by How2L0seURselF

[2.6a] Katarina Guide - How to MASTER the best redhead in WR (Katarina)

Perfectionist To the Moon World Cultural Heritage
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Patch 2.6a
March 07, 2022 22:13

How to MASTER the best redhead in WR (Katarina)

I think she's always strong if onetricked and depending on how good you are with her. With that said, let's play Beyblade! (also all pictures are made by me if interested DM me)


  • Does a ton of damage
  • Once mastered you carry games
  • A TON of Outplay
  • 0 Mana is a huge W in my opinion.
  • Has mostly good matchups to fight against
  • Lategame scaling is astonishing


  • Very Squishy
  • Very Hard and High Ceiling
  • Very Popular at the moment
  • Every small mistake costs you your death
  • No real sustain
  • Ultra weak to CC

Katarina Build

Best Build Guide for Katarina

First things to buy
Amplifying Tome
Hextech Revolver
Core Items (My Personal way)
Hextech Gunblade
Mercury's Treads
Infinity Orb
Rabadon's Deathcap
Enchants for boots
Stasis Enchant
Locket Enchant
Redeeming Enchant
Teleport Enchant
Quicksilver Enchant
Protobelt Enchant
Last two slots
Void Staff
Lich Bane
Liandry's Torment
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Guardian Angel
Gluttonous Greaves
Mercury's Treads
Plated Steelcaps
Boots of Swiftness

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

First Items!

  • Amplifying TomeAmplifying Tome  is superior to Long SwordLong Sword  (AP gang) due to giving 25 AP and can be upgraded to a better item which is called: (see next line)
  • Hextech RevolverHextech Revolver   is the next upgrade in the path. I would say get it before the first drake and after killing your enemy (if possible) and ofc it is superior to Vampiric ScepterVampiric Scepter   (except if you go full vamp)

My Core Items for Katarina

  • Hextech GunbladeHextech Gunblade   I mean Katarina scales with AP and AD so this item is perfect on her. And for prove see here:  VoracityVoracity , ShunpoShunpo and Death LotusDeath Lotus . Also, you will experience a power spike after this
  • Mercury's TreadsMercury's Treads  is the best for her in my honest opinion. Katarina's weakness is CC (Crowd Control) so it will help her a lot. More about Boots later ;')
  • Infinity OrbInfinity Orb  this is basically must have on her.   KatarinaKatarina is still an assassin class champion, meaning she picks off low hp targets or squishy targets like JinxJinx , [kaisa] or EvelynnEvelynn (if possible)
  • Rabadon's DeathcapRabadon's Deathcap  since AD items mostly consist of Crit items at the moment we have to rely on AP for KatarinaKatarina  which means this item will give a great power boost.

Last two slots (Disclaimer all these items should be built AFTER Rabadon's DeathcapRabadon's Deathcap / Death's DanceDeath's Dance )

  • Void StaffVoid Staff is the perfect last item for every mage. The extra AP and AP Pen are just soooooo yummy!
  • Lich BaneLich Bane I know our lovely redhead KatarinaKatarina does not use Mana, but all the other abilities and stats (especially the AP and the ability Spellblade are so yummy)
  • Liandry's TormentLiandry's Torment this is really great and I could see this over Guardian AngelGuardian Angel , but I value the "safety" it gives me. Tbf if you want to go full damage, then use this. 
  • Rylai's Crystal ScepterRylai's Crystal Scepter This item really helps when trying to use Death LotusDeath Lotus without the enemy escaping. Sometimes it is really frustrating when they leave the area of the ultimate. So, consider it a good item for her.
  • MorellonomiconMorellonomicon this gives us AP Pen and also grievous wounds. The HP is more of a bonus tbh. Really good if the enemy team has DariusDarius , MalphiteMalphite or Dr. MundoDr. Mundo
  • Guardian AngelGuardian Angel now listen I know this is hella controversial. BUT the extra AD with the ability to get revived is just so nuts on her and lets you go crazy.  I use this most of the time when I snowball


  • Mercury's TreadsMercury's Treads These are my go-to boots due to KatarinaKatarina being weak to CC. If the enemy team however doesn't have that much CC, then I suggest (See next line)
  • Gluttonous GreavesGluttonous Greaves These are in my Vamp build, but they can be also in the normal build IF the enemy team doesn't have that much/any CC.
  • Plated SteelcapsPlated Steelcaps This boot is great for a full stack of AD Enemy champs. It really just depends on your playstyle. Do really want to use these boots over merc's, because your enemy midlaner is YasuoYasuo and the other enemies are full AP/Tank? You decide honestly.
  • Boots of SwiftnessBoots of Swiftness you can literally walk whilst ulting when you combine it with Phase RushPhase Rush . Add [ghost] to it and you are fast as hell.

Boots Enchants

  • [stasis enchant] very useful for smth like ZedZed or LuxLux when they start to use their ultimate ( [zed:ult] , Final SparkFinal Spark )
  • [locket enchant] Now again this is pretty controversial. I recommend this if the support is dumb and does not go [locket enchant] itself. I mean you're godlike in team fights if you play it correctly so yeah it isn't too weird to build on KatarinaKatarina
  • Redeeming EnchantRedeeming Enchant   if your team holds too much Solari or wears a Warding Lens only. (Its a plus and unexpected vision giver.) this and Locket are more needed if your team doesn't have them. (Locket>Redemption imo)
  • Teleport EnchantTeleport Enchant  You can easily join team-fights as they think you just have spawned. Just sell your current boots enchant and buy this when your team is about to do a teamfight near drake or baron.
  • Quicksilver EnchantQuicksilver Enchant this is great for opponents like AhriAhri as you can get out of [ahri:3] or for example also LuxLux I believe due to Light BindingLight Binding .
  • Protobelt EnchantProtobelt Enchant basically for tryharding and extra damage. Really nice to use in some combos as extensions. Though it is not as useful as [stasis enchant] or [locket enchant]. 

Patch 2.4!!
Crystalline ReflectorCrystalline Reflector a great new item that is basically the AP version of ThornmailThornmail and is good as 2nd item if many AD threats are popping off and you want to stand somehow against it.

Katarina Runes

Best Runes for Katarina

Hunter Titan
Hunter Titan
Sweet Tooth
Sweet Tooth

Rune Set #1 is for the AP and 2nd one is for Vamp

  • ElectrocuteElectrocute  or Conqueror are the best runes to use on her. For me it is decided if I can kill someone in lane or not.
  • TriumphTriumph is the best rune for her if you do not go for the vamp. Brutal is overrated for her in this case should not be used on KatarinaKatarina . And with Infinity OrbInfinity Orb  it really is an amazing combo.
  • Hunter TitanHunter Titan is very simple. You as Katarina like to do a lot of kills so you will stack this pretty fast. Plus, the tenacity alongside Mercury's TreadsMercury's Treads makes CC less harmless for you.
  • Sweet ToothSweet Tooth  is sooooooo clutch on her. It gives you 60g AND that extra hp gave me soooo many kills it is a must-have.
Phase Rush
Phase Rush
Hunter Titan
Hunter Titan
Sweet Tooth
Sweet Tooth
  • Phase RushPhase Rush This seems to be something more interesting. KatarinaKatarina deals already a ton of damage (especially late game), so Phase Rush is better in terms of having SPEEEEEEEDD. (This is not so viable anymore as it used to be T_T)
  • TriumphTriumph is the best rune for her if you do not go for the vamp. Brutal is overrated for her in this case should not be used on KatarinaKatarina . And with Infinity OrbInfinity Orb  it really is an amazing combo.
  • Hunter TitanHunter Titan is very simple. You as Katarina like to do a lot of kills so you will stack this pretty fast. Plus, the tenacity alongside Mercury's TreadsMercury's Treads makes CC less harmless for you.
  • Sweet ToothSweet Tooth  is sooooooo clutch on her. It gives you 60g AND that extra hp gave me soooo many kills it is a must-have.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Voracity - Passive
Bouncing Blade
Bouncing Blade
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Death Lotus
Death Lotus
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

I mean do I need to explain anything?
Must have for sure
Amazing for fighting Zed and Yasuo. Zed, bc of his Ultimate dealing more damage the lower health% you have and Yasuo for overall sustain and his ult. Switch this with Ignite. Never for Flash.
Really nice for hunting your enemies and for the combo with Speed Walker and Swift boots


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Auto Attack
Auto Attack

Classic "Combo" if the enemy comes to a close and you want to proc the Electrocute for the dmg. I'd suggest escaping or go away after this interaction. 

FOR MORE COMBOS WATCH THIS VIDEO (Note that I don't use AAs due to the combos being then too hard to execute and Gunblade will activate by itself)

After watching that basics video I recommend continuing with this. I will also show more content creators I like and videos I recommend watching.

Bouncing Blade
Death Lotus

Ok, this looks weird, but this is the classic all-in combo for Katarina. Lemme explain. So, you use Q, then you use E to stand right in front of the person, after that you press W and then asap your Ultimate. after your ultimate is done you use again E on the Dagger from the Q and then try to use E to escape.  Also try to avoid staying in Ult too long.

Bouncing Blade
Auto Attack

this is more simple. Throw your W as a backup, Q the enemy, E to the dagger, land an AA (to proc Electrocute) and then rush back to your dagger from W. Also, if there's a minion or an ally then you don't need to use your Way. 

Bouncing Blade
Auto Attack

This combo is more for you if you like  v a l u e. Basically it is "just" Abusing Shunpo aka your E to the fullest without using your Ult. You could add your Ult to it at the end if the enemy isn't dead until then. Awesome for chasing



So now listen, if you want to go through some walls than throw the dagger in the air and then use shunpo and try to point that thingy over the wall. If the wall is thin enough then use this for escape or hunting an enemy. Not engaging. (also sometimes you can still pick up that dagger from the other side of the wall. The locations are very rare)

Also, you don't have to wait for the dagger to fall. you can do it instantly I just did it for educative purposes. 

Bouncing Blade
Death Lotus

A very simple combo for if you want to use the R, but don't want to waste the resources you have. Be aware staying in Ult too long causes you to be vurneable.

Katarina Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Aurelion Sol
Aurelion Sol
Twisted Fate
Twisted Fate

Easy matchup overall. Aurelion Sol main damage comes from Celestial ExpansionCelestial Expansion , which are the little stars revolving around him. As KatarinaKatarina , all you have to do use ShunpoShunpo on the Aurelion if he randomly wastes his StarsurgeStarsurge , and you will win every trade as Celestial ExpansionCelestial Expansion is pretty useless against people standing right on top of him. If you manage to get onto him he is really squishy. His roaming ability is really good due to Comet Of LegendComet Of Legend which allows him to run through walls, he can also keep up with your roams, so make sure to have the wave shoved in before you decide to roam. Keep this in mind and ping your teammates if Aurelion SolAurelion Sol is missing! Post 5 he gets another free disruption ability, so play around it before using your Death LotusDeath Lotus as he can cancel it with Voice Of LightVoice Of Light .


Tips (for beginning)

-NEVER GIVE UP!! Like for real it can be really frustrating as Katarina. Just remember to review your matches or let others review it if you struggle

-Don't go for every Dagger you throw or place. Sometimes it is better to just let it there or wait a while before you use 3rd Ability

-Learn your limits. This may sound basic, but you can get really cocky as Katarina when you're fed. Remember you are squishy and to not get dmg you have to dodge the damage with SHUNPO!!! ( ShunpoShunpo )

-Prioritize roaming. If possible obviously. You are most likely better than your lane opponent at roaming, ganking and teamfights. This might not be always the case.

-Abuse ppl's "dumbness" what I mean by that is dodge Asol's W or Lux's Q and then combo then. If they keep doing this, they'll lose the lane hardcore.

-Come later to fights and don't be an engager. Let your Malphite use his Ultimate for example and then rush to the enemy ADC. You always want the ADC to be dead so that the enemy team doesn't have much damage. If the jungler is squishy or low HP, then you can go for them too. Be aware that this is a risky move though.

-when in laning phase, be patient and wait till the enemy overextends

-Use your ShunpoShunpo to escape. For example E to the honeyfruit or to a minion to escape the enemy.

-If you want to be really useful in tmfights, come from the backside of the enemy team and snatch that ADC and Support. You decide if you want to continue, but risk your life or try to disengage and the enemy team chasing you while your team tries to help you

-Use Ping for better coordination. Inform the botlane that you will try to gank for example


Wave management/Playstyle

So I want to write about Wave management because I see too many Interinas due to bad wave management or going too aggressive in too early instances and against more troublesome matchups. Let's start it with the basic. Pre-level 3, you (most of the time) poke. Some exclusions for easy matchups such as Aurelion SolAurelion Sol , LuxLux or AnnieAnnie CAN be attacked before level 5 or even at level 2. For illustration, if LuxLux uses her Light BindingLight Binding you're free to use Q+E+AA (to proc Electrocute) and then E towards a minion or fruit to keep the trades short and not keeping attacking when she gets again her Q back. In harder matchups like YasuoYasuo , you always want to try to stay under your turret and only last-hit the enemy minions. Try to keep them right next to your turret, but not that they get attacked by your turret. In incidents like ZedZed , you try to give up some XP and Poke to survive. AFTER hitting level 5, you can roam and gank other lanes if possible. I always advise going bot lane, because they need to dominate in their lane to get the first dragon easier.  In my honest opinion, if someone is stealing your kills, let it be ADC and ADC only. If they get fed, they can carry the team fights and even the Win. Oh yeah also a small suggestion, shove the lane hard first before ganking other lanes. Also, if you want help from your jungler, then don't push the wave or else your jungler doesn't have the opportunity to help. So please if you want to flame your jungler for not helping you, then maybe it is because of you pushing the wave towards the enemy turret.



So as I mentioned in my combo section. I will link here 2 of my favourite Content Creators

So we begin with Katlife. I linked two of his videos already and I think he has a ton of good content, even the less educative videos can you see as a way to play her. Here are his guides 

The other Content Creator I recommend watching is CochoHis vids are also great and he is my personal favourite out of these two. Here is the first tricks video and Here is the other one

Recently Cocho made a video specifically for Wild Rift, see here. Be aware though that he uses an emulator and that his layout is not good at all if you play the game actually on a phone.


Credibility and Discord

and my IGN for Discord is How2L0seURSelF#7777

For more tips and tricks I recommend joining the Katarina Mains Server. They're very nice and active there. Just say that you need some tips in Wild Rift and they should be able to help you out The link: just go through there and you will see the discord invite


Last Words

Get Creative with KatarinaKatarina . Especially with Combos. There are tons of combos that look similar but are used for different things. Also, keep in mind that I didn't use any combo with flash for the beginners out there. The section "For Advanced Stuff" will cover the stuff you should watch for getting better with her. This guide is not enough for ppl to master her. I didn't master her myself yet. I could do educative content for Katarina aka videos and show gameplay for ppl to study from, but idk if someone wants it. If someone wants to, then please write in the comments that. Anyway, if there is anything you should remember with this guide, then try to be creative with Katarina. Creativity makes you better and also try new things with her. It may cost you a match, but you learned your lesson from it. Keep that in mind and I see in Wild Rift, so long!


Glossary of terms I used

Vamp: Vampirism are a kind of builds that is all about gaining health from killing enemies and even just using Auto Attacks

AP: Attack Power is a stat that is mostly built up by mages

AD: Attack Damage. Is a different type of stat that is meant for damage. You see a lot of bruisers building this

Power Spike: So imagine you have a graphic that shows your power ok? When I say that you get a power spike after building or levelling this or that, means that graphically you will be stronger

CC(=Crowd Control): Crowd Control abilities are abilities like Charm, Stun or rooted. There are differences between Soft CC and hard CC. Search beginners guides for more info

AP/AD Pen: You will see a lot of tanks build Armour or MR and items with AP/AD Pen counter that well.

Q, W, E, R: Q is your first ability, W is 2nd, E is 3rd and then R is your ultimate ability. You will also see ppl referencing them as 1,2,3,4

Hardcarry: That is when the champion can win you the game if you get fed early on.

Fed: Basically you pop off early game and you get kills.

Inting: basically intentionally feeding the enemy laner. It is something you should not do.

Look at the nice things other people said!
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3 years ago
I think I had you in my game before (I am currently emerald but i think i saw you're username when i was plat). If you are that person, then this guide is probably very reliable :)
3 years ago
Hello and yeah it is possible. I am still platinum and am not really motivated to grind. Congrats on Emerald though and thanks for the nice comment! <3
3 years ago
First , i love ur way of speaking and perfect guide , .altough i still prefer conqueror ! anyway i v seen many top globals building infinity orb first and never gunblase , why ? do u agree to them ?
3 years ago
great as it provides AP pen and MS. I do see the potential and yes you can go for it. I rather go Gunblade bc of preference (2/2)
3 years ago
Hello and thanks for the compliment! Yeah that is true, a lot of people like to build Orb first. First reason used to be that it is cheap and bang for the buck. 2nd the stats and abilities are (1/2)
3 years ago
What's ur opinion on building scepter first when playing against poke champs.
3 years ago
If you die very early in lane against Ori and you have enough gold for Scepter, sure go for it since the vamp gives a form of "sustain", but I think just going for HexRev is better. (2/2)
3 years ago
This doesn't sound bad of an idea. I think by the time you get scepter you are already lvl 5 or higher and you probably already afk roam. (1/2)
3 years ago
Love the content Just wanna ask how to deal with matchups like galio....
3 years ago
hello and I actually did a matchup for Galio. You have to go to matchup section and then click to the left until you see Galio.