[2.2c] Diana Guide - Diana Top Level Deep Guide
Diana Top Level Deep Guide
- You can 1v2 easily in mid game
- You can 1 shot adc and mages
- You have a very good AOE ULT
- You can duel with any one without any life steal
- You can tank the fights in some situation
- You can stick on a target very easily
- You are weak until level 6
- You can't really catch up when you fell behind
- You are not gonna be able to deal any damage in lane until level 3
Diana Build
Best Build Guide for Diana

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Bruiser Build
This is the build hat you are often gonna use because you are gonna be able to stay in fights longer.
Rod of Ages
This item is very good for Diana because you are gonna get good amount of health , mana and ap damage from this item.
After 5 minutes you are gonna get 200 health, 100 mana and 60 ability power.
This item works extremely good with Dianas passive
Moonsilver Blade
because you are gonna be able to activate your passive way more quickly with this item because this item prevents bonus insane amount of attack speed.
3.[statis enchant]
This item is gonna give you insane amount of survivability in team fights and while diving under tower you might want to buy [ionian boots of luciditiy] because you are gonna be able to escapes from fight with your second ability [diana:2] or even take down enemies.
I think I don't even have to talk how strong this item is it gives you insane amount of ap.
Infinity Orb
This item is very good for taking down weak heroes because this provides you to deal crit damage to enemies below 35% health and this is an insane thing in some situations you might want to buy this item before [rabadon's deathcap].
If you are to ahead you can buy this item before [rabadon's deathcap] and dominate hall game.
6.Last items
There are 2 main and 1 unusual options in last item
Void Staff
if ay team has
Force of Nature
you need to buy this item against them because with this item you are gonna be able to deal more damage to them.
if any team doesn't have [force of nature] you definitely want to go with this item because this provides more health and cursed passive can do a lot more job than you might thing.
Hextech Gunblade
this item provides you magical and physical vamp and good amount of damage and slow every 30s you might want to buy these item against opponent team has a lot of weak heroes and you sure you can 1 shot all.
Burst Build
I usually pick this build if I know I will gonna be ahead in early game and be able to dominate all lanes because with this build if you get 2 or 3 kills in 5 min mark you are gonna be unstoppable in fights and just gonna 1 shot every one in mid-late game the only difference with other build is this build doesn't have as much as survivability as other build. If you are a beginner in Diana you might want to go with Bruiser Build.
Diana Runes
Best Runes for Diana

You might want to pick this rune set for Bruiser Build

You might want to pick this rune set for Burst Build
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

This is the most basic combo and easy to do in all situations

This combo is way better for quick trades in lane you are gonna hit minions 2 times then attack to enemy

I don't had enough place for this combo because this is a very long combo so look at combo 4# for to see how it continues.

Combo is like this if you practice for this combo you are gonna win all 1v1 and even 1v2 if you are a bit ahead.
Diana Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
You need to wait until level 3 to beat this hero after you reach level 3 you can get him every time with basic combo

Early Game
You want to be more passive until you reach level 5 because you are not usually gonna win trades easily but when you reach level 5 you will be their night mare.

Mid Game
Clear your wave and go to gangs and get easy kills with your ult you are gonna be unstoppable.

Late Game
You might want to get enemy adc and mage because they have lower health ad you can do this with very easily with your second ability
Lunar Rush

Videos to watch
Here is a top level gameplay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4CiFpCRctM&ab_channel=DarkbreakerDarkbreaker you can watch this and learn more about diana.