[2.2] Challenger Corki Guide - ft. TrovoNova Vejos
Challenger Corki Guide - ft. TrovoNova Vejos
Corki Build
Best Build Guide for Corki

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Trinity Force - Pretty expensive but includes every stat corki wants. Synergizes well with his scaling playstyle and provides him some utility and damage in early game. Also pretty easy to procc since you pretty much spam your abilitys the whole game.
Infinity Edge - Must-have since you currently want to play a crit based itembuild. After getting this one you can start playing more aggressiv. Can be built before [statikks shiv] to surprise your enemy with lucky crits.
Statikk Shiv - Outshines [rapidfire cannon] since the lightning actually does crit on multitargets.
- In higher elos, any situation can turn the game in one teams favor and the higher you climb the more people know how to play a lead out. This means you want to hit your spikes
Infinity Edge as soon as possible to build up tempo.
- My build does scale better since the early
Statikk Shiv helps you to clear waves and rotate faster, I also go for an
Morellonomicon since any damage source of mine does trigger. The challenger build goes
Void Staff instead since it provides a huge damage buff and gives more kill pressure
Void Staff - Damage variant. Better choice if you are the main damage dealer. Since almost every damage source of yours is magical you want to have atleast one magic pen item.
Morellonomicon - Utility variant. Procs pretty easily through your kit and lets you spread grirevous wounds over the whole enemie team.
Quicksilver Enchant - If you have to face a lot of cc like
Ahri or
Kennen .
- [stasis enchant] - If you want to be the main engage tool so that you can use it right after engaging to give your mates some time to catch up.
Corki Runes
Best Runes for Corki

- Best possible keystone since you proc it pretty easily with your basic combo. Synergizes well with your extended trading style and grants you insane teamfight and 1 on 1 pressure
- Gives some early game pressure and helps you going through laning phase
- Some sustain to survive laning phase
Sweet Tooth
- Gives gold to hit itemspikes faster and helps you staying healthy in lane
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Basic trading combo
Combine Q + Ult and do an auto attack

Advanced trading combo #1
Use your E - do auto attack - Q - auto attack

Advanced trading combo #2
Combine E - Q - Ult followed by an auto attack and repeat the last pattern

All-in combo
Rush on your target with
and use
Gatling Gun
immediatly after landing

Package all-in combo
After using package
Gatling Gun
immediatly followed by animation canceling spell rotations, reposition with
Gatling Gun
if needed
Corki Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
How to play
Keep farming in distance, avoid early fights and just scale
If she misses
you can trade her

How to play your champion
Since I feel like nobody really bothers to read this whole thing + since this section always takes the most time, i'm taking this short from now on and skip basic stuff.
- Keep in mind that through
Hextech Munitions 80% of your auto attack damage is magical and 20% physical, also every of your abilitys does deal magical damage so even if you build ad-items you need magical penetration
Morellonomicon /
Void Staff to deal more damage to tanks
- After 4 minutes a package spawns in your base, extending your
Valkyrie range and buffs its burn damage. After the first package, it respawns 1:40 minutes after you pick it up
- The first package spawns simultaneously with the drake so you might want to recall at the same time to pick it up for the drake fight
- Do not spam
Phosphorous Bomb too often since it costs much mana, use
Gatling Gun combined with auto attacks instead to push the wave
Phosphorous Bomb grants vision so you might use it to look if the enemy does drake or baron, this way you don't need to facecheck the pit
- Use package
Valkyrie to zone enemys or to hard engage
Your task is to be the second carry or to be the hypercarry if your adc gets focused too hard.
Trinity Force
- Once you got this you can look for more aggressiv trades
You are no longer a flying minion and you do actually hurt pretty much even with your basic combo
Statikk Shiv
- With this item your poke gets pretty respectable + you can actually start to go for extended trades
You should still focus on clearing the waves, you also can look for stealing enemys chickens or even go in their jungle to give vision with
Phosphorous Bomb
Lvl 9 +
Infinity Edge
- Now you are enabled, you have your items and you can level up
Missile Barrage
Now you can fight, and you want to since your 3-item powerspike is insanely strong

Crediblity of this Guide
This time assisted by TrovoNOVA Vejos, former pro player for Alliance and Singularity, new Midlaner for Nova Esports and current Challenger (peak #5, 06.Feb) in Wild Rift.
Check out his socials if you want to learn something:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Vejos2
Trovo: https://trovo.live/vejos
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vejos1
DIscord: Vejos#7549

Thanks for reading this guide.
But who am I to think I can speak like a coach?
I'm Levi, ingame known as ζξζ ι ζξζ . (like the streamer ratirl)
4 years League (peaking Master 117lp)
3 years Arena of Valor (peak EU #21)
This time assisted by Vejos, former Arena Of Valor Pro and #1 | Wild Rift Top 5 player and the current Midlaner for Nova Esports. Check his streams and videos out!
Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/vejos1
Trovo: https://trovo.live/vejos
Twitter https://twitter.com/vejos2
Currently partnering with the Wild Rift section of Singularity Esports. https://teamsingularity.com/
Coach for Hexis Esports. https://www.hexis-esports.de/
Community Coach on the official Wild Rift Discord Server. https://discord.gg/DEJhYPXa
If you liked this guide, have something to critizice or if you want more, leave a like and comment down below.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjUtciToL9vNdoZGIZs8r2g
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/levi_rb7
Discord: Levi || ζξζ ι ζξζ #1113
Community Server: https://discord.gg/WjGEmSw
Content Server: https://discord.gg/DEJhYPXa