by Pol08
[1.1.0] Twisted Fate Guide - Twisted faith guide
Twisted faith guide
I was Mythical glory 2000 pts and now im plat 1 for the time writing this guide eu server i will try my best to explain twisted faith him being my main (sorry if my english is rough sometimes)
Twisted Fate Build
Best Build Guide for Twisted Fate
Build 1

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
This build is my main build i use it most of the times. I don't buy rod of ages because rapid firecannon is very good and as faster as you buy it the more harras capability you have(lich bane is the best item for twisted and it would be a shame to buy rod of ages over it) For early game this is a huge advantage you can win lane vs any hero.After buy rabadon for extra ap and void staff for pen last item is your choice i put hextech gunblade because i like some vamp altho i would recommend to try all items and chose what you like best. sometimes for fun i use infinity edge.
Twisted Fate Runes
Best Runes for Twisted Fate



Second Wind

Manaflow Band
electrocute is free dmg. brutal is good early game. regeneration really good for mana regen so you can use more yellow cards. manaflow its good for your mana but you can use pack hunter if you have success in ganks
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Loaded Dice

Wild Cards

Pick A Card

Stacked Deck

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
first spell must use
ignite is the most basic one altho i dont recommend it so much
Ghost is my second spell most of times i use if for more versability in team fights + faster charge on rapid firecannon
This spell it's also good vs some assasins(zed fizz) but i would rather use ghost because whit good early poke you make them useless when they recover from the gold deficit you have already 2 items and can poke from a giant range
exhaust its good but not for twisted some could argue it is but you can go ghost for extra mov speed if u really wanna chase and you still have your ult
never use
Twisted Fate Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
i don't think you can lose vs her. you outrage so pretty easy matchup

Matchup vs melee
Its hard early game but if you do it right you outfarm them big time. take third skill first and maybe buy a dagger for attack speed if u really think u wont make mistakes just cheap his health and beaware of his jgl you can make them pretty much whit no gold i mean if u ward right you can make thrm be whit no farm and no kills. at lvl 5 gank lanes see which is low hp and gank that lane if u get one kill on dragon lane is worth.Dont forget about dragons they are the most important if your jungle is blind ward them if dragon lane dosen't help jgl at dragon make sure to help him or get vision and don't let anyone close
Look at the nice things other people said!
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4 years ago
What am I supposed to do against a tanky matchup?

4 years ago
Guys if you wanna know something tell me in comments and i will add it or correct me if i'm wrong