[2.3] Akali Guide - Breaking Ranks With Akali
Breaking Ranks With Akali
- Extremely Mobile
- High Outplay Potential
- Insane Damage
- High Skill Cap
- Squishy
- Highly Vulnerable To CC [Crowd Control]
Akali Build
Best Build Guide for Akali

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
So with
you want to itemize around items with AP [Ability Power], and remember your going toplane and will be dealing with Bruisers [Champions which build armor as well as damage items] and Tanks [Champions which build only armor items] , so you don't want to go a glass canon build as you'll have no sustain so here how we itemize:
Amplifying Tome : Gives a bit of AP which is always good, best item for starting on
Akali currently also this can build into literally any AP item.
Important Note: Do not take
Long Sword
as it doesn't scale on
as she is an ability based champion and her abilites scale on AP.
Liandry's Torment : This item is an amazing combination of tankiness and AP, its passive is absolutely devastating and enables you to shred tanks easily as it burns them on their max health, so especially good against champs like
Malphite , also lanes like
Dr. Mundo and
Fiora which heal a lot gets relatively a bit easier cause you burn and their healing is reduced due to it. I always rush this item as its a must and should never be replaced with items like
Hextech Gunblade when playing top.
Rabadon's Deathcap : A must for most AP assassin gives an insane amount of AP and enables you to snowball extremely hard, however if your losing lane replace this item with
Hextech Gunblade cause its costly
- [stasis enchant] : Extremely useful in teamfights as you'll mostly be targeting squishes on the backline, this helps a lot especially in sticky situations where you get lockdown, a few seconds can help you get you abelites back from cooldown. also can negate ultimate's like [zed:ult]
Unstoppable Force , remember timing plays a key role here, you don't wanna use it when
Malphite has already used his
Unstoppable Force on you and your airborne as it will not trigger it.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity : An amazing item, gives movement speed and sprint like any other tier 2 boots. Provides ability haste which means you'll be able to spam your abilities more often. also it gives 15% CDR on summoners spell which is amazing.
Mercury's Treads : A really good option worth considering. You should rush this if the opposition is filled with Hard CC as it gives you 35% tenacity which is huge and no item provides tenacity except for
Mercury's Treads , plus it provides with a bit of magic resistance which is always welcomed.
Teleport Enchant : useful in a lot of ways, for example you see a chance to get a double kill bot side, you simply push your wave quickly and
Teleport Enchant botside. besides you can even help secure objectives like dragon which are far from you, but remember, you should teleport only if you are extremely sure you are going to find a kill or secure an objective cause you'll lose XP from minions in your lane, so if you gained nothing from that teleport than you simply wasted time and let that precious XP and Gold get away, which can be a game changer.
Quicksilver Enchant : Really good item if your getting locked down and the team as hard CC, take this if you feel your going to get burst down before the fight even starts, especially in team comps containing champions like
Amumu who can change the tide of the battle with his ult
Curse Of The Sad Mummy
Awakened Soulstealer : Solid item as it gives you Ability Haste on your ultimate as you stack them, but due to the addition of mana, which is useless on
Akali , it isnt that optimal unless your sure your gonna get a decent amount of kills.
Lich Bane : This is actually a pretty amazing item, it gives you already empowered AA increased damage by a ton, the main problem is the usage of the AA, if you dont use AA that much or probably dont have much time to exceute AA, which makes it a bit of an optional item.
Guardian Angel : This item basically just gives you a second life, you should only take this if you feel like you have enough damage but need the sustain in exchange, remember this item does not provide any useful damage for
Akali and should only be taken to secure you lead and from getting shutdown if you have a huge bounty on you.
Akali Runes
Best Runes for Akali

In my opinion,
Fleet Footwork
in many ways,
- It Helps a lot in the Laning phase as it provides healing plus movement speed,
- We are able to skip
Hunter Vampirism as we get healing from this rune.
- it scales really well, so you get quite a good amount of healing in the mid- late game.

This Rune page provides stacks of
on each attack per cast, so basically you get bonus AD or AP, it stacks up to 5 times, once stacked, it gives 10% Bonus AD or AP. So you could take this into matchups where your confident you can snowball your lead and your Laning against a weak counter.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Basic Combo
Most basic combo you'll be using to harass and poke your opponent, its basically just using your
Five Point Strike
and then using her
Assassin's Mark
then when you get out of energy, you pop up your shroud
Twilight Shroud
to regain energy as well as invisibility.

This Combo extremely useful as u can do damage quickly and disengage quickly, the main idea is to use
Shuriken Flip
on a cannon minion as it will take time to die as you dont want to be kept hanging if the minion dies before you could activate it then do some damage and get back by pressing
Shuriken Flip

Pre lvl 5 All In
Best Combo for killing an enemy pre lvl 5

Quick One Shot Combo
A real quick way to finish a squishy opponent.

Now I'm going to Show you Some Juicy content right here, check this out
Q Flash Combo
You Can Catch the Enemy off guard with this trick that I'm 100% sure they wont guess it coming :)

Akali Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Basically you just need to utilize your
Five Point Strike
Assassin's Mark
, remember this is crucial, you need to utilize your
Assassin's Mark
on each
Five Point Strike
you hit. This will maximize your damage.

A Little About Myself