[2.3] Garen Guide - Garen Tank too OP for Patch 2.3A
Garen Tank too OP for Patch 2.3A
- Can learn how to play Garen properly
- You can dominate any elos
Garen Build
Best Build Guide for Garen

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Sunfire Aegis
- always going to be the first item for all tanks. It gives Ability Haste, Health and has a good item passive which is Immolate.
Dead Man's Plate
needs this to catch up to the turret because of the Movement passive so that you can catch up to enemies and damage then with your
and good too for running away from fights. This item also gives you extra magic damage and tankiness.
Plated Steelcaps
Gargoyle Enchant
- Gives Armor + extra tankiness and survivability when in combat.
Spirit Visage
- Greatly scales with his
because this item can increase your healing and gives AP resistance.
- ALWAYS buy this if you have the edge. This item scales with your armor and can reflect damage to enemies because of the
Bramble Vest
Sterak's Gage
- Buy this if you want extra AD and survivability when reaching low health.
Force of Nature
- Build this item if the enemy composition has too many Magic in it. It also synergizes with your
Dead Man's Plate
because this item give Movement Speed too.
Abyssal Mask
- Really want to build this when enemy just scales too much with AP.
Garen Runes
Best Runes for Garen

Grasp of the Undying
- This keystone synergizes with his tankiness and his [Garen:Passive].
- This is best because at early game,
is just ideal for safeplaying and harassing enemies with your 1st.
[Regeneration] - increases his passive healing.
Hunter Genius
really needs Ability Haste.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Decisive Strike
Gargoyle Enchant
Demacian Justice
is the always effective combo for all situations.

The early trade combo.
Decisive Strike
Garen Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
You can just deny her abilities by using your 1st when she comes to you and damage her with 3rd

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Thanks for reading my
guide! Now go forth and fight for Demacia!