by Lukipop

[2.3] Become the storm! Janna guide

Patch 2.3
June 13, 2021 10:26

Become the storm! Janna guide

Learn how to use, Itemize and utilize Janna - The fastest support in the game!


  • Has the fastest movement speed potential out of everyone!
  • Incredibly strong level 1 powerspike.
  • Can deny any hard engage champions.
  • So far the only support in the game that offers bonus AD
  • Can freaking float!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Has no heals besides her ult, making her weaker against healer supports in early game.
  • Gets easily countered by champions like Nami, who can initiate fights from far.
  • Her main form of crowd control takes ALOT of time to fully charge
  • Her poke range is rather short - has to get close to use it.
  • Her ult is a huge "stun me" sign, and can be easily shut down by a single CC ability.

Janna Build

Best Build Guide for Janna

Starting Items
Boots of Speed
Core Items
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Redeeming Enchant
Ardent Censer
Harmonic Echo
Athene's Unholy Grail
For really REALLY big shields
Rabadon's Deathcap
Lich Bane

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

JannaJanna 's passive gives her 8% bonus movement speed regarding of what she does, and upgrading ZephyrZephyr first will give her yet another 8% boost. Buying Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed first, along with these two bonuses, will turn you into the FASTEST level 1 champion in the game! This will allow you to deep-ward or check bushes with much more ease when the game starts, since no one will be able to catch up to you. 

I would always rush boots item first, since JannaJanna benefits a lot from movement speed. However, I don't think she really needs Boots of SwiftnessBoots of Swiftness as badly as people may think. Janna is already fast enough even without them in my opinion, and boots such as Ionian Boots of LucidityIonian Boots of Lucidity are much more beneficial, since they offer the bonus ability haste and the shorter summoner spells cooldown. I would also attach Redeeming EnchantRedeeming Enchant or [locket enchant], depending on the situation, of course.

After that, the trio of support items comes in: Ardent CenserArdent Censer for adc's who benefit from attack speed, Harmonic EchoHarmonic Echo to give your shields a healing ability as well, and Athene's Unholy GrailAthene's Unholy Grail for more heals and MR. 

DO NOT TAKE Zeke's ConvergenceZeke's Convergence OR Protector's VowProtector's Vow . I REPEAT, DO NOT TAKE THESE ITEMS!!!

Sure, these items might make you a bit bulkier and harder to take down, but these items offer NO BONUS AP! In all my guides I talked about how more AP= Better heals, shields and buffs, and in JannaJanna 's case, her bonus AD from her Eye Of The StormEye Of The Storm scales with AP! if you manage to get to later stages of the game and have Rabadon's DeathcapRabadon's Deathcap in your arsenal, your Eye Of The StormEye Of The Storm will give as much as 75 BONUS AD! Imagine a DravenDraven with that buff!!!

If you somehow do reach your last item, which is very unlikely to happen, you can either take Lich BaneLich Bane for bonus ability haste, AP and movement speed, or MorellonomiconMorellonomicon for the anti-heal effect.

Janna Runes

Best Runes for Janna

Summon Aery
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band
Manaflow Band

I would take Summon AerySummon Aery for bonus pokes and shields, WeaknessWeakness since besides your shiled, every other ability triggers it. LoyaltyLoyalty to help your adc be a little bit more beefy, and Manaflow BandManaflow Band to use your skills a little bit more carelessly without having to recall every two seconds. 

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Tailwind - Passive
Howling Gale
Howling Gale
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Eye Of The Storm
Eye Of The Storm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Really? We all know how important this spell is - taaaaake it!!!
Good for all-in champions who are very ult relient.
Good if the enemy doesn't have burst heroes, as it can heal a lot in terms of damage over time.


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Howling Gale
Auto Attack

If you managed to fully stack a Howling GaleHowling Gale and hit the enemy, make sure to basic attack FIRST before you use ZephyrZephyr , as you will have bonus magic damage.

Redeeming Enchant

Make the perfect healing storm by combining MonsoonMonsoon and Redeeming EnchantRedeeming Enchant together. The areas of effects are the exact same size!

Eye Of The Storm
Auto Attack

If you want to poke but afraid of taking damage while doing so, just shield yourself first :)

Janna Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Jarvan Iv
Jarvan Iv
Lee Sin
Lee Sin

This guy is as useful as a garlic at a vampire dinner when he's level 1 - the complete exact opposite of you! Harass him during that time and he might be so low, he won't be even able to engage! Also your MonsoonMonsoon can push him away when he goes in.


How to bring the storm

1. Always be the leader of any chase. Remember that TailwindTailwind gives bonus movement speed to allies moving TOWARDS Janna. 

2. You can also use that and lead a retreat, just remember to always be the first one ahead.

3.You are the fastest level 1 champion - make use of it by invading and deep-warding!

4. Remember that Eye Of The StormEye Of The Storm also gives bonus AD, so make use of it offensively by giving it to your adc or any AD base champion before they go in for an attack.

5.Use Howling GaleHowling Gale as a safety net to either ward in the enemy bushes or seal areas where they might walk through. If they try to jump you or pass through - Release the storm on their butts!

6. Don't use MonsoonMonsoon Just to heal your team. Remember that this is a tool to push back engaging champions and reset the fight for your team. 

7. During laning, try to place Howling GaleHowling Gale in bushes or behind walls, so the enemy won't know when they are coming to hit them. 

8.Remember that your adc is not the only one who benefits from Eye Of The StormEye Of The Storm bonus AD. Other champions like OlafOlaf , Lee SinLee Sin and even AkaliAkali can benefit from this ability, as they have AD scaling.

9. Stay calm and collected, don't get angry and be focused :)

Look at the nice things other people said!
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3 years ago
Do you have any tips on the Lulu matchup? I love to play janna when i'm filled, but struggle a lot against Lulus.
3 years ago
If you want to go for a poke you can try to catch her with a fully charged howling gale
3 years ago
Lulu has the same poke range as you and combined with her glitter she actually outdamages Janna. Try to time your shield on either you or your adc as soon as she tries to poke.