by dresss

[1.1.0] Fizz Guide - Fizz - AP Mid Lane

Patch 1.1.0
March 14, 2021 22:28

Fizz - AP Mid Lane

New In-Depth Guide on Fizz for Ranked Matches and also Casual Games.

Fizz Build

Best Build Guide for Fizz

Starting Items
Amplifying Tome
Sapphire Crystal
First Back
Boots of Speed
Aether Wisp
Core Items
Lich Bane
Rabadon's Deathcap
Stasis Enchant
Situational Items
Hextech Gunblade
Void Staff
Liandry's Torment
Awakened Soulstealer
Infinity Orb
My Go-To AP Build
Lich Bane
Stasis Enchant
Rabadon's Deathcap
Void Staff
Liandry's Torment

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

Start always with Amplifying TomeAmplifying Tome if your pretty confident in early laning phase, or start with Sapphire CrystalSapphire Crystal if you're going for a more passive approach early laning.

First Back
always prioritize buying SheenSheen to start doing good damage trades, second buy is either Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed if your planning to rush [stasis enchant] or buy Aether WispAether Wisp if you plan to go core first.

Pre- Enchant Boots
Mercury's TreadsMercury's Treads is enemy has high cc.
[ninja tabi] is enemy is built on AD
Ionian Boots of LucidityIonian Boots of Lucidity for overall ability haste

Core Items
Lich BaneLich Bane is a power spike for Fizz since having this item means you can already perform all-in trades and have a higher chance of securing a kill.
Rabadon's DeathcapRabadon's Deathcap is mid-late game spike you'll have. Having this item would melt enemy adc and squishies. Having this makes you significantly a much bigger threat to your enemies especially enemy carries , with your [fizz:1] and Rending WaveRending Wave combo combined with [ignite] will be enough to take out any squishy champs that hasn’t build magic res.
[stasis enchant] is one of the most important things for fizz to have, this gives you better outplay potential and survivability.

Situational items
buy Hextech GunbladeHextech Gunblade if you plan on doing slow cc with fizz on early- mid games.
buy MorellonomiconMorellonomicon if your team is against teams with heavy heals.
buy Void StaffVoid Staff if your against champs which are built tanky.
buy Liandry's TormentLiandry's Torment if your team is against a tanky team.
buy Awakened SoulstealerAwakened Soulstealer and Infinity OrbInfinity Orb if you plan to be the heavy engage with your Heavy AP Ult 

Fizz Runes

Best Runes for Fizz

Second Wind
Second Wind
Hunter Genius
Hunter Genius
Electrocute is your key rune as it gives you a huge burts.
Triumph is a rune that pairs well with Fizz since Fizz likes to perform multiple all-ins and having extra healing and damage to low champs is always good.
Regeneration is a rune you'll need for extra sustain since most of the time you'll be poked back to your turret.
Hunter- Genius is a rune for extra haste on your ult. Having multiple Hunter stacks means more kill potential for Fizz

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Seastone Trident
Seastone Trident - Passive
Urchin Strike
Urchin Strike
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Rending Wave
Rending Wave
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Playful / Trickster
Playful / Trickster
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Chum The Waters
Chum The Waters
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Most Useful Summoner Spell There is.
Use to secure kills or to trigger enemy shields such as Yasuo's Passive

Fizz Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Aurelion Sol
Aurelion Sol
Twisted Fate
Twisted Fate

Almost the same with orianna but ziggs has no good cc or movement skill. Avoid getting hit by his Bouncing BombBouncing Bomb at early phase. This matchup would be hard to perform trades if you keep getting hit by his pokes and his bomb carpet. Avoid getting combo'd by his passive + Bouncing BombBouncing Bomb . Mid- Late game, always target ziggs first to avoid getting Mega Inferno BombMega Inferno Bomb at team fights.


Knowing The Abilities

Summarizing Fizz as a champion, you can relatively say he is an annoying assassin in Wild Rift. This is also the reason why he is a fun champ to play. Chum the waters has a long deploy range and a wide area of effect, getting hit is already a mark of death for most champions. In addition to this, Fizz is very mobile and very agile considering his untargetability during the execution of Playful/Trickster.


Seastone TridentSeastone Trident – Passive Attacks deals additional 22 magic damage + 40% of AP over 3 seconds

  • The passive deals a tiny amount of DoT on auto-attacks, which can be very helpful for last hitting minions or finishing champs with very minimal amount of hp left.

Urchin StrikeUrchin Strike – 1st Skill Dashes a fixed distance towards the target enemy, dealing them 10 magic damage + 55% AP and 58 physical damage + 100% AD while applying on-hit effects.

  • Urchin strike can be said to have double functions: magic damage dealing while his dashing and physical damage after performing an auto-attack ( I can compare this to an auto attack since it applies on hit effects like Lich Bane. Being a dash you can creatively use this to your advantage considering his kit makes him very mobile.

Rending WaveRending Wave  – 2nd Skill Empowers Fizz’s next attack to deal 50 bonus magic damage + 50% AP. Additional attacks within 5 seconds deal 1- bonus magic damage + 35% AP. Killing a unit with the first attack reduces Rending Wave’s cooldown to 1 second

  • Very useful ability for last-hitting under turrets since it resets auto- attack and does a small burst on the first auto.

Playful / TricksterPlayful / Trickster  – 3rd Skill Vaults to target location, becoming untargetable while balanced on the trident. After 1.2 seconds. Fizz hops down with a large splash that deals 70 magic damage + 70% AP and applies slowness to enemies hit by 40% for 2 seconds. Can be re-casted to hop down early dealing a small splash on an area that does not slow enemies.

  • This ability is main ability in wave clearing and should always be single- casted when used for wave clear as this can hit an entire wave with it. Double- cast usually used for mobility, aggressive champion attacks, and for disengaging. Try to maximize the untargetability this skill provides but remember that he is not invulnerable as he can still take damage from sources that applied effects before the skill activation.

Chum The WatersChum The Waters  – 4th skill Launches a fish in target direction that attaches to the first champion hit and reveals them. After 2 seconds, the fish attracts a shark that knocks up the target and knocks away enemies in the radius. The farther the fist travels, the larger the shark it will attract, dealing 150 to 350 magic damage + 60% AP to 120% AP while slowing enemies hit by 40% to 80% based on the size of the shark.

  • This ability is the bane of most immobile champions. This skill has a huge hitbox making it easier to hit champions from max range and does massive damage from long distances but less damage on near distances. This skill pairs with Fizz’s dive marks easy kills.


Urchin StrikeUrchin Strike -> Auto Attack -> Rending WaveRending Wave -> Playful / TricksterPlayful / Trickster

The most basic Fizz combo for trading. 1st skill is used for closing the gap or better to hit the enemy champ then sneaking in an auto-attack then executing 2nd skill to reset and procc for the electrocute which deals a lot of damage. At this point, you can decide to continue the engage or to retreat back to the turret with the use of your 3rd skill.

You can either double-cast to dash from your opponent or single-cast to harrass and the slow. Remember to use Playful/ Trickster if your on a sure footing as wasting it can get you killed from enemy junglers who gank or perform tower dives.



Playful / TricksterPlayful / Trickster -> Auto Attack -> Rending WaveRending Wave -> Urchin StrikeUrchin Strike

This is the combo used for skill dodging and capitalizing their missed skill shots to perform an all-in. Ideally you want to single cast the 3rd skill then use the Auto attack then reset it with 2nd skill to land 2 auto attacks. With 1st skill left in hand u can either dash back or keep on the aggro towards the enemy champ. This combo is generally the opposite of combo 1 which utilizes his 1st skill as the main engage skill.



Chum The WatersChum The Waters -> Playful / TricksterPlayful / Trickster -> Auto Attack -> Rending WaveRending Wave

This is the main combo for engaging in lane post-5 with the intention of all-in killing them. Ideally you’d want to land your ult at max range then close in the gap with the 3rd skill then slipping in 1-2 auto attack before the enemy champ gets knocked up then use your 2nd to reset auto. Against opponents that has no CC or spells, you can just walk up to them unless they use flash then that is the time to use your 3rd skill to close the gap.



Urchin StrikeUrchin Strike -> Chum The WatersChum The Waters -> Playful / TricksterPlayful / Trickster Auto Attack -> Rending WaveRending Wave

This combo uses the 1st skill to close the gap and also to cancel the animation for the ult allowing it to cast immediately allowing you to tag someone with the ult quicker and allows you to tag someone farther away.



Playful / TricksterPlayful / Trickster -> [flash]

If you single-cast 3rd skill, you can sneak in a flash before landing on the grand and it moves the impact to the new location. This is used for catching people out of range and also if the enemy tries to flash to dodge your 3rd skill.


Laning Phase

The way you play depends on the matchup you have which is either a melee or a range matchup. Ideally you’d want to start with your 3rd skill first to farm waves. In the face of a range matchup, you’d want to trade only having your 1st three spells or at least 2 of them. Being melee can easily make you easy to harass so rather than playing aggressive its best to focus on using your 3rd skill defensively and to farm. If you’re up with a melee matchup you can start trading after going lvl 2. You can easily proc your electrocute for extra damage by using your 1st skill -> auto attack -> 2nd skill then disengage or continue on poking them. During laning phase, its best to stay passive as most of the time you’ll be farming minion waves under your turret. Keeping alive either the enemy caster minions or the enemy siege minions allows you to freeze the wave and farm safely. At level 5, kill potential becomes higher but you should avoid using your ult unless you’re sure that your target will die after going all-in. Use your ult to help your jungler perform ganks or to skirmish through the jungle and kill champs who don’t expect your presence.


Late Game and Teamfights

Teamfights are very straight forward for Fizz, go backdoor and kill the enemy carries while also utilizing your ult for the CC. You can use your 3rd skill to engage enemy with cc then use Ionian Stasis to wait for the cooldown. Then use your 1st skill to deal AP then 2nd skill for a great damage output then use your 3rd skill again to either continue on the engage or to disengage.

Look at the nice things other people said!
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4 years ago
Well written guide. One thing I want to point out is that you got some match-ups wrong, e.g. Ziggs is a very easy target and Zed is a skill/hard opponent. However, all-in-all a solid guide. Good job!
4 years ago
Zed also is a skill matchup because there's a saying when zed vs fizz comes up. First one to land ult always on the losing side since they both have untargetability and its easy to time to counter ult
4 years ago
Thanks for the word mate. Although u say ziggs is ez matchup, I would still put him to a very harder position considering he is a poke mage and almost the same with orianna except without the speed.