[2.2c] [2.2c] Bronze to Emerald - OTP Twisted Fate Guide
[2.2c] Bronze to Emerald - OTP Twisted Fate Guide
- Very fun champion to play
- One of the best esthetics of the game
- One of the best utility champion with his yellow card and teleport
- One Shot Late Game
- Low mobility
- Very weak versus assassins
- Need to scale
Twisted Fate Build
Best Build Guide for Twisted Fate

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Amplifying Tome is bought as first item to gives you that extra AD damage and allow you to clear the waves a bit faster, especially if you are up against a Galio, Oriana.
Rod of Ages should be your priority item. Twisted Fate is quite a squeashy champion and getting that extra HP is alsways welcomed. Also, Twisted Fate can really abuse his skills due to the low cooldowns, so extra mana is necessary.
Lich Bane is a great second item as it gives you extra move speed for mobility but also for roaming. The best use of Twisted Fate is to be able to quickly move to the lanes and help your laners win their fights.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity is the usual boots upgrade to go for as it gives you Ability Haste, giving you the possibility to spam your W faster. Then you can go for either [Statis Enchant] or
Protobelt Enchant depending on match-up.
Rapid Firecannon is a great item for Twisted Fate. As a marksman, you really want the best Attack Speed and Critical Damage possible, and also, you get a 5% Movement Speed bonus.
Rabadon's Deathcap allows you to one-shot kill enemies in late game, especially if using your Red Card or Passive.
- As a final Item, you can either go with
Void Staff for extra damage and Magic penetration, or go with
Infinity Orb or
Liandry's Torment if you need extra HP in late game. But if your team composition is well balanced, you will almost always go with
Void Staff
Twisted Fate Runes
Best Runes for Twisted Fate

Go with
Sweet Tooth
if your matchup is a bit complicated and you know you'll need some extra health and gold.

Go with
Hunter Genius
if your match-up is pretty easy.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Select your yellow card for stun, teleport near an enemy that your teamate is fighting, activate your E, then stun the enemy.
Twisted Fate Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Dodging his Q is pretty easy, and if you manage to stun him it's pretty easy to make a lot of damage to him.

Levels 1 to 4
· Make sure to last hitting the minions and farm as much as possible. Your passive will allow you to earn a lot of gold to get ahead of your matchup. Don't forget to use your Blue Card to regenerate mana and allow you to stay as long as possible in lane without needing to back up.
Levels 5 to 9
· Now you have your ultimate. Clean your lane as fast as possible with your E and your Red Card. Use your Ultimate and Yellow Card to be able to Gank your Bot Lane in order to have priority on the first dragon. Continue farming, and the mid tower is your priority to open lane.
Levels 10 to 15
· Participate in as much teamfight as possible. Twisted Fate Yellow Card is one of the most useful teamfight utility and can really change the game. Make sure to focus high damage champions, don't stun tanks. Push towers, and help your lanes as much as possible.