[2.4b] Graves Guide - Graves, Revisited.
Graves, Revisited.
- One of the best early-game fighting jungler.
- Scaling up well into late game.
- Armor reduction proc is easy on Graves.
- Need help for ganking.
- No CC except near sight from 2nd ability
- Hard time coming back from deficit.
Graves Build
Best Build Guide for Graves

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
build :
Bloodthirster is the most effective item for him because lifesteal + shield if overheal and grit are strong aspect.
Solari Chargeblade is another damage boosting + true damage coming from casting his
Quickdraw ability and how spammable it is.
Infinity Edge always be the 3rd item core, at this point you shooting 6 pellets all the time.
New Situational items :
Mortal Reminder is answer to anti heal and armor, you don't need
Serylda's Grudge as he can't use it much.
Death's Dance for another lifesteal source, and delaying damage from burst damage.
Navori Quickblades synergize well with Solari, making casting
Quickdraw spamable as ever.
Stormrazor in case you need another cc
Maw of Malmortius &
Phantom Dancer are lifeline defense, Maw against 2/3 AP, PD is for general.
focus on all-lifesteal build.
Graves Runes
Best Runes for Graves

2.3 bring the life for
as it bring
Phase Rush
for him and solved the mobility issue for

Conqueror is for bruiser Graves, Fleet is for lethality Graves
in this jungler build i will not using mastermind due how fast Graves to take any objectives especially the crits system on
New Destiny
hunter titan is used for more health, conditioning is also good because your games never ends in 8 minutes, unless your teammate are intentional feeding and also surrender. remember 4 of your teammates sometime are nightmare.

Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Classic Graves go-to gank combo. Always start if your partner ready to cc first.
This combo is powerful especially near walls or turrets.

This is for escape your failed gank.
Graves Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
same as Xin Zhao. but even worse version of him.
is counted as terrain, and your
End Of The Line
will be exploding faster when
End Of The Line
meets any terrain / walls.

Unique Auto Attack System
This section is the reason why Graves is unique to jungler roster in League. This section will discuss how
New Destiny
1. Graves has 2 bullets in his dual-barreled shotgun, same as Jhin's
he needs to reload after using 2 bullets. Reload can be happened if you're outside combat, and the time to reload can be faster if you have more attack speed.
2. Graves' bullets has 4 pellets inside, if he got crit items, he has chance to make it 6 pellets.
3. Graves' pellets can triggers on-hit effects such from
Blade of the Ruined King
Black Cleaver
4. Graves' pellets can knock back units / monster by multiple bullets, however it cannot goes through units.
5. Graves' pellets deals 75% damage to structures.

Jungle Pathing
Graves need to get lvl 5 to gank. here's the pathing for him. now, open your Wild Rift's map or Google it to know what are those things.
- Red Buff – Krugs – Raptors – Wolves – Blue Buff – Gromp
- Red Buff – Krugs – Raptors – Wolves – Blue Buff – Scuttle
- Blue Buff – Gromp – Wolves – Raptors – Red Buff – Krugs
- Blue Buff – Gromp – Wolves – Raptors – Red Buff – Scuttle
You can do counter jungle if you know where is your opposite jungler start and dare yourself to take it, and pray the opposite jungler doesn't come to you
- Red Buff – Krugs – Counter Jungle Blue Buff – Wolves – Blue Buff – Gromp
you can do it from blue buff however there's little chance jungler starts from blue.

Early Phase
This phase is crucial to every jungler. this is the difference between good jungler and bad jungler.
Start from the buff you want to get first (i recommend the blue buff, remember he's mana hungry) and then start getting yourself level 5. learn to leash jungle (google leash jungle if you don't know about it. i will not explain it here. figure it out yourself.)
now as you know from pros and cons, you cannot start to gank, so you will need your laner to helping you for starting the gank. don't afraid to dive ganking due how tanky are you from the True Grits from
however do not getting three time turret shot or you will fail your gank. be aware of that.
after you successful in your gank, or at least make them use summoner's spells (especially flash) you can go to objectives like drakes and rift heralds. remember, both of them are valuable for your team.

Mid + Late Game
This is where Graves are scary to face-off.
Graves power spike is one of the best in Wild Rift due how fast he's getting items and if he's getting more crit or survival items he will be unstoppable thanks to True Grits and
Smoke Screen
. you can solo everyone as Graves if you able to close your distances between you and your target and if your target fleeing, try to predict where's they go using your ultimate
Collateral Damage
your second ability,
Smoke Screen
are big value thanks to near-sights, giving them one of the pesky cc that they cannot see the surrounding of the champion and you're able to use
Duskblade of Draktharr
twice there, first from your starting gank, and second one if they inside your
Smoke Screen
here's combo for ganking :
Smoke Screen
End Of The Line
-> AA ->
-> AA ->
Collateral Damage
to escape failed gank :
Smoke Screen
Collateral Damage
if needed flash away

Malcom Graves, The Outlaw is marksman fighter who excels in jungler, but able to pick in Baron even Mid lane. he's one of the great jungler in the game thanks to his passive and true grits that coming from E. if you like close-quarter combat and love how destructive he is, then pick him. give him a shot, and you can say, "Dead Man Walking"
Thanks for your time summoners, i know my guides sometime boring because there's no rule 34 shits or even no picts, but i like that way. see you in the rift, summoners.