[2.1] Lee Sin Guide - Lee Sin after nerfs
Lee Sin after nerfs
Lee Sin Build
Best Build Guide for Lee Sin

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Start by buying a
Long Sword
and get a
Serrated Dirk
for your first recall.
Youmuu's Ghostblade is a very good item on Lee Sin because he roams a lot and
Youmuu's Ghostblade gives him the mobility and attack speed he needs!
- Lee Sin has a ton of abilities that let him dash around in a teamfight, but he is very squishy and very easy to one shot.
Guardian Angel gives him the chance to get in and do a full combo without worry of dying easily.
- Items such as
Trinity Force ,
Black Cleaver and
Death's Dance increases the amount of damage you deal, gives bonus hp and ability haste. I recommend building one of these two in your build.
- Lee Sin is best played like a bruiser, not an assassin, so a Lee Sin build should have up to two to three defense items.
Sterak's Gage shield you when you're low and grants extra attack damage, build it when enemy does burst damage.
Spirit Visage increases the shielding on your
Safeguard , build when you see fit.
Randuin's Omen reduces enemy attack speed and crit damage, build against high attack speed or crit reliant marksman like
Jinx or
Miss Fortune .
Adaptive Helm is the best item against mages like
Ahri and
Orianna , build it against teams that have a lot of ap burst.
- Boots, take either [ninja tabi] or
Mercury's Treads depending on the enemies composition, if they have more ad: go [ninja tabi], they have more ap: go
Mercury's Treads . Afterwards, upgrade it to [locket enchant] or [stasis enchant] for survivability in teamfights.
Lee Sin Runes
Best Runes for Lee Sin

Take conqueror for more damage in long postponed fights.
Brutal for armor pen.
Hunter-Titan or Spirit walker for hp and less cc period.
Mastermind to take objectives faster.

Take Electrocute when you're playing assassin Lee Sin and planning on one shoting enemies.
Electrocute isn't really good in teamfights, so when playing this rune try to pick off their damage dealer instead of staying in the center of the fight.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

A standard insec combo

A more complex insec combo

A combo to steal objectives like dragon or baron.

A unique insec that follows the target and deal lots of damage.
Lee Sin Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Lee Sin
Lee Sin might be a little hard to play for people who just began playing him, but as you play on combos become second nature to you!