[2.2] Aurelion Sol Guide - A SOL 0death build
A SOL 0death build
- Bigger range
- Biggest AOE in the game
- Roaming capabilities
- Good moment speed
- Unbelievable damage
- Good cc skills
- Not good in close combat
- Weak against distance closers
- Low health in early game
Aurelion Sol Build
Best Build Guide for Aurelion Sol

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
First concentrate on farming and buy your core items first if you had a chance to roam GO try to roam to adc Lane use your 1ST skill and 3RD skill to roam and try to stun as many enemies as you can mark adc and use your 2ND skill finish it off with ultimate
Simple combos
- (Close range) 1,2,ult
- (Close range) flash, 1,2,ult
- (Long range) 3,1,2,ult
- (If enemy is on top of yo) u ult,1, 2
Complicated combo
- (Enemy near you tower) flash behind them use 1st skill stun them, ult push them into turret range, 2nd skill to kill him
Get 1st skill first just hit minnions wait for your 2nd skill once unlocked try to stun the enemy with 1st skill n use 2nd skill to do damage as much as possible understand your enemy if your enemy is a gap closer (yasuo, zed, Diana) play safe against them if enemy came close to you and you can't run use your ult to push them and stun them with your 1st skill and then move away from them
Try to roam as much as possible buy your core items ASAP roam with your 3rd skill + 1nd skill stun many enemies as u can use your 2nd skill to damage and once they are low in hp use your ult to finish off
I late game your enemies will be powerful as you try not to engage recklessly understand the situation and play accordingly do not try to solo enemies in late game use your 1st skill with perfect timing in team fights stun the damage delears and finish them with your ultimate be aggressive in team fights but do not engage recklessly because all enemies will target you you are a damage dealer if your trying to escape use your ult and stun them and fly away with 3rd skill
Aurelion Sol Runes
Best Runes for Aurelion Sol

Use this build when you are using My tanky build remember to use auto attacks between your combos to trigger conquer's effect

If you are using asol as a support go for this build it has moment Speen when exerting combat and helps you ally to stay longer In battle
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Close gap with flash or get behind enemy with flash 1st skill to stun 2nd damage ult to kill if not killed use ignite to kill

Hextec boots to close gap use 1st skill to stun 2nd to damage ult to kill

From Long didtance (base) use 3rd skill + 1st skill it makes your 1st skill bigger try to hit all enemies with 1st skill then 2nd skill n finish off with ultimate

I team fights when your are out numbered
Aurelion Sol Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

The Underrated dragon
Asol can jungle asol can mid asol can support asol can baron. Asol have so much potential but people don't understand that people only know asol as useless in close range champion but he has so much damage that makes you hate your game if played well asol can carry a whole team or wipe out everyone from enemy side he can easily get a ACE