by Rocketmania

[2.3] Senna Guide - Senna - Support Lane 2.3c

Patch 2.3
July 20, 2021 05:58

Senna - Support Lane 2.3c

Riot wants to have a character with an unusual and unique roles, Support and Marksman that is. That champion turns out to be... Senna, The Redeemer. But in reality, she can be anything you want to be...


  • Aggressive Support Playstyle
  • Global Ultimate with Shield for Allies
  • Good Damage and Healing Potential
  • Continue to be Stronger as long as she Gather Mists
  • Have a Variety of Builds to Choose from


  • Squishy and can't do anything when being focused on
  • Easy to Dodge her Ultimate from Far Away Aims
  • Rely on Ally to Clear the Minion Waves in order for the Mist to spawn
  • Reduces her own Critical Damage from her Passive in exchange for AD
  • Mists can be Distracting in Team Fights or Chases

Senna Build

Best Build Guide for Senna

Bruiser Build
Frozen Mallet
Mercury's Treads
Black Cleaver
Rapid Firecannon
Death's Dance
Guardian Angel
Lethality Build
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Duskblade of Draktharr
Rapid Firecannon
Mortal Reminder
Guardian Angel
Full Support Build
Locket Enchant
Ardent Censer
Umbral Glaive
Protector's Vow
Guardian Angel
Offensive Items
Infinity Edge
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Umbral Glaive
Phantom Dancer
Maw of Malmortius
Defensive Items
Iceborn Gauntlet
Protector's Vow
Locket Enchant
Stasis Enchant
ADC Build
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Infinity Edge
Rapid Firecannon
Mortal Reminder
Guardian Angel

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

SennaSenna has many many kinds of builds and you can experiment on it without having a penalty on doing so. You can go a build her like a Tank, Lethality, Full Support or even ADR!

Let's break those builds down:

1. BRUISER BUILD - there are two paths you can go, Max HP or Armor/Magic Resist type.

Frozen MalletFrozen Mallet - is an item that gives huge Max HP and AD while applying a slow on enemies. Good for easy chasing or taking some Mist from enemy champion.

Mercury's TreadsMercury's Treads - your choice of boots depending from enemy line up. This item is good for reducing CCs (crowd control like stuns, slows, roots but doesn't affects knock-ups and knock-backs) and some Magic Resist against AP champions. Ionian Boots of LucidityIonian Boots of Lucidity is also good for neutral plays. This gives you more Ability Haste while Reduces your Spell for more Supportive/Offensive approach. You may go for Plated SteelcapsPlated Steelcaps for more Armor if you go for Bruiser Build, or maybe you just want an early defense against heavy AD champions. The Gluttonous GreavesGluttonous Greaves and Boots of SwiftnessBoots of Swiftness is quite situational but if you want to build them then go for it.

Black CleaverBlack Cleaver - good item for removing enemies' Armor that stacks multiple times whenever you deal AD on them. Good synergy from one of your passive called Weakened Soul which deal extra damage depending on their current HP after you take the Mist from them.

Rapid FirecannonRapid Firecannon - best item for taking Mist anywhere from ground to champions while distancing yourself. It increases your range even more while giving Attack Speed, Critical Rate and a Bonus Magic Damage once from your Auto. This also stacks well with your Passive that boost your Range on every 20 Mists you've collected.

Death's DanceDeath's Dance - transfer some damage taken into a Bleed Effect so that you can fight more while being attacked. Good offensive and defensive item.

Guardian AngelGuardian Angel - coming back to life to decide whether to fight more or retreat, it's up to you.

(Special Mention - ALTERNATIVE ITEMS)

Iceborn GauntletIceborn Gauntlet - an item like Frozen MalletFrozen Mallet that slows enemies but this item is an AoE slow. It gives Armor and Max Mana with Ability Haste instead. Good exchange for Frozen Mallet slot. Also, the AoE slow gets even bigger the more Armor you have in your inventory so why not build a fully tank SennaSenna .

Phantom DancerPhantom Dancer - gives a shield when health is low for survivability and also gives you Attack Speed and Critical Rate. Good exchange for Death's DanceDeath's Dance item.

2. LETHALITY BUILD - since your Attack Speed is sh*t, building lethality is one of her perks as a Support Marksman.

ManamuneManamune then at full stacks MuramanaMuramana - good source of boosting her damage which is synergized well with lethal items and her passive. This item can also sustain your mana problem even though her ability mana consumption is little, it is still good to have more mana for a long run so you can fight even longer.

Ionian Boots of LucidityIonian Boots of Lucidity - best boots for Lethality because it allows you to spam abilities and spells like a madman. Otherwise, go for the other boots for counter pick items. You can upgrade this boots to either [Locket Enchant] if you and your ADR/ally are getting killed very fast or [Stasis Enchant] if you are always dying a lot or being focused on. This gives you an second opportunity to fight back.

Duskblade of DraktharrDuskblade of Draktharr - your main Lethal Damage throughout your game. This will boost her Damage significantly and along with her passive that deal damage based on their current HP after you take the mist out of them and will improve a lot.

Rapid FirecannonRapid Firecannon - same reason... extend your range to acquire long distance mists and enemies.

Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder - your end game item. Good for improving your Lethal Damage so you can almost one shot kill enemies from distances. Also a counter item against heavy Lifesteal and Heal reliant champions.

Guardian AngelGuardian Angel - end it with this revival for extreme measures.

(Special Mentian - ALTERNATIVE ITEMS)

Youmuu's GhostbladeYoumuu's Ghostblade - is an item that boost your Movement Speed and Attack Speed at 100 stacks just by walking around. Synergized well with your 3rd Ability so you can roam around the map and gank. Good item for Roaming.

Umbral GlaiveUmbral Glaive - a ward destroyer that disable around you if enemy wards is present and can be one shot. It also gives you Lethal Damage so why not.

3. SUPPORT BUILD - if you are full pledge support type of a person that watches your allies back then this is for you.

ManamuneManamune then at full stacks MuramanaMuramana  - of course, you are not gonna rely on mist to gain ADs, you need an item to make a little boost to your damage so you can harass and at the same time empowers your healing potential. I would not recommend building Winter's ApproachWinter's Approach unless you really want that huge Mana Pool and Ability Haste that badly for Supporting purpose.

*Boost of Choice* then upgrade it to [Locket Enchant] - gives you more supportive capabilities for your ADR. You can also go for Redeeming EnchantRedeeming Enchant either way, they both do the same trick.

Ardent CenserArdent Censer - an item that gives Attack Speed Boost to you and your ADC and Damage Boost to yourself. Good item if your ADR is Attack Speed reliant (like AsheAshe , JinxJinx , LucianLucian , and DravenDraven to name a few). The AP can scale well with your 1st Ability because it has an AP and AD scaling so you don't have to worry about that.

Umbral GlaiveUmbral Glaive - a ward destroyer that disable around you if enemy wards is present and can be one shot. It also gives you Lethal Damage so why not. You can build Protector's VowProtector's Vow before this if your carry always being focus on.

Protector's VowProtector's Vow - since your going to stick along with you ADR, you need some extra shield in case both of you goes into a fight or get caught at ganks. Both of you will gain a shield for extra survivability while supporting your ADR.

Guardian AngelGuardian Angel - revival is a must for assisting your team. Or maybe go for the other items either Offensive or Defensive end game item.

4. ATTACK DAMAGE CARRY/RANGE BUILD - building another Marksman is not a bad choice either. 

BloodthirsterBloodthirster - good item for sustain, lifesteal and shield. This gives raw +65 AD which means more damage for your attacks. It is also good for a long run for where your excess Critical Rate Mists converts into Lifesteal can stack altogether.

*Boots of Choice* - your go to boots or your favorite boots or maybe for counter pick boots. It's your choice though.

Infinity EdgeInfinity Edge - building early IE will benefit you until late game. Even though your Critical Strike damage reduces up to 50%, the raw AD will compensate everything with that. Since your Mist can reach up to 80 or maybe +100 will make your autos always deal Critical Strike. You can build this later and make Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder for countering enemy's healing potential.

Rapid FirecannonRapid Firecannon - needing some attack speed none other than this item because it can give you another Critical Rate and some Range for your autos. Good for taking out enemies and mists from afar.

Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder - you need some Penetration and raw AD. With this item it will become easy for killing enemies along with your Critical Strikes. Also, reducing their healing, regen and lifesteal if they can sustain those abilities in their disposal. You can rush this second before Infinity EdgeInfinity Edge if enemies have multiple healing in their team or very tanky team.

Guardian AngelGuardian Angel - end it with this revival item.

Senna Runes

Best Runes for Senna

Grasp of the Undying
Grasp of the Undying
Adaptive Carapace
Adaptive Carapace
Manaflow Band
Manaflow Band

Rune Set #1 - Bruiser Build

Grasp - you can build up some HP from your attacks. It also synergized well with your Mist Stealing Damage because it procs Grasp on your attacks and deal bonus Magic Damage along with it.

Brutal - extra penetration is not bad idea for extending your damage further.

Adaptive Carapace - good for extra defenses if your HP is below 50% so you can survive from lethal attack and make sometime to heal yourself.

Manaflow Band - without ManamuneManamune item, you need this rune because it will sustain you some mana so you don't have to worry to deplete into nothing. This will be enough throughout your game.

Second Wind
Second Wind
Pack Hunter
Pack Hunter

Rune Set #2 - Lethality Build

Good burst of damage from Electrocute rune by just doing a basic combo. Good offensive rune overall.

Font of Life
Font of Life
Gathering Storm
Gathering Storm
Adaptive Carapace
Adaptive Carapace
Pack Hunter
Pack Hunter

Rune Set #3 - Full Support

With Font of Life which gives a heal on allies whenever they attack the enemies you've attacked. Good for neutral approach.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Absolution - Passive
Piercing Darkness
Piercing Darkness
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Last Embrace
Last Embrace
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Curse Of The Black Mist
Curse Of The Black Mist
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Dawning Shadow
Dawning Shadow
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Of course and why not
Since you are an aggressive support that can harrass, root and can finish off against enemies, you need some extra healing not only for survivabikity of also for chasing, too.
Pick this one if your ADR has Heal Spell so that both of you can go and have an early kills with this one.
Not typically an offensive spell that suited for an aggressive support like Senna, but it also works, too.


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Auto Attack
Piercing Darkness
Auto Attack

(Mist Taker/Basic Harrass)

Good damage burst while giving yourself a free mist.

Tip: Since your Attack Speed is very slow, you can time it well with your 1st Ability by pressing it after you completely wind-up your auto attack. This way, the enemy will not be able to react fast enough to dodge your laser. You can add it an additional Auto Attack if enemy is not backing away.

Last Embrace
Auto Attack
Piercing Darkness
Auto Attack
Auto Attack

(Early Kill Combo)

If you be able to hit your 2nd Ability then go for it and use your AA>1st>AA combo and give it another throw of Auto Attack for a good measure. You will be able to deal huge damage against the enemy if he/she survives.

Last Embrace
Auto Attack
Dawning Shadow

(Sure Hit Ultimate)

This will make your Ultimate easier to land against enemies. By hitting them with your 2nd Ability, go for an AA before they being rooted then aim your Ultimate at the rooted target and bam. It will make the fight much easier for your team because of your shield buff while enemies who are caught are being punished or before the fight starts.

Curse Of The Black Mist
Last Embrace
Auto Attack
Piercing Darkness
Auto Attack

(Invinsible Root)

It is an easier way on hitting someone with your 2nd Ability that they can't see. Your shroud from your 3rd Ability will make your rooting potential can hit 100% all the time. Then follow up it with your basic combo.

Last Embrace
Auto Attack
Piercing Darkness
Auto Attack

(Surprise Kill)

Flashing on enemies will likely hit your root because they will not be able to react quickly to that. This will make easier for chasing or finishing off low hp enemies. It is good to use when the enemies are behind their minions, flashing over those minions will likely surprise them with your full combo attack.

Tip: You can also do this with your Root>Ultimate combo in any fight or clashes. This will make the enemy force them to fightback the one-sided clash.

Last Embrace
Auto Attack
Piercing Darkness
Dawning Shadow

(All-out Combo/Finisher)

This will make your damage lethal to enemies if that enemy has low HP left.


To work this out, you need to time it well. How? After you hit them with your 2nd Ability, quickly do an AA>1st before the root activates then use your Ultimate to end your combo. If the enemy is still alive. Do another combo, AA>1st>AA to finish it off and some autos along the way.

Senna Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters


This is not hard to lane with but it is also hard to kill them. Its kind of neutral i must say. She has the ability to save her ADR because that what an enchant would do. You can either focus on her to harass and pray you can kill her or maybe her ADR, too. Its pretty easy lane i guess..


Ability Comprehension

To fully understand her Abilities, here is the quick way to comprehend that so you know what are things she can do. This section is long so if you have time then read this.

Passive: [Absolution]
- There are three parts of her passive, lets break it down:

1. Her first effect is Weakened Soul:
- The first part, everytime she damage enemies whether from her Auto Attacks or Abilities, she will apply Mist on the enemy champion. Then if she deal damage again, she will take that Mist and deal extra damage depending on their current health. The affected enemy champion will be immune to another mist for 6 seconds.

- The second part, enemy units that died near her have a chance to drop Mist Wraiths. Attacking these wraiths with her Auto Attack, 1st Ability [Piercing Darkness] or her Ultimate [Dawning Shadow] will grant her a little gold while collecting its Mists. Dropping Mist Wraiths from a units, enemies or champions has four mechanics:
A. If there are Enemy Champions that died near her or she land a killing blow, it will guaranteed to drop Mist Wraiths.
B. Large (Cannon Minion/Super Minion/Buff Monsters) and Epic (Herald/Dragon/Elder/Baron) Monsters that died near her will also guaranteed to drop two Mist Wraiths.
C. While Lesser Minions and Jungle Monsters has an estimate of 22% chance to drop Mist Wraith
D. Landing a kill or last hit on Lesser Minions and Jungle Monsters will lessen the chance to drop Mist Wraiths, estimated by 4% or maybe lesser...

2. Her second effect is Absolution:
- Everytime she gain a Mist it will gradually grant her various bonus stats.
+1 AD = 1 Mist
+25 Range = 20 Mist
+15% Critical Rate = 20 Mist
If the Critical Rate reaches 100%, the excess mists will be converted into a 35% Lifesteal

3. Her last effect is called Relic Cannon. This weapon takes time to attack and needs to wind up to do so. But she will gain 20% bonus AD while granting her a bonus 10% of the Target's Movement Speed for 1 second evertime she do an Auto Attack. Because of this, she will not gain AD on level up and reduces her Critical Damage to 50%.

- This is her overall mechanics. That is why she is so unique compare to the other supports and has infinite room of scaling throughout the game just by collecting Mist.
- The Mists determines your strength not just from items to rely on otherwise she will greatly fall behind.
- By tapping the Attack Monster Only button, you will prioritized Mists first around her range than last hitting.
- She is the only champion that doesn't gain Attack Damage (AD) on level up. That is why collecting souls are important.
- Winding up her weapon to attack will extend the timer of the Mist Wraiths or Mists from the enemy champion before they expire so that you will not be able to miss them.
- Her attack speed takes longer than any champions in early game that is why she somehow never build full attack speed items.

1st Ability: [Piercing Darkness]
- SennaSenna will fire a laser in a target direction dealing damage on enemies in a lane while healing you and an allies that being hit by her.

- The healing effect scales not only AD but also AP so building her some AP items like Ardent CenserArdent Censer is not bad idea.
- Doing Auto Attacks will reduce its cooldown by 1 second.
- She can't use this ability if there are no units around. As long as there are allies, enemies, monsters, turrents or even wards ally's or not, she can use it.
- [Piercing Darkness] is also considered Auto Attacks where on-hit based items like Statikk ShivStatikk Shiv energized attack will trigger just by casting this.
- You can use it to take Mists from unreachable areas because the range of it extend outside of its radius. Same with the champions for harassing or taking Mist.

2nd Ability: [Last Embrace]
- SennaSenna will throw a projectile to a target direction. First enemy that hit by the projectile will deal damage then after 1 second, it will apply root effect the affected target and around it.

- If you land a killing blow or last hit on an enemy unit, the Root effect will instantly activates. Good for surprise engage against enemies.
- Rooted enemies will make your combo easier like doing AA>1st>AA or AA>Ultimate. You just need to time it right.
- You can throw this in a clash so that enemies will stop doing what they intended to do and give your allies more time to let your allies to fight or retreat.

3rd Ability: [Curse Of The Black Mist]
- SennaSenna will cover herself and around her with black mist, entering into this area will make an allies in a state of camoflage effect. Giving you and allies within the area a boost of Movement Speed. Allies that are in camoflage state who exit the mist, will turn into a Wraith. In the perspective of enemies, Wraiths cannot be Selected nor Identify unless they being attacked, they decided to attack or get too close to them which exiting them in Wraith state.

- You can use this ability to hide one or two of your allies that decided to gank a lane so that enemies didn't know how many of you inside of your black mist.
- Using your Black Mist will give booat of Movement Speed, good for chasing or retreating a fight. It doesn't matter the Wraith State, giving them a bonus Movement Speed is enough.
- You can use this to hide your 2nd Ability [Last Embrace] so that you can caught enemies off guard or without them dodging your skillshot.
- Use this ability to disengage since bonus movement speed is enough for your allies to retreat

Ultimate: [Dawning Shadow]
- Fires a global wide wave that damage enemies if they been hit by the center of her attack while giving your allies a shield.

- Braum's [Unbreakable] or Yasuo's [Wind Wall] will negate the entire laser if they block the center of it.
- The entire wave of her attack can collect the Mist from the enemies and the Mist Wraiths on the ground.
- Using her ultimate can save lives across the map but keep that in mind, the wave takes time to travel.
- Her ultimate is useful when in teamfights, where she can just use her Ultimate in the backlane while your allies fight. This way, your team has an advantage and win the fight.


New Items from 2.4 Patch

SennaSenna will greatly benefits the new items that will come in the next patch, the 2.4 Patch where Akshan will be introduce as a new champion here in Wildrift!

You can check it out the new items here on youtube:

My ideal Build for her is AD Critical Type SennaSenna in Support Lane

Legends: AD = Attack Damage, CRT = Critical Rate, AH = Ability Haste

1. Essence Reaver - this gives you +40 AD, +25% CRT and +25 AH. And its passive which deal extra AD depending on your Critical Rate once. It also restore 2% of your missing Mana per auto attacks.

This item really fit on SennaSenna since she gain Critical Rate from Mists (20 Mists = 15% CRT). Good for a long run until late game. It also restore some of your Mana from autos.

2. Boots - your on-go choice of boots.

3. Serylda's Grude - gives +40 AD, +15 AH and +30 Penetration. Passive which slows enemy by 30% for 1 second on every Ability Damage or Enhance Autos you deal with.

This item is good for chasing while giving you Armor Penetration. Good alternative for Mortal Reminder if enemies doesn't have much hp regens, healings or lifesteals.

4. Solari Chargeblade - gives +25% CRT, +30% ASD and +25% AH. Passive which grants a stack of Radiance, maximum of 3 stacks, by using Abilities for 10 seconds. Dealing Critical Strike will consume a stack causing the attack to deal 26-40 True Damage. Damaging a low health enemies will increase the damage to 150%.

This item is only exclusive to Wildrift and really fit to Senna because she always deal Critical Strike with only 60 Mists along with Essence Reaver item! (Here's the math: 25% from Essence Reaver + 25% from Solari [60 Mist = 45% CRT] = 95% Critical Chance!!!) It is also synergized well with her passive which deal extra damage when she take mists from the enemies and boosting it with extra true damage when they are low. Good for finishing enemies off.

5. Guardian Angel - revive is good along with its +40 AD.

6. I dunno maybe another New Item or other OP items that will make Senna strong like Mortal Reminder, Navori Quickblades or Infinity Edge to name a few. At this time, its already late game where the winner will be decided. 

That's all I can think will make Senna AD Critical Type Support Role become effective from a new item introduction.  If you enjoy my guide and learn new things, you're welcome. And if some mispelIed or errors from my english, I will not fix it. It is so tiring. As long as the idea is there, you can get my point. Also, don't worry, I wil not beg for you to like this or share it to everyone. I just don't need any supports coming from my own guide but I just need to let you know how I played her. Hope you can improve your gameplay with my little help. That's it for now!


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