[2.4] Seraphine Guide - Hang on, Seraphine ADC? WHAT? ARE YOU NUTS?
Hang on, Seraphine ADC? WHAT? ARE YOU NUTS?
- One of the most game-changing ultimate in the game.
- Flex pick, can be good for your lane priority.
- Clunky champ, no escape mechanism.
- Still considered as troll pick in solo queue.
Seraphine Build
Best Build Guide for Seraphine
Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Seraphine can fully use the newest item Staff of Flowing Waters as she can shield, and make your opponent's life hard with poke, and if your support is a poke like Lux or even Sona (good God this lane is nasty as fuck) and of course we gonna rush the Rabadon's Deathcap for another uranium power for AP champs, plus we're gonna use the Luden's Echo as your poking ability is go to the moon.
Okay, this is where the perm heal comes out. you see, we don't have moonstone (an item supposedly for support in SR, look it up in Google ye lazy bastard) in Wild Rift so we going to use every AP that we have for this healing machine.
After getting 3 core items, there are selections of situational.
- Void Staff : well, classic closing item, not much to say here.
- Morellonomicon : anti heal and more durability, maybe Seraphine can find demonic song in there.
- Liandry's Torment : ah, the anti tank item for AP, Seraphine loves to torture the community with her presence so why not?
- Lich Bane : more movement speed bonus plus extra damage after casting a spell.
- Guardian Angel : Seraphine want to live another day to make another song with KDA or perhaps, True Damage? but sometime it doesn't worth 3.4k gold investment actually.
- Crystalline Reflector is actually a middle finger to every AD assassins or AD carry such as Zed Yasuo or even Lucian . remember the more ability haste, the more you can be protected each cast.
Seraphine Runes
Best Runes for Seraphine
you're gonna be passive so use those.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points
Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential
All in Seraphine combo, do not do it alone.
Poking combo for laning phase.
Looking for root? Do this instead. Remember, your skills need to be aimed, and if your support has slow cc, immediately cast your Beat Drop .
Seraphine Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Vayne is the only champion in Summoner's Rift and Wild Rift that doesn't have any AoE (Area of Effect) abilities. you can abuse this fact by shoving into her lane, and shut her down. however try to survive when you try to shut her down or you can out scale you hard.
anyway, who the fuck play Vayne in bot lane?
Sera's BFF
Braum | Winter's Bite and Concussive Blows work hand-by-hand with Seraphine kits, remember those attack by Seraphine can help to proc the stun provided buy Winter's Bite |
Janna |
is one of the example of point-and-click CC and able to bring
Beat Drop
into next level, especially if it is powered by
Stage Presence
then it is a dead champ who getting those cc. Also can be her laning phase partner |
Sona | Yeah yeah, Sona 2.0 or whatever you fucking call it. Sona and Sera are annoying regarding regeneration and if Sona has [Aery] keystone than good luck to kill both of them. Put her with Seraphine if you can, wherever she laning. |
Early game
Early game is the great time to be Seraphine as she can be annoying in laning phase, she can spam every spell in her kits WITHOUT GETTING PUNISHED, she's really the poke bitch you really like as bot lane, and hate as enemy.
what you gonna do is, FARM, FARM, FARM. Seraphine doesn't have any kill potential until level 5 as you really need Encore as your initiate key and spamming galore can begin with it, and spam for stacking your Archangel's Staff mana bonus
Try to contest Mountain Drake as it will help you to cast your Surround Sound as heal instead of shield.
Mid - Late Game
This is where Seraphine is annoying little bitch for the other side. Thanks to her kits, team fight is her forte and she will punish enemy team that grouped up together or has no flashes.
Get your items and your team start grouping up to make the game ARAM (All Random All Mid) ? good. it is time to shine. if you can see any opportunity to use your Encore then proceed casting it. however be on lookout for any counter-initiation by enemy jungler or mid.
If your team has shield for you, always heal up your team with your Surround Sound .