[2.4] Wukong Guide - Wukong Jungler: My Personal Build 2.4
Wukong Jungler: My Personal Build 2.4
- High Damage
- Low Skill
- High Mobility
- Squishy
- Low Clear Jungle and Objective respect other Jungler
- Weak Against CC
Wukong Build
Best Build Guide for Wukong

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Now this Build is my new Personal first build and play wukong tank.
How First Item i take
Long Sword
for help me to Clear Jungle.
First Complete Item:
Black Cleaver
for his two passive and stats how HP AD And Ability Haste.
Second Item:
Sterak's Gage
for improve your Attack Base and can do it more damage.
Third Item:
Spirit Visage
for help you in Regen HP and Healing of the first ability and have Magic defense. His passive can improve the ability of your healer how
Four Item:
Randuin's Omen
for reduce the attack Speed and critical damage of adc or other champ how
Master Yi
Fifth Item:
in this patch the adc are soo strong this item is very very important for him passive and his stats how HP and Armor.
Plated Steelcaps
with [Locket enchant] with enemy feed or
Teleport Enchant
for do it objective how drake or baron.
A Tips for the jungle Help Your Teammates with the drake and herald, Help your winning Lane, Use your Brain and Your Tattics Ok.
Wukong Runes
Best Runes for Wukong

I use this rune because i play aggressive and i need armor but i search a equilibrate build for playing optimal.
increase the damage of the passive and your Basic attack.
i use this for healing me when i kill the enemy and continue the fight.
Adaptive Carapace
i use for increase my defense ad or ap and during more in the teamfight.
i use for Reach the Objective and tower more quickly and gain gold
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

This are my combo that i use on a Low Health Enemy Champ, i activate [Nimbus Strike] for engage, instantly i activate [Warrior TrickSter] and [Golden Stuff] if the enemy is alive finish with the auto attack but not engage under tower ok.

This are my personal combo i start with [Nimbus Strike] after i use [Warrior TrickSter] and instantly i use [Cyclone], use a [Auto Attack, ] again active [Cyclone] and finish with [Golden Stuff]
Wukong Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Vi is Easy but look her
Assault And Battery
dodge it with
Warrior Trickster
and punish her.

is a Champ of Ionia, Can Use Jungle and Baron.
Crushing Blows
the passive increase Damage for he and his clone (max Stack 5)
Golden Staff
increase damage next attack and heal for the 10% his life.
Warrior Trickster
activate his clone and became invisible for 3 second the clone can use
Golden Staff
Nimbus Strike
is a dash that target the enemy.
use a rotation that stun the enemy and can use this ability two times.
My first champ that i shopped but my heart is in love for this champion Easy to use have damage and mobily.
IS my first experience on LoL but i see more video of Esport of LOL PC and i know something but it's my first and im happy to find a role and a champion that like me