[2.1a] Zed Guide - How to 1v9 as Zed (Plat - Gold Elo)
How to 1v9 as Zed (Plat - Gold Elo)
Zed Build
Best Build Guide for Zed

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Start out with
Long Sword
Boots of Speed
. Most of the time it's
Long Sword
. Boots pick up only when the enemy midlaner relies heavily on skillshots (Lux,Ezreal,Xerath,Ahri,etc...)
- You always want to build
Youmuu's Ghostblade first, followed by Boots then
Duskblade of Draktharr . You must finish building Youmuu's before Lv7. Reason being is your Powerspikes and your kill potential. From Lv 5 to 11, YOU ARE THE STRONGEST CHAMPION in the game. You can delete and retreat anytime. The moment you finish Duskblade, you can create havoc for the entire game if you play it right. The 3rd item depends wholly on the situation.
If let's say, theres a lot of fighters on the enemy team composition, the 3rd item would be
Black Cleaver
Mortal Reminder
Guardian Angel
If there's a lot of Mages/Squishies in the enemy team comp,
Mortal Reminder
Black Cleaver
Guardian Angel
Now, why
Black Cleaver
- Because you want the Sunder passive. Which is 4% Armor reduction for 6 secs. Totalling in 24% Armor Reduction. Really good in peeling the Fighters and Tanks. The Rage passive is good for Zed too, 20 Movespeed (MS) when attack, 60 MS when kill
- For 3rd tier Boots, you can always buy [Stasis Enchant]. But if you want to carry, always buy
Teleport Enchant . When you have enough money, you can TP when teamfights happens and sell away your boots. If not, just stick with your current 3rd tier boots.
You must be at Base when this happens. You TP to teamfight, you have about 5 secs. During that 5 secs, you can sell your boots and buy a new one. A new 3rd tier boots.
Example given ; TP to Midlane > Sell away boots > Buy [Stasis Enchant] with 2nd tier boots.
This is a feature. Not a bug, it's a strat where higher Elo's using. When you're teamfighting, you can use your [Stasis Enchant] right away. Pretty neat right?
For Optional items, Build
Maw of Malmortius
(Shield) when there's a lot of casters As a 3rd item. If you're super Snowballing, you can build
Umbral Glaive
(Armor Penetration and Deward) for the 3rd item
Zed Runes
Best Runes for Zed

The usual
- Brutal : You get 7 AD and 2% Armor Penetration at the start of the game. When you buy long sword 🗡️, you'll get 84 AD. That's insane. Mad. Exploit this rune as much as possible.
- Hunter Titan : Self explanatory. You want it for the Tenacity stack
- Hunter Genius : Self explanatory. You want it for the ability haste.

The aggressive Zed
- Spirit walker : you want it for the 20% slow resistance. It's like having Mercury's thread at the start of the game. Imagine stacking this with Merc's thread 😉
- Sweet Tooth : Underrated rune IMHO, because it gives you 60 gold for free and 25% more health Regen. Try to punish the enemy team when they die by eating their honeyfruit. That's 120 gold for you. Now imagine you exploit all the honeyfruit in the game cus they respawn every 3 mins. Sweet sweet gold

The Fighter Zed
Conquerer : For those Auto attack during combos
- Brutal : you know how it's is. 7 AD and 2% Armor Pen
- Conditioning : 8 AR and 8 MR after the 5th minute into the game. Quite stronk
- Hunter Genius : Cool down Reduc. Anymore explanation?
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Zed Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Pre 5
Basic combos
Your combos is always
Living Shadow
Shadow Slash
Razor Shuriken
Living Shadow
Razor Shuriken
Shadow Slash
in quick succession
But you can re tap your
Living Shadow
Shadow Slash
, Auto Attack (AA) and
Razor Shuriken
. Either way it will proc your Electrocute. During this phase, you only want to chunk the enemy health down. Waste his honeyfruit, make him go back to base. If you manage to do this. The game is yours.
Always try to help your Jungler get scuttle, or compete for scuttle if the enemy jungler is at the river. Creating pressure this early is crucial for Zed. If not the momentum is gonna be carried over to the enemy team. Try and get Rift Herald and Push Dragon Lane/Mid lane. Get your ADC ahead. It's a team game.

Lv 5 - 11
Theres a few combos you can do in the lower Elo, but.....
I'll jot down the normal ones.
All In 1 :
Death Mark
Living Shadow
(Always opposite of the enemy is facing)> AA >
Shadow Slash
Living Shadow
Razor Shuriken
> AA > Ignite >
Death Mark
Re-Tap to escape.
All in 2 :
Living Shadow
and Re Tap >
Death Mark
Shadow Slash
> AA >
Razor Shuriken
> Ignite > AA >
Shadow Slash
Death Mark
All In 3 :
Death Mark
Living Shadow
Shadow Slash
> AA >
Living Shadow
Re-Tap >
Razor Shuriken
Death Mark
Re-Tap >
Shadow Slash
> Ignite (You can AA anytime the HP of the enemy is less than 50% to proc your passive.
Flash >
Razor Shuriken
: For those pesky enemy who wants to run away.
During this phase
You can peel away enemy teams health with Pre 5 combo, then All in when most of them is 80% health. Always aim for the ADC or Midlaner/Caster/Support.
Do not 🚫
I say Do not 🚫 , go 1v1 with fighters during this stage. During teamfights, you'll prolly used up all your combo and energy. So if the fighter is still alive, just recall and heal.
If, and only if, 3 of the enemy team is dead, PUSH or DRAKE. Do not let this opportunity go to waste. During this phase, objectives is so important. When it's late game, the only game you'll play is double or nothing/all in or nothing at all. Which is very risky for Zed. But also very rewarding

Lv 12 - 15
Finish up your Core items, sidepush the opposite lanes where the enemy team is at.
For example ;
if 1 enemy is at mid and the other 3/4 is at Dragon/Baron lane, you go the opposite, which is Baron/Dragon lane. Push until their turret. The only enemy that will come to you is the enemy at mid. Which you'll know you can kill. Once you push, always recall back and reset. If they're all mid. Try to push both lanes until AFTER river. Then straight away recall. This is to create pressure and split them up. If Drake is up, call your whole team to play near the Dragon lane. Push Dragon lane and see who comes down (Enemy team) Most probably you guys will win and get Drake.
When enemy team have Baron, try to split push and Recall, waste their Buff, don't engage. It's too risky, and always, always ward the lanes during this phase. Just put down the wards in the middle of the lane when your turret is gone. You'll have better view of what's happening on the map. Thus better decision.
Late game, it's always better to have TP. Because it's a game of macro during this time. Bad macro loses, good macro wins. Maybe if you're lucky enough, you can backdoor.

Thank you!
Thank you for those who spent their time reading this guide! If there's anything else that you guys would like me to add on feel free to give feedback on my reddit! u/burntknife
I'm in the WildRift reddit page! I hope you guys can learn a few things in this guide and apply it in your games! GLHF! See you on the Rift!
I'll drop my Zed video here