by Lukipop

[2.3] Seraphine Guide - Pitch Perfect - Seraphine support guide

Patch 2.3
July 03, 2021 06:37

Pitch Perfect - Seraphine support guide

Learn how to play Seraphine, the correct items and runes, cool tricks and how to sing your way to victory.


  • Long range skills.
  • Solid poke and damage.
  • Gets stronger with more allies - a team fight machine.
  • Has potential to melt turrets like ice cream.
  • Can initiate fights, with good damage as well.
  • scales into a carry late game.


  • Squishy as a plushy
  • skills take time to cast, allowing enemies to reposition.
  • extremely long cooldowns during early game
  • Offers very little heals and only one shield ability
  • Doesn't have good synergy with support items as other supports
  • Probably sells weird bath waters

Seraphine Build

Best Build Guide for Seraphine

Starting items
Boots of Speed
Sapphire Crystal
Boots and first item
Redeeming Enchant
Locket Enchant
Archangel's Staff
Luden's Echo
If you wanna carry
Liandry's Torment
Rabadon's Deathcap
Void Staff
You could sup but...
Harmonic Echo
Athene's Unholy Grail
Ardent Censer

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

I like to take Sapphire CrystalSapphire Crystal since buying Archangel's StaffArchangel's Staff for SeraphineSeraphine is very important. It gives a lot of CDR and also tons of mana to spam skills as much as you want.

As for me, I like to build this item before Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed I always prefer to buy stackable items first, since the earlier you fully stack them - the better. Take Luden's EchoLuden's Echo afterwards, since it will offer you more CDR, more mana and the passive effect is good since seraphine has skills that are designed to hit entire teams.

But if you prefer speed, take Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed and upgrade to Ionian Boots of LucidityIonian Boots of Lucidity , and top it of with Redeeming EnchantRedeeming Enchant or [locket enchant], depending on the situation. I typically take [locket enchant] against burst champions such as KatarinaKatarina , since the shield is instant and cannot be shut down by Grevious wounds. In other cases I recommand Redeeming EnchantRedeeming Enchant because the utility it offers is greater, and its also cheaper. 

Now my loves, if carrying as seraphine is what your truly aiming to achieve - Build her like a mage, and don't take even a single tank item. Remember the rule: More AP - More DHS (damage, heal, shield). The items consist of Liandry's TormentLiandry's Torment since it will also cause your passive notes to trigger its effects, Rabadon's DeathcapRabadon's Deathcap for more AP, and MorellonomiconMorellonomicon for anti-heal, magic pen, and some HP. If the enemy doesn't have a lot of heals, take Void StaffVoid Staff instead. Its cheaper and offers the same AP.

Now for the reason why I think support mage items are NOT ideal for SeraphineSeraphine . Here is a thing all these items have in common - you have to shield or heal to trigger their effects. SeraphineSeraphine only has one ability that does so, and Its cooldown is quite long, even in late game. So where a support like SonaSona can trigger the effects all the time, SeraphineSeraphine will be able to do so about once per team fight. That's why I believe building her as a full mage is more rewarding. 

Seraphine Runes

Best Runes for Seraphine


So a brief explanation for each rune and why its good:

1. A full burst combo from SeraphineSeraphine will almost always trigger ElectrocuteElectrocute . This is a nightmare to deal with during early game, especially if SeraphineSeraphine has good aim.

2. Yea, more ap is more damage, but the number of people SeraphineSeraphine can CC is huge, and making them recieve more damage from all sources is far greater. 

3. LoyaltyLoyalty for more defense for you and the adc that's near you.

4. MastermindMastermind ?! Why would you pick such a rune?! Here's why: Each one of SeraphineSeraphine notes can hit turrets, and they are considered as individual projectiles. This means that EACH one of your notes will deal extra damage to turrets. This will make you melt them like they are nothing, and if your team is near, its even stronger! Not to mention that you gain bonus Gold from doing so. So if you've helped take down about 4 turrets, that's bonus 480 gold!

Taking this rune will also make it easier for SeraphineSeraphine to steal epic monsters if needed. 

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Stage Presence
Stage Presence - Passive
High Note
High Note
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Surround Sound
Surround Sound
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Beat Drop
Beat Drop
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Best spell - take it.
If the enemy lacks burst damage this is a good spell.
Very good spell to shut down champions that rely on ult, such as diana or kennen.


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Beat Drop
High Note
Auto Attack
Surround Sound
Auto Attack

Make sure that Stage PresenceStage Presence is fully stacked. Root your enemy with Beat DropBeat Drop . then follow up with High NoteHigh Note and a basic attack. This will also add all the notes that you stacked into the combo. If you'd like, you can also use   Surround SoundSurround Sound to block any attacks the enemy might throw, and then basic attack again after stacking more notes. 

Combined with ElectrocuteElectrocute this combo can take about 1/3 HP from any adc during laning phase.

Beat Drop
High Note
Auto Attack

It's best to stack your Stage PresenceStage Presence fully before ulting. After using EncoreEncore , use Beat DropBeat Drop while the enemy is still charmed. Since the charm also slows, using Beat DropBeat Drop will stun the enemy afterwards, allowing you to extend the CC time while also landing High NoteHigh Note easily. You can also use a basic attack to release all those notes you stacked. 

Seraphine Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters


He might have a lot of damage early game - but so do you. And you also outrange him, making it hard for him to get close.


Some more tips and tricks

1. EncoreEncore is better use as a follow up skill for other CC abilities such as Unstoppable ForceUnstoppable Force or Curse Of The Sad MummyCurse Of The Sad Mummy , Since it takes time to cast.

2. SeraphineSeraphine can have up to 3 notes from Stage PresenceStage Presence . Make sure to use them before stacking new ones.

3. SeraphineSeraphine will trigger the heal from Surround SoundSurround Sound when she's shielded from any source. This is why the mountain drake becomes a priority to kill, since it will shield you all the time.

4. Beat DropBeat Drop will root enemies that were slowed by any source, making it a nice follow-up skill with skills such as Make It RainMake It Rain and Frost ShotFrost Shot .

5.The same is true for the stun, which can be trigger on enemies that were rooted from abilities such as BladecallerBladecaller or Flame Chompers!Flame Chompers! .

6. Remember to keep your persona and smile, it will make your teammates less likely to tilt :)

Look at the nice things other people said!
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3 years ago
Seraphine is a teamfight champion so I don't think Mastermind is good. But I see your idea. Get gold to buy AP Items. This guide is decent but I'd prefer Utility Sera. Good job!
3 years ago
Also, you're a support. You need to allow your teammates to farm. This is going to be hard for you to build AP Build since they are high cost items.
3 years ago
Ngl, I think Full Utility Support Seraphine is probably better than this AP build. She can just proc all of her passive items by healing and shielding with Font of Life.