[4.3] Twisted Fate Guide - Kraken Twisted Fate
- High Sustained Damage
- High Burst Damage
- Great Split Pushing Potential
- Misses out on the extra gold provided by the First Strike rune.
Twisted Fate Build
Best Build Guide for Twisted Fate

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
I would like to explain the thought process behind the build:
- Rush Mana Boots (It is not on the build because the site is not updated)
- Nashor's Tooth works well with Twisted Fate because of the in-built attack speed that he has from his 3rd Ability.
- Building Rapid Firecannon (now known as Magnetic Blaster) will significantly boost your pick potential due to the increased range together with his gold card.
- Lich Bane provides extra burst for his target.
- Rabadon's Deathcap for the significant increase in Ability Power. This item should be built 4th or 5th item as the item scales with level.
- Build any defensive that you may need. Crystalline Reflector for AD comps. Crown of the Shattered Queen for AP comps or if there is an ability from the enemy team you want to block once (e.g. Fizz Ultimate, Lux binding, etc.)
Twisted Fate Runes
Best Runes for Twisted Fate

This site is not updated so I will show the updated runes down below:
Keystone: Kraken Slayer
Precision Runes: Brutal, Giant Slayer, and Legend: Alacrity
Secondary Rune: Ingenious Hunter / Pathfinder
Kraken Slayer is an excellent rune for Twisted Fate as his kit revolves around basic attacks.
Brutal for early game power. Giant Slayer is generally good. Legend: Alacrity is a must have as this increases the frequency of applying on-hit effects.
Use Ingenious Hunter for the Secondary Tree if you want to use the extra range from the Magnetic Blaster more often. Pathfinder for easier ganks.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

The combo is simple. Just gold card someone and throw your 1st Ability at them while the enemy is stunned, then auto attack them to death.
Twisted Fate Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Just shove the wave and go to other lanes.

Split Pushing with TF
There are two cases as to how to split push with Twisted Fate:
- Baron laner has Hullbreaker.
- Baron laner doesn't have a Hullbreaker and is a team fighter.
If the baron laner has Hullbreaker as an item, you want to split push on the opposite side of the map as your baron laner (i.e. if he goes top, you go bottom. vice versa). If not, tell your baron laner to go with your team and go to the opposite lane of the objective's location and split push there.
Get your team to push mid or try to fight an objective and then use your ultimate to go where your team is when an enemy appears to stop your split pushing.