[2.6a] Did I just miss the shurikens?: A Zed Guide
Did I just miss the shurikens?: A Zed Guide
- Can farm safely in hard matchups due to [zed:1].
- Can roam quickly and efficiently.
- A good solo q mid champion for all those midlane lovers
- No need to worry about running out of mana.
- Last hitting minions made easier due to [zed:passive].
- Kill potential in laning phase is high.
- Hard to master and pick up *subjective opinion as others might say zed is easy to pickup*
- Reliant on skillshots.
- Countered by several skills and a boot enchantment
- CC is weakness, as usual.
- Slightly hard to come back when behind.
- Not that excellent in clashes unless ahead.
Zed Build
Best Build Guide for Zed

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Easy! A
Long Sword
will do. It provides 12AD (Attack Damage) and it provides early kill pressure against the enemy mid laner. On your first back to the Nexus you should be able to purchase a
Serrated Dirk
, get it and you have good kill pressure against enemy mid laner compared to when you only have a long sword.
First and foremost, you start building
Youmuu's Ghostblade
. The stats provide excellent AD and flat armor penetration along with ability haste. Furthermore,
Youmuu's Ghostblade
allows you to roam effectively with its passive increasing your movement speed thus allowing you to travel from mid to baron or dragon lane swiftly and assist your jungler should the need arise.
The second item that you need to build is
Duskblade of Draktharr
, just like
Youmuu's Ghostblade
it provides amazing stats and increases your next attack against the enemy champion whilst slowing them down for the kill. With DD and YG, you can travel to dragon lane and get a kill or two.
By this time you should be now starting to build your boots. Purchase
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
as you get ability haste that reduces the cooldown of your skills thus allowing you to repeatedly use your
Razor Shuriken
Living Shadow
, and
Shadow Slash
. With that said, the boots also provide reduced cooldowns for summoner spells which is a good idea as you can expect your ignite to be available again once more. Once you’ve built the
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
you should now opt to purchase the stasis enchantment. You might be asking “why [Stasis Enchant]? Isn’t
Protobelt Enchant
a good idea since it is a gap closer?” well it is due to the fact that it can save your life in dire situations while waiting for your
Living Shadow
to be ready so you can escape.
Next, start building towards
Umbral Glaive
, and just like the aforementioned problems the stats along with the passive will give you an easier time to deward to remove enemy vision and burst down anyone who is in your way.
After building
Umbral Glaive
you should be fed by now and is a high-value target for the enemy team. In order to deal with that situation,
Death's Dance
is an ideal item to build. It provides decent AD, HP, and AH. It also has a passive 10% omnivamp thus allowing you to have a bit of sustain. But the jackpot deal about
Death's Dance
is that 30% of the damage you took will be taken as a bleed effect or damage over time! That helps survive intense burst damage from fed enemy champions whilst making you tankier in the process.
For your last item,
Mortal Reminder
should be your ideal pick. It gives you percent armor reduction along with grievous wounds.
So it reduces enemy armor? CHECK.
It also has anti-healing? CHECK.
You may also opt to buy this instead of
Umbral Glaive
should the need arise.
When we say armor reduction/lethality/flat armor reduction it reduces enemy armor based on the assigned value on the item. For example, if you have 30 armor reduction and you attack an enemy champion, the enemy champion would receive damage as if he has less than 30 armor. Now moving on to percentage armor reduction it reduces the enemy armor based on percentage instead of a whole number. For example, you have 40% armor reduction, your attack will deal damage as if the enemy champion has 40% less armor.
Still not understanding it? Here is an example calculation.
Lethality/Armor Reduction/Flat Armor Reduction:
150 Armor - 30 Armor Reduction = 120 Armor
150 Armor - 35% Armor Reduction = 97.5 or 98 Armor
To sum it up, flat armor reduction is ideal against squishies and percentage armor reduction is ideal against tanks and bruisers.
Optional Items:
Moving on to the optional items here are some recommended picks:
Black Cleaver
= I recommend building this if you are up against bruisers and semi-tanky junglers. It reduces armor based on percentage while also giving a good amount of AD, HP, and AH.
Phantom Dancer
= Ideal item if you think you need a shield against heavy AD team compositions.
Maw of Malmortius
= A perfect ideal item against team compositions relying heavily on AP damage.
Guardian Angel
= made a grave mistake? Fret not for the Guardian Angel. It allows you to live once more and is ideal in the late phase of the game.
Serylda's Grudge
= if you want to go for armor penetration and apply slow at the same time with added AH.
Zed Runes
Best Runes for Zed

This rune set is ideal if you want an off-meta Bruiser Zed. Conqueror is your best rune keystone to pick for extended fights. We pick Brutal and Hunter Genius like what I have stated at the first rune set. However, the new addition of backbone is that Conditioning is free armor and magic armor.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

This is your basic trading pattern for Zed, by doing
Living Shadow
Shadow Slash
, and
Razor Shuriken
this procs electrocute which chunks a good amount enemy health and it forces the player to play safely and give up cs, thus giving you an early advantage to get a kill and go for a snowballing lead. Another factor that decides the effectiveness of this combo is minion waves, it should be noted that
Razor Shuriken
does reduced damage as it passes through another enemy.

As soon as you reach level 5, your chances of getting a solo kill is high and you should capitalize on that condition. That being said, using ignite is optional and if you are confident with your skills you may opt not to use it at all and reserve it for high priority targets. Moving on, as you cast your ult on the enemy quickly press your third skill to slow them down followed by the second and first skill. Also, DO NOT forget to auto-attack to increase the damage dealt by the "pop".
Zed Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
honestly, pre-5 and post-5 you win against Lux. Dodge her
Light Binding
and execute your all-in combo to get an easy solo kill.

Laning Phase
We've already discussed the necessary information regarding Zed like matchups, items, runes, and summoner spells. With that said, let's focus on another topic which is the laning phase.
A crucial phase of the match that dictates whose midlaner would have the biggest impact on the map, it is important that you survive during the early game and get an early lead against the enemy midlaner. In addition, you must be ready to assist your jungler in case they are invaded or contesting the rift scuttler. While the jungler can affect the entire map with ganks, much like the jungler you should also extend your pressure/lead to other lanes to increase chances of winning.
As the game progresses to its mid-game phase, assassinating key targets such as the midlaner and adc would be your priority over any other task to ensure that they stay ineffective throughout the match for the other team. Taking Mid T1 tower is also important so that your team's map influence is extended and you can easily split push on other lanes. Another factor that often results in a lost match is a midlaner not helping in taking objectives, although Zed excels in split pushing and if the other team is investing too many resources to stop you from pushing it is best to assist your team in taking drakes/rift heralds. By this time your team should already have the higher ground to win the match.
Note: Please don't give your shutdown gold to the adc that has been playing safe throughout the game, this might cost you the entire match and lead to a direct loss.
Another note: When ganking lanes, gank the lane that has the win condition example: a Darius going 3/0 but struggling to get a kill on the Fiora because the Fiora was tower-hugging
Although it is rare for some to progress past the mid-game phase, the late game phase is where Zed suffers the most. Any sane person playing against a Zed will buy stasis enchant and that item alone counters your
Death Mark
thus rendering your burst useless. What I generally do in this situation is that I still go for ulting the enemy priority target with stasis. It might sound crazy but the point is that I waste their stasis thus leaving them vulnerable to another diver or forced clash.

Playing from Behind
Sometimes you encounter hard matchups or skill-based matchups and it results in you getting 0/2 because the other player had a better champ or had a high degree of proficiency with their champ matchups. When playing from behind there are certain conditions that you need to check in order to come back effectively without dying frequently.
If the gold and experience gap between you and the enemy mid laner is big you should:
- Purchase an item that will allow you to survive the damage from the fed mid such as
Maw of Malmortius
Phantom Dancer
Death's Dance
- Split push in another lane to soak up gold and xp from the minions, furthermore this allows your team to gain wider map control and pressure over the enemy.
- Prioritize on capitalizing enemy mistakes such as overextending adc, flanking below 50%hp enemies as they retreat, etc.
- Do not commit to being aggressive all the time to zone out your enemy, they may actually be baiting you and you should not fall for their trap.
The situations and conditions vary per match as not every match is the same as the previous. That being said, what I said might not be effective for some in-game situations and it all boils down to the tactical thinking of the player.