[2.1a] Fiora Guide - [CP] Fiora - 1v1 God
[CP] Fiora - 1v1 God
Fiora Build
Best Build Guide for Fiora

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
I consider
as one of the Class S champion in my app's Tier Section. She's a Baron Laner with strong bully trait and one of the strongest champion in terms of 1v1 fight. She's capable of Item Build versatility, we can build her full damager, tanky or hybrid build depending on your preference or in-game situation. For this guide we'll discuss the recommended build for this champion
The Jack-Of-All-Trades item due to the amount of stats it provides but it comes with a pretty high price but once you build it, it's worth it. In addition to that the Spell Blade Effect from this item gets triggered immediately every time you do First Skill
. It's just a perfect item for Fiora so buy this.
It has lower AD stat but having Max Health and Physical Vamp provides sustainability to Fiora. The Cauterize effect inflicts reflect damage which is perfect for her being a close combat champion makes her prone to a lot of poke damage. She receive some, she return some.
The boots should be situational meaning adjust it depending on the enemy team composition. Most of the time the recommended boots for Fiora is
Gluttonous Greaves
but you should change it if and only if:
- The enemies are mostly AP or Heavy Crowd Controllers then use
Mercury's Treads
- The enemies are mostly AD users then use [ninja tabi]
Teleport Enchant is the best and recommended enchant item for her since she's a Baron Laner. She could just use this to teleport and join a teamfight happening in Dragon Lane or use this to split push and other important objectives
As mentioned above, being a close combat champion Fiora is prone to a lot of damage so death is inevitable in mid to late game that's why this is our 4th item. Aside from that, this is an ideal item for her. The additional AD stat for damage, the Armor adds up to her durability and the Resurrection Effect if you made a mistake in teamfight you can just comeback and finish the fight
Another hybrid stat item perfect for Fiora's damage and sustainability. Also a good counter for champions with one-shot-combo like
to name a few. This item can be a life saver as well to a one-shot Ultimate like Jinx [jinx:ult], Jhin
Curtain Call
Demacian Justice
and Darius
Noxian Guillotine
Late game is where ADC/Marksman shines really well and they probably built items with Crit Damage and/or Attack Speed. You can counter them with this item to lower those stats while having extra Max Health and Armor for more sustainability. If given a chance finish the match in mid game, why? you can read the Golden Rule: Number 6 in this general guide I made.
Fiora Runes
Best Runes for Fiora

This is for the High Elo Build since it's a hybrid build (offensive and defensive items) you may want to rely on runes with high sustainability. Please do take note that the Hunter Line rune is a gambling rune, you need unique kills to scale it

This is for Full Tank Build and as you can see we wanted to focus on getting damage rather than sustainability. If you're new to Fiora you can replace Champion Rune to Brutal because if you die several times too early then you're just gonna waste it. If you mastered Fiora and knows how she works in terms of everything then go for this rune
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Fiora's Abilities are pretty straight forward and most of her damage came from her Basic Attack so combos isn't her thing but as much as possible, you must hit the Vital
Duelist's Dance
on enemies to maximize her full potential.
If you want a detailed Skill Combos, you can check my guide app Wild Rift Pocket Guide
Fiora Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Just avoid the edge part of
to prevent getting crit damage

Jump Fiora Jump XD
Unfortunately you can't pass through in those red marks. The slanted or diagonal one means you can't still pass through it when you try aim
on those direction. You know walls comes in different sizes and so our dong. It has part where it is small and the other part is huge enough to prevent Fiora to

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Hello I'm CoffeePrince
I'm the developer of Wild Rift Pocket Guide and ML Pocket Guide. I love developing apps and creating guides or anything that I can contribute to the community specially helping beginners mastering their favorite champions and overall tips and tricks from the game.
Hey, I uploaded some High Elo Gameplays on my YouTube Channel already (Grandmaster to Challenger) and sometimes top players of their favorite champions and learn from them on how they execute things like item builds, runes, positioning, jungling, laning, zoning, poking, ganking or any gerund you can think of.
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ign: coffeeprince#1771