[2.1] Braum Guide - Guide to Braum (with Runes, Matchups, and Builds)
Guide to Braum (with Runes, Matchups, and Builds)
Braum Build
Best Build Guide for Braum

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Ruby Crystal
: Gives a generous amount of HP, your go-to starting item
Mercury's Treads
: Gives Tenacity, which reduces time of being crowd controlled, really good for
since he will be blocking CC's left and right
[Locket Enchant] : Good for doing tower dives when your jungler ganks, or to help your ADC survive burst from champions like
For the situational items, you build it after the [Locket Enchant] IF the enemies have specific champions. Enemies have heavy healers like
Dr. Mundo
? Build a
Bramble Vest
. Having trouble surviving AP burst from champions like
, and
? Buy a
Now, your first item after your Boot Enchant (if you didn't buy any of the situational items) depends on the enemy composition. Do they have heavy crit or attack speed like
? Build a
Randuin's Omen
. A lot of champions that depend on basic attacks other than their ADC like
Master Yi
? Build a
. Not a lot of both, but are still mostly composed of AD like
Lee Sin
? Build a
Protector's Vow
Do they have AP champions whose main damage are in one or two abilities such as
? Build an
Adaptive Helm
. Still have a lot of AP champions that don't fit that description? Build an
Abyssal Mask
Then you can buy a
Zeke's Convergence
. It gives Armor and Magic Resist along with a mana boost and boosts your team's stats when you activate your ultimate, [braum:ult], it's really useful in a teamfight. Grab it as a second item that isn't a boot enchant for the most part, but grab another defense item if you really need it
After that, you can build whatever to keep yourself alive, the game usually already ends at this point, you can buy something like a
Sterak's Gage
or a
Dead Man's Plate
or a
Warmog's Armor
Braum Runes
Best Runes for Braum

Font of Life : Easy to proc with
Winter's Bite
. Gives your ADC a bit more heal.
Triumph : The heal is amazing. With this and your
damage reduction you're hard to kill.
Hunter - Titan : Remember what I said about Tenacity? By participating in a takedown of the whole enemy team you get 20% more tenacity which is nice.
Pack Hunter : To get more gold for you and your teammates.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

The Combo you're gonna use the most for saving your ADC

Quickly engage in a teamfight when you're behind your teammates

Combo for chasing enemies since
Winter's Bite
slows and
gives movespeed
Braum Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Position correctly so he won't
both you and your ADC but stay in range for
Stand Behind Me
to retreat or protect your ADC

On laning phase, try to poke with
Winter's Bite
. You can use
Glacial Fissure
to either engage or disengage. Place your ward on the line bush close to the lane as deep into the river as possible, and place the ward on the bush close to the tower if you're getting pushed under tower so you won't get dived under tower. Try to ask for a gank when the dragon is about to spawn so you can take dragon. Remember that
can block projectiles so you can prevent enemies from stealing the dragon. When Rift Herald spawns and your jungler and baron laner is in a good spot to take it, if you haven't already won or lost lane, tell your ADC to stay safe then recall and secure rift herald, since, again,
can prevent steals. On the midgame follow your carry and try to ward deep and take small objectives such as Rift Scuttler. When a teamfight breaks out and a carry is at low health you can use [Locket Enchant], Heal, [braum:2] +
, and/or
Glacial Fissure
to keep them alive.
Glacial Fissure
also does really well with good teamfighting ultimates like
Last Breath
Command: Shockwave
Slicing Maelstrom
, etc.

Final Words
Thank you for taking your time and reading through this guide, I really appreciate it. This guide isn't perfect, especially the matchups section, as it doesn't include
, and
, and that's simply because I haven't played against them that much.
Have a good day, and good luck at Braum!

Terms used in this Guide
CC : Stands for Crowd Control, an effect that limits someone's actions, such as not allowing them to move, or not allowing them to use abilities (i.e.
Blinding Dart
Unstoppable Force
Tenacity : A stat that reduces CC time excluding knockbacks and knockups. If you have 50% Tenacity and a 2 second stun hit you, it will only last for 1 second (Tenacity is obtained from things like
Mercury's Treads
and the Hunter - Titan rune)
AD : Attack Damage, a stat that increases your basic attack damage and on some champions, their ability's damage (
Lee Sin
are an example of AD champions, while
Death's Dance
Mortal Reminder
are an example of items that increase AD)
ADC : Attack Damage Carry, an AD champion with the potential to carry, usually a marksman in the dragon lane (
are an example of an ADC)
AP : Ability Power, a stat that increases your magic damage on a mage's abilities (
are an example of AP champions, while
Rabadon's Deathcap
Luden's Echo
are an example of AP items)
Armor/AR : A stat that reduces the amount of physical damage you take ([sunfire cape] and
are an example of armor items)
Magic Resist/MR : A stat that reduces the amount of magic damage you take (
Spirit Visage
Adaptive Helm
are an example of magic resist items)

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