[2.2c] Galio Guide [GG!]
Galio Guide [GG!]
- > Excellent teamfighter
- > Tanky
- > Good cc
- He's weak to AD champions which can stack conqueror
- Weaker in support role
- Needs a team
Galio Build
Best Build Guide for Galio

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
is a versitale champion who can fit to any team ,
play style revolves around building AP/tank items with alot of health, basically a AP bruiser who can either go Full ap machine while being tanky to building tank items and peeling for your teammates.
Now, let's take a look into those builds and I will introduce them to you.
let's start with the starter item/starter item#2
Why amplyfing tomb?;
basically amplyfing tomb will make you push the wave and poke enemy letting you get priority in lane.
Ok, so why we are building health instead of amplyfing tomb Im supposed to beat opponent in my lane!!
Health crystal will give you more sustain in lane (by sustain I mean more survivability)
so in tougher matchups like corki/akali/yasuo or zed we need extra HP while dealing with those bastards.
Core items should ALWAYS BE;
Rod of Ages
good scaling item, good HP, gives mana.
Liandry's Torment
good statistics, that's what galio needs the most, HP, passive of this item and ap ratio are good.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
this item will give you slow to catch up enemies and get your combo on them.
lets take a look to full build actually the most of the time you will build it
Rod of ages i explained before what this item does and why this benefits galio
Liandry's has alot hp in it (250) which galio loves to build, good passive, and ap on this item are good
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
this item will give you slow to catch up enemies and get your combo on them.
Boots are dependant on enemy team you go for Merc treads if enemy has alot of cc/ap champions, tabis if they have alot of AA champions or just ad.
Boot enchant are either zhonyas which is good in most cases, protobelt for extra dash if you want and feel confident about beating opponents, locket enchant if you're support or you're behind, movement speed boost is good too but I don't recommend it.
Lich Bane
works well with your passive and COMBO that you usually do with galio.
Rabadon deathcap, combined with your AP items (never on 2nd item slot) will increase your overall AP, its RECOMMENDED to build it when you're ahead, or even, if you are behind just get void staff or
Infinity Orb
for extra damage.
In second build I showed to you tank items paired with the HP AP items which has good synergy with galio, because he LOVES TO HAVE MORE AND MORE HP, this build also works well if you're against full AD team who doesn't have any champions who deal magic damage.
RoA because of how much health it gives + ap, scales good into mid-late game
Liandry's has good amount of HP, good AP and passive which is allowing you to burn your enemies.
Spirit Visage
works well if you have enchanter on your side, his healing is increased on you by some percent, also is to take if you're versus magic type of champion in mid lane.
Abyssal Mask
has good statistics, magic resist, and passive is also good if you stay close to enemy champion, he takes 15% or 10% more magic damage.
[Locket enchant] helps you out keeping teammates alive by a second or even more, you can also buy redemption if you feel like teammates HP bar is going down fast.
last item is completely situational you buy those when:
in enemy team they have soraka/nami or someone who is healing alot buy [Thormnail]
if you want to run down people fast, go for [Deadman's plate]
if you feel like enemy is attacking too fast go for
Randuin's Omen
or either
Frozen Heart
if you want some big d- energy go for
Rabadon's Deathcap
situational items which depends on enemy team comp
Void Staff
is for going ham on those who refuse to die.
is for those who heal too much.
Force of Nature
when enemy has AP champion who really is annoying and deals too much damage
Galio Runes
Best Runes for Galio

this rune is mainly used and runned in 99% of mine games
Basically, aftershock is the best rune if you're a champion who has cc because when you go in and cc enemies you have for 2.5 extra armor and mr which is able to keep you alive
conditioning here is the best for
since it gives you delayed 8 bonus AR\MR.
Weakness is the best fitting rune for
since you have cc and if you CC someone it will help you and your teammates to smash someone faster
sweet tooth in general is the best for sustain which galio needs in tougher matchups.

this rune is mainly used for sustain in lane who will help you playing against ranged matchups such as
(if someone gonna play her into you)
, but you can use simply conditioning vs ahri.
You can add to this rune tree brutal, it will help you vs tankier compositions, you can replace it with weakness if you dont face against tankier enemy team composition.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

most basic combo on galio

If you want to catch enemy in surprise or you're in teamfight that combo help you caught them.

If you want to catch enemy with protobelt then this combo will help you (I will post later youtube videos with these combos)
Galio Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
easy matchup,
is easy to beat in mid lane. you will outscale him, and you will be more useful in teamfights

remember that you need to
keep placings wards always, they are free and you let people from you're team help to see if someone is coming or to help to spot a jungler.
dont fight when you're behind, especially with galio, if it's teamfight, play it safe dont over play it if you see it's not winnable just go, there is no way you will go for 3v5 2v4 or 2v3.
in mid to late game bring your oracle lense to keep spoting enemy wards, if you're the only person who wards don't bring oracle lense to the party.
watch your replays if you fail, there is always something to do better analyze your mistakes.