[2.1a] Akali Guide
Akali Guide
Akali Build
Best Build Guide for Akali

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
U always start with Amplifing Tome.
Your first item should be
Hextech Gunblade
because of the Omnivamp for more sustain in the lane and of course for burst and slow the enemy. Some people go for
Liandry's Torment
first, because of the stacking damage from the passive and the extra damage for each attack. But i personally think its better to buy it after
Hextech Gunblade
because it synergyses very well with his slow.
My third item is
Infinity Orb
to get some magicpenetration, movementspeed and the extra burst if enemy only has 20% health and it synergyses well with
Perfect Execution
because the damage can be 3.5 times more damage as normal. Now if u cimbine this with the passive from infinity orb u make 3.85 times more damage, also the health isn´t that bad so u can survive longer in teamfights.
Now its situational what u buy... if u think u need an [Stasis Enchant] u can buy it. Its usually good against enemy assasins or an CC heavy team so u can dodge the most CC to continue dealing damage. Or u can buy
Rabadon's Deathcap
to deal more damage in little time its ur desition.
As last item i normally go for
Guardian Angel
to really survive teamfights if you got catched the armor is also nice and the AD is good for ur [akali:1] because it scales a little bit better with AD. But sometimes it can be good to buy sth like
Randuin's Omen
Adaptive Helm
. If enemy has at least 4 AD champs buy Randuin and if enemy has much AP buy the helm.
Akali Runes
Best Runes for Akali

electrocute against squishy teamcombo so u can shread them faster.
Triumph to get health if u killor help with an kill to survive an ignite or to stay longer in teamfights. Hunter Titan is good for the health and for tenacity, but u can also go for spiritwalker if u against enemys with much slow abillyties like Nasus, Leona, Xin Zhao etc.. Sweet thooth for more sustain in the lane and for the extra gold for each Honeyfruit.

the same like in the Runes before but with conqueror as keyrune. Conquerer is better against tanky champions bu also helps to shread consistant more damage against champions generally.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

This is ur normal combo in lane... u want to do it as often as possible because ur
Assassin's Mark
gives u more range and hepls u to poke enemy down

This is ur combo if ur are against range chamions so u can burst them down with ur
Assassin's Mark
and ur
Five Point Strike

its ur lvl 5 ult combo to kill an squishy enemy easyly or help ur team shread enemy tanks healthbar

If enemy in lane is behind minions u can use
Shuriken Flip
for dashing toward him and use ur
Five Point Strike
Assassin's Mark
to trade quickly

Shuriken Flip
and immidiatly flash in front of a tank to hit the enemy behind him then u activate
Shuriken Flip
again to get close to ur victim
Akali Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
dodge his [aurelionsol:1] and go in with
Shuriken Flip
the only thing he can do now is ulting to get away.

Tipps and tricks
1. Try to hit ur first with max range so u prop ur passive instant
2. U can dash over small walls with ur
Shuriken Flip
3. try to use ur
Assassin's Mark
as often as u can because this does big damage
4. kill enemy carry with ur ultcombo so ur team can win the fight
5.play save until u get an advantage bacause than u can snowball hard and controll the game very easy

Dont be sad if the first 50 games doesnt work like u thougt... Akali is very hard to play i have more than 200 games with her and i think i can her pretty good but it will take time to master her you will learn everygame how to play her in which situation. Try to test the limits from akali and you will get better and a liitle tip from me to you... turn off the ingamechat if u learning her because 90% of the people will flame u.

Short general info
i will keep this guide up to date, write me if u want to have an baronlane guide. Thanks for reading and i hope u got sth :) have a beautiful day.