane if you’re facing adc champs like kaisa, vayne, ezreal and tristana.