[2.2] Garen Guide - [2.2] Garen Spin Me Round
[2.2] Garen Spin Me Round
- Too much pressure in the lane phase
- Easy to freeze the wave
- Difficulty playing against champions with a lot of life recovery, like Mundo and Olaf
- Difficulty playing against ranged champions, like Vayne and Teemo.
Garen Build
Best Build Guide for Garen

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Long Sword against some bruiser match ups like Pantheon or Darius, remember not to make big fights with Darius because of your passive.
Cloth Armor against some AD champs like Zed, Vayne or sometimes Darius too.
Null-Magic Mantle against some AP champs like Akali or Teemo.
Phage is the main item on your first return. It is the principle of completing a
Black Cleaver . This if your match up is against a bruiser or some other AD role.
Spectre's Cowl it will be your option if you are against an AP champion and when there is enough gold turn it into
Spirit Visage .
Boots of Speed only if you have gold left. It’s not that important yet. In my opinion, it is better to close a tier 2 boots later on.
the numbers symbolize the purchase order.
Black Cleaver is basically first item on Garen cause him upgrade your max health, gives you some AD penetration and more attack damage. So you can use to abuse with your
Decisive Strike and
Judgment .
Thornmail it is good against champions who have stolen life. Generally most of the top and junglers champions use life steal in some way.
Glorious Enchant combined with the
Decisive Strike passive, you can successfully engage against your enemy. In addition to granting slowness if you hit
Decisive Strike .
Randuin's Omen makes you a little more invulnerable in teamfights. The enemy top and ADC at this point in the game will be doing a lot of critical damage. With this, you guarantee more survival to cause more damage in teamfights. Good remember to always use
Dead Man's Plate now you will practically become Lightning McQueen, in addition to the additional move speed, you can slow if the item is passive at maximum.
Spirit Visage is your final item if the mid or jungler is AP. This will also ensure that you survive their attacks. Fully optional item.
Describing only items that did not appear in the previous build.
Sterak's Gage in addition to giving you more maximum life, it also gives you more power for you to press in your lane.
- [protobelt enchant] essential against champions whose do not have enough escape to get away from you. You can also comb with
Decisive Strike .
Guardian Angel is an excellent item if you want more stability in teamfights. It also helps a lot in solo fights.
Youmuu's Ghostblade it is very useful, a good item for those who like to disturb the enemy. Offers additional move speed and penetration.
Warmog's Armor it is very useful in combination with
Perseverance . It gives you much more life in great teamfights.
Garen Runes
Best Runes for Garen

- Grasp rune for Garen is very useful. You can fastly stack him with
Judgment . In addition to granting you maximum health.
- Triumph to kill quickly. The rune gives you a extra damge with low health champions.
- Hunter Titan gives maximum health too and some tenacity against control skills.
- Mastermind to down towers and epic monsters with true damage and gives you some extra gold for this.

Describing only runes that did not appear in the previous rune specs.
- Fleet Footwork is very powerful to engage solo fights combine with
Decisive Strike and auto attacks.
- Sprit Walker is useful cause gives you extra max hp and 20% slow resistance against
Infected Cleaver ,
Winter's Bite or
Crippling Strike .
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Easy combo to kill early.

Easy combo to do before ultimate up.
Garen Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Bramble Vest
Executioner's Calling
to countered. Forces him to use the honeyfruit in tower and recall too.

Against meele champions I try to abuse. Force them to stay back, always guarding the bush from above. The easy combo:
Decisive Strike
just to make the enemy confused as to whether or not to stay ahead. I always try to make you use the honeyfruit.
Against ranged champions I try to play safe as I can. Always trying to engage in their failure. If at any time I am unable to deal enough damage to disturb you, the way is to play with your turret.
Always remembering not to push too hard and take advantage of
and always use your wards. If you play against Teemo or Evelynn switch to Oracle.