[5.0] Rolling IN! - Rammus Guide
Rolling IN! - Rammus Guide
- Beginner-friendly, viable in all elos.
- Consistent, and very durable even with one item.
- Highest damage potential among tanks .
- Great mobility and CC.
- High sustain potential and great AoE damage.
- Strong against fast and continuous damage.
- Very team-reliant
- Bad at lvl 2 and prone to early invades
- Farming speed is very slow
- Can easily be kited
- Weak against AP and CC-heavy matchups
- Weak against burst damage.
Rammus Build
Best Build Guide for Rammus

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Cloth Armor or
Ruby Crystal will be your first item as it allows you to build either
Thornmail or
Sunfire Aegis . This will help your durability while farming.
Bramble Vest or
Bami's Cinder is your powerspike.
Bramble Vest allows you to deal even more damage with
Defensive Ball Curl .
Bami's Cinder does the same thing as well, but not on the same level as
Bramble Vest as it only allows you to deal magic damage to nearby enemies.
Thornmail . This item should be your first item at all times. Gives armor and health. It's passive is that it inflicts grievous wounds on your target if they hit you and reflects their damage back to them. Most of your damage will come from this item as it stacks with your
Defensive Ball Curl and it's damage also scales with armor as well.
Sunfire Aegis . Turbo Chemtank isn't added in Wild Rift yet, that's why we'll go for
Sunfire Aegis this time. Gives health and ability haste. It's passive burns enemies around you, which is useful since you're a melee champion.
Dead Man's Plate . Gives armor, bonus movement speed and health. It's passive is Momentum which can stack up to 100. Upon reaching 100 stacks, you receive more movement speed, which is useful if you want to extend your ult's range.
Randuin's Omen and
Frozen Heart . This item is useful when the ADC is ahead and you want to reduce their attack speed and crit damage overall.
Zeke's Convergence . This is a good item if you want both armor and MR and ability haste. This item is also a good choice if you want to have more impact on team fights. It's passive surrounds you a blizzard after casting your ultimate. This blizzard is very useful as it ignites your teammates attacks and slows enemies nearby for 10 seconds.
Spirit Visage . Gives you health, MR, bonus health regen and ability haste. It allows you to receive 30% more heals from other sources. Only buy this item if you have healers in your team such as
Soraka .
Abyssal Mask and
Force of Nature . These should be your go-to item if your up against AP matchups.
Abyssal Mask gives MR, health, mana and ability haste and allows you to deal extra 15% magic damage to nearby enemies and restores mana per kill. This is useful considering your abilities also scale with AP.
Force of Nature gives health and MR, and for every magic damage you receive, you gain bonus movement speed and MR.
Warmog's Armor . Gives health, bonus health regen and ability haste. Regens 5% of your health if you're out of combat for 5 seconds. Only build this with
Spirit Visage because they work well together and you don't receive any resistances with this item.
Guardian Angel . Gives armor and AD. You're not going to be buying this for the AD bonus. You're going to be buying it for the armor and the resurrection just in-case you die a lot.
Iceborn Gauntlet . If you're going for a on-hit
Rammus build.
Iceborn Gauntlet gives armor, mana and ability haste. It's passive makes your basic attacks create an icy field that slows enemies.
Lich Bane ,
Rabadon's Deathcap , and
Liandry's Torment . If you're going full damage. But then again, unless you're smurfing in low elo, this is a troll build.
Boots of Swiftness is the best choice for
Rammus . This item gives more movement speed than the other boot items and it's passive reduces slow effects by 30%. This is good for his
Defensive Ball Curl because it slows him when it's active and this boot item will reduce the slow from his
Defensive Ball Curl . This also helps you against kiting ADC with built-in slows.
Plated Steelcaps and [mercury treads] will make you more durable, but you'll be more prone to kiting with these items.
Gargoyle Enchant is the best item for
Rammus . You're a tank after all, and this item allows you to tank even more.
Redeeming Enchant is also good for
Rammus especially when you want a bit more survivability during team fights.
Protobelt Enchant is good too if you want to surprise your enemies with your taunt.
Teleport Enchant is also good if you're playing
Rammus in Baron lane.
Glorious Enchant
! You already gain enough movement speed from
Dead Man's Plate
Boots of Swiftness
. Buying this enchant is useless and doesn't benefit your team. NEVER buy [stasis enchant] and
Quicksilver Enchant
either, you're a tank, not an ADC or an assassin.
Rammus Runes
Best Runes for Rammus

This is the best rune set you'll ALWAYS have to use when playing
. Among other keystones,
is by far the best for
. The best thing about this keystone isn't the fact that it has a ridiculous stat burst, it's the damage you will deal around you after performing your combo. The armor and MR you receive from this keystone is a bonus as it helps you deal more damage with your second skill. Triumph grants you heals after every champion takedown.
helps you traverse across the map.

This build is very good in late game as
Font of Life
allows your teammates to heal 3% of their HP after slowing an enemy.
is also good as it helps you stack armor and MR. Even then, the first rune set is still a better choice. (Update: After Patch 2.3, this rune set has become better, but still inferior to

This rune set is also good.
Phase Rush
gives you a burst of movement speed and slow resist for a few seconds. This is going to be great in duels, however, you lack durability from
allows you and your teammates to deal 5% more damage against slowed enemies. Since you're less tankier with
Phase Rush
would be the good choice especially that it's been buffed recently
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

This is your skill combo during laning phase in jungle. Keep in mind your wave clear is very slow so ask for a leash early game.

This is your skill combo once you hit level 3 and start ganking.

This combo is usually used in teamfights where your enemies are usually grouped together. You can also use this to surprise your oppenents (assuming they don't ward at all).

This combo is effective against enemies trying to escape.
Rammus Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Master Yi
is an auto-attack champion, and
counters those type of champions. While the true damage on
Wuju Style
basically ignores his armor, he is still not a threat against

General Tips as a Jungler
Here, I'll be telling you the tips to become a very effective jungler. This doesn't only apply to
, this applies to every jungler as well. Not a lot of guides teach this, so it's important for me to tell you this:
- Be nice. Spread positivity and try to inspire people to win games and do their best to win the game.
- Have patience, discipline and have fun.
- Spend less time in learning micros (champion specific mechanics) and start learning macros (strategic priorities and game-changing decisions).
- Learn from high level junglers through guides, replays, and pro players. You can watch half of the LoL guides from Youtube and they would still apply in Wild Rift.
- Look for shutdowns. Shutdown gold is the best way to a comeback.
- Read patch notes and check what currently is meta. If you want to climb, abuse meta champions, or broken off-meta picks/builds.
- Be physically and mentally healthy. If you're on a lose-streak, it's probably best to put the game down for a moment. Tilting causes you to perform worse.
- Find reliable duo partners that you can synergize with.
- Practice. Practice. Practice. Don't try a new champion/build in ranked games.
"I deserve a higher rank, but my team is always holding me back."
Game knowledge, experience and situational adaptation is the key to success in Wild Rift. Most of this game is about outwitting your opponent with a superior strategy, if you ignore the toxic part of the community that flames and trolls every game, that is.
"I played [insert amount] games, but I'm still stuck in [insert rank]."
One thing is playing a lot, learning from your mistakes and fixing them, yet you keep getting matched with people who don't know how to play. The other is you making the same mistakes over and over, thinking something will change while bringing your team down with you.
Although wintrading is an issue, I doubt Challengers got to where they are without trying to identify their mistakes and fix them. Of course, it's safe to say they probably didn't get their alone. They probably played duo, trio or even full team. Most of them may or may not be soloq players at all.
"Jungle is hard. Teammates keep blaming me for their mistakes."
It depends, really. Is the midlaner dying repeatedly despite you ganking their lane multiple times? It's probably their fault. Is the bot laner blaming you for not helping their lane when their losing? 50/50. There is a saying "Never gank a losing lane." so it's probably their fault for playing badly. At the same time, their jungler invaded their lane before you and it's probably your fault that you keep farming while the enemy jungler is putting pressure on their lane. What I'm saying is, you'll get matched with bad players who'll try to blame you for their mistakes when it's convenient. It's best to mute them and focus on snowballing the winning laner.
"The learning curve is steep."
Yes. Wild Rift is much harder and much more complex than most mobile MOBAs out there. It doesn't help that it's just a casual version of League of Legends, which is even harder if you have no experience in MOBAs. Right now, Wild Rift has 65 champions and it keeps increasing for every patch. While it is nice to learn more roles and champions to improve general game knowledge, your progress will be a lot slower. It's best to learn 1 or 2 champs for every role than learn every champion.

Objectives and Fighting
- Losing a drake early does not mean you lose the whole game. There are many factors on how you win games. If anything, it's better if you prioritize Rift Herald as it has more impact.
- Do Outer Turrets before Inner Turrets and Inner Turrets before Inhibitors. Prioritize turret pressure very highly.
- Fight for vision on very important objectives such as Baron Nashor and Elder Dragon. Killing Rift Scuttlers will make it less likely for the enemy team to engage objectives as it gives you vision.
- The map in Wild Rift is very small, so think twice about split pushing. Don't let your team get rolled 4v5 especially in late game.
- If you're ahead, force objectives. If you're behind, farm between towers and camps until you reach your power spike.
- Prioritize Elder Dragon before Baron Nashor. Elder Dragon has higher team fight potential.
- Make an aggressive/defensive plan for an invade. You're farming speed is slow so always expect enemies to invade your camps.
- As
Rammus , avoid fighting until you're level 3.
- Look for lanes you can easily gank, especially for you and the enemy jungler.
- Don't duel until you hit your power spike.
- Target ADCs and other carries early to mid game. Peel for your own carries in late game.
- Recall with your team, not when your team is rushing for a team fight.

Farming and Vision
- Start at Red, so you can gank ASAP and to avoid getting invaded early.
- Do the Krugs as much as possible. They are the most valuable camps in terms of experience and gold.
- Track the respawn timers of your camps. Ideally, you'd return to them after they respawn.
- When no ganks are available, you can target multi-target camps and delay their respawn timers by leaving one raptor/krug alive.
- Wolves are the least priority when farming.
- As
Rammus , you should utilize using your AoE damage against multi-target camps like raptors/krugs. This way you are very safe from invades and waste less time moving around the map looking for plays.
- Switch to the red sweeper in early game. This will allow you to kill wards just in-case the enemy team has vision advantage. Use this to prevent ganks and prevent invades.
- As a jungler, it is YOUR main job to deny enemy vision. Having a support help you deny vision is also good.
- Set up vision for your next objective.
- Kill Rift Scuttlers. They're basically free wards.
Red Smite or Blue Smite?
Back then, I used to think that either Red Smite or Blue Smite was better than the other. Turns out that from so guides I've read and watched, it's just a silly assumption that content creators and streamers use to blabber around about on how one is better than the other. As with most things in Wild Rift, it's situational. It depends on your team comp, your playstyle, and lanes you wanna prioritize.
Chilling Smite for
is much more common in high elo because people tend to play safer and less aggressive with good defensive vision. It's a great gap close against very mobile champions and is amazing with teams that coordinate well.
Challenging Smite basically acts as a mini-exhaust/mini-ignite. Very useful for duels especially if you can't depend on your team to carry. If you want to snowball, then this is a good choice for you.
Dragon Priority: Elder Dragons (when available) > Cloud Dragon > Infernal Dragon > Mountain Dragon > Ocean Dragon

Strategic Advice
In champion select, you should think about a plane for every phase of the game while also thinking about the matchups and win conditions for both teams. You can watch videos and search up tier lists for champions in their respective roles and define if these champions counter yours. Under normal circumstances, you should never pick your champion your up against a hard matchup unless you're confident enough to counter your counters.
If the enemy team has a
or a
, they are likely going to be high priority picks for junglers as they have incredible in mid-late game. Most people want to prioritize scaling champions such as
because he has weak early games and terrifying late games.
You should not ignore, nor highly prioritize baron laners such as
early. They remain relevant regardless if they are behind.

Early Game
The most consistent early game items for
Bramble Vest
Bami's Cinder
. They're cheap and allow you to hit your power spike very quickly, providing great clear, damage and formidable proxy.
For boots, I prefer
Boots of Swiftness
. It reduces self slow from
Defensive Ball Curl
and allows you to chase enemies easier.
You can also buy
Mercury's Treads
Plated Steelcaps
if you want to peel more for your ADC and if you don't like engaging fights.
Make sure you have sweeping lens instead of the warding trinket.

Mid-Late Game
By the time mid game comes, you probably have
or [sunfire aegies] built combined with boots. However, I usually find it better that after building either of those items, you rush
Dead Man's Plate
as it gives you movement speed, armor and health. For enchants, you should probably have
Gargoyle Enchant
A lot of tank items are viable for
Frozen Mallet
. Even AP and lethality items are very good for
if you're planning for a full damage build.
Alternatively, you could switch
Boots of Swiftness
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
for more ability haste.
On late game, you should probably have your core items and your building your 5th item. Instead of engaging, you should probably peel for your ADC. Avoid engaging fights without your team. Prioritize Elder Dragon over Baron Nashor if available.

Favorite Matchups
Enchanter supports like
are your BFFs when playing
. These enchanter supports provide CC, heals and other buffs to your allies including you. Tank Supports like
, and
are good as well as they provide CC, allowing you to hit your combos better. However, you're better off using other junglers besides
considering you already have a tank on your team. Adjust to your team composition! Only play
if the team desperately needs a tank and if you're against AD heavy matchups.