[2.1a] Vayne Guide - Vayne 4 Everyone
Vayne 4 Everyone
Vayne Build
Best Build Guide for Vayne

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Start with
to make it into
Recurve Bow
aiming to Viego's Sword
Blade of the Ruined King
Once in here you can start to duel with sustain, always that you start hitting. Unless you go against lots of CC or burst. You will know.
Infinity Edge
adds tons of damage, and makes easier to end low life enemys.
Gluttonous Greaves
Quicksilver Enchant
is a must.You'll want to keep hitting as much as you can.
Mortal Reminder
Is great against tanks with stacked armor.
Phantom Dancer
Allows you to survive burst thanks to Lifeline shield. Also grants a bit of Movement Speed. You should buy this one before Mortal Reminder if enemy has too much burst. Even as second item
Guardian Angel
As your last item to avoid instanty dying for not having peel or gettin pickuped.
With this items you should be deletting everyone, just dont get killed so easily.
*Yes, english is not my first language. And yes, I love to create new words.
Vayne Runes
Best Runes for Vayne

Fleet Footwork
Just more AD and armor pen.
[Spirit walker] Must have. 20% Slow resistance
Sweet Tooth
Totally OP.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

[Final Hour] + [Silver Bolts] Grants invicibility when [Tumble] and attack speed, start with [Tumble] so enemy doesnt know where are you going, [Auto Attack] while moving. Always staying between your objective and a wall, so when you see your opportunity in between your combo you can use [Condemn] to stun. And [Tumble] again to proc [Silver Bolts] passive. If you get the kill time of [Final Hour] extends and you can repeat the combo till you get the penta or get killed for [Tumble] fowar vs 5

Super easy combo, use it to reset your AA.

Easy. Fast Silver Bolt trade, if u land a stun you can proc Silver Bolts, also wait for Tumble again so you maximize your dmg. (Condemn is for reseting the AA animation also)

Medium. Fast CC in an unpredictable way. Go to practice tool.

HARD. Usefull for diving or skirmishes.

Harder, but easiest to land. Invisible CC. 1v1.

Vayne Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Easy against scalling champs.