by Po3stell3d

[5.0] Senna Guide - Senna - The Redeemer

Perfectionist World Cultural Heritage
Patch 5.0
March 23, 2024 17:41

Senna - The Redeemer

This guide is to teach Wild Rift players how to play Senna as an ADC or Support from a perspective of a Jungle/Support main from PC.


  • Unique playstyle
  • Has good damage and healing
  • Great solo carry potential, great in teamfights
  • Scales infinitely
  • Fun to play
  • Has versatile builds


  • Squishy, weak to dives
  • Low crit damage because of her low base damage
  • Weak in mid-game, mana hungry champion
  • Relies on wave clear, assists and takedowns to get souls
  • Low mobility
  • Easy-to-dodge ultimate

Senna Build

Best Build Guide for Senna

Starting Items
Long Sword
Sapphire Crystal
Ruby Crystal
Core Items
Black Cleaver
Iceborn Gauntlet
Serylda's Grudge
Boots of Swiftness
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Infinity Edge
Mortal Reminder
Solari Chargeblade
Ardent Censer
Harmonic Echo
Staff of Flowing Waters
Crystalline Reflector
Rabadon's Deathcap
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Locket Enchant
Redeeming Enchant
Stasis Enchant
Quicksilver Enchant
Shadows Enchant

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

Starting Items:

  • Long SwordLong Sword . Depending on what item you're building first, this will be your first item to purchase. This item will give you AD, allowing you to deal more damage during laning phase.
  • Ruby CrystalRuby Crystal or Cloth ArmorCloth Armor . These items will be the component of Iceborn GauntletIceborn Gauntlet just incase you plan on building it first. Ruby CrystalRuby Crystal gives HP while Cloth ArmorCloth Armor gives armor. These items will help you survive much longer during laning phase.


  • Last WhisperLast Whisper . This item is one of the main components of Serylda's GrudgeSerylda's Grudge . This item gives AD and percentage armor penetration. The armor penetration is very good in early game and even in late game since ADCs and supports usually build armor later on after building their core items.
  • SheenSheen . This is a component of Iceborn GauntletIceborn Gauntlet . The ability haste is very useful and the passive allows you to deal extra damage after casting a skill. 
  • PhagePhage . This item is a component of Black CleaverBlack Cleaver . The HP is really useful for added sustain and the AD is nice too. This item is good for chasing since attacks and kills grant you movement speed. 


  • Serylda's GrudgeSerylda's Grudge . Frozen Mallet has been removed lately as it was being replaced by this item. Serylda's GrudgeSerylda's Grudge is basically what you buy if you think Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder 's grievous wounds effect isn't needed. This item gives AD, ability haste and armor penetration. Just like Frozen Mallet, this item slows enemy targets hit for 1 second.
  • Iceborn GauntletIceborn Gauntlet . This will be your second item for SennaSenna since she is very squishy and her abilities have long cooldowns and high mana costs. This item grants armor, mana and ability haste. It's passive creates an icy field around your enemies that slows them every time you cast a skill. 
  • Black CleaverBlack Cleaver . This item allows SennaSenna to shred the armor of her enemies which allows your teammates to destroy tankier opponents much easier. The bonus HP is good since SennaSenna is very squishy and the ability haste is good for her cooldowns.


  • Guardian AngelGuardian Angel . This item gives armor and AD. Only buy this item if you find yourself dying a lot.
  • Youmuu's GhostbladeYoumuu's Ghostblade . This item has the same stats as Umbral GlaiveUmbral Glaive without the ward detector passive. This item is good for roaming.
  • Maw of MalmortiusMaw of Malmortius . This item gives AD, ability haste and MR. I wouldn't recommend this item since Wit's EndWit's End is already in Wild Rift. However, if you want to survive against AP heavy matchups, the lifeline passive this item gives is good for you.
  • Rapid FirecannonRapid Firecannon or Runaan's HurricaneRunaan's Hurricane . Either one of these items is good for SennaSenna . Both give crit chance and attack speed, but the important part is: do you want extra range, or want to damage multiple enemies at the same time?
  • Wit's EndWit's End . This item is good for AP heavy matchups. It gives MR and attack speed which is essential for SennaSenna since her attacks are really slow.

For Damage:

  • Infinity EdgeInfinity Edge . This item is great if you want to build crit on SennaSenna since her passive makes her autos deal 50% less crit damage. This item mostly negates that and gives you AD and crit chance. 
  • Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder . This item is great if the enemy team has a lot of tanks or if they have a lot of healing and lifesteal. Most of the time though, SennaSenna won't be needing the grievous wounds. Your ADC should be the one building that. Besides the point, you can replace this item with Serylda's GrudgeSerylda's Grudge in the future if you think you only need armor penetration and not anti-heal.
  • ManamuneManamune . This item is good for SennaSenna since she has mana issues early game. Gives AD, mana and ability haste. This item will eventually upgrade to MuramanaMuramana . You'll want to build this if you're going lethality.



  • [locket enchant] and Redeeming EnchantRedeeming Enchant are two of the best enchants for SennaSenna . [locket enchant] provides you and your team shields upon activation and Redeeming EnchantRedeeming Enchant provides your team AoE heal and a bit of true damage.
  • Shadows EnchantShadows Enchant is great for revealing enemies if you don't want to risk face-checking a bush.
  • [stasis enchant] and Quicksilver EnchantQuicksilver Enchant are situational. Only use them if the enemy team thinks you're a threat.

Senna Runes

Best Runes for Senna

Grasp of the Undying
Grasp of the Undying
Gathering Storm
Gathering Storm
Second Wind
Second Wind
Hunter Genius
Hunter Genius

This the usual Tank Build for SennaSenna . This build allows her to be tanky and still do so much damage because of her stacks. In PC, Grasp of the UndyingGrasp of the Undying and Font of LifeFont of Life can be used together, but in Wild Rift, they're 2 different runes. You can use either Grasp of the UndyingGrasp of the Undying or Font of LifeFont of Life depending on the team composition and your build. Gathering StormGathering Storm is great as it further increases her damage overtime along with your stacks. Second WindSecond Wind is good for sustain and Hunter GeniusHunter Genius is great for the extra ability haste. You can replace Gathering StormGathering Storm with WeaknessWeakness if you're building Iceborn GauntletIceborn Gauntlet on SennaSenna first.

Summon Aery
Summon Aery
Gathering Storm
Gathering Storm
Second Wind
Second Wind
Manaflow Band
Manaflow Band

This rune set is good if you're building SennaSenna as an enchanter rather than a tank or ADC. Summon AerySummon Aery is good for poking because of its damage. Gathering StormGathering Storm works well along with SennaSenna 's passive. Second WindSecond Wind is good for sustain in lane and Manaflow BandManaflow Band is great because SennaSenna is a mana hungry champion.

Fleet Footwork
Fleet Footwork
Gathering Storm
Gathering Storm
Second Wind
Second Wind
Hunter Genius
Hunter Genius

This rune set is good if you want to play SennaSenna as an ADC. [conquero]r or Fleet FootworkFleet Footwork are great choices for SennaSenna as it allows her to deal damage or increase her healing. Gathering StormGathering Storm will always be good for SennaSenna since it works well with her passive. Second WindSecond Wind is great for sustain in lane and Hunter GeniusHunter Genius is great because SennaSenna 's abilities has a lot of cooldown. 

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Absolution - Passive
Piercing Darkness
Piercing Darkness
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Last Embrace
Last Embrace
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Curse Of The Black Mist
Curse Of The Black Mist
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Dawning Shadow
Dawning Shadow
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Always mandatory
Just in case your flash is on CD.
Great summoner spell for supports.
If your ADC chooses barrier.


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Auto Attack
Piercing Darkness
Auto Attack

This is the first combo for SennaSenna when laning. This will will help you get souls easier because of its range. 

Last Embrace
Auto Attack
Piercing Darkness
Auto Attack

Another combo for SennaSenna . If enemies don't know how to stay away, Last EmbraceLast Embrace will root them after the delay. This way you can get stacks much easier. 

Curse Of The Black Mist

This skill is a camouflage skill. Use it when you're ganking/being ganked. 

Dawning Shadow

Use SennaSenna 's Dawning ShadowDawning Shadow in teamfights! Keep in mind that her ultimate does little damage to objectives, so don't try to use it like how you use LuxLux 's ultimate.

Last Embrace
Dawning Shadow
Auto Attack
Piercing Darkness
Auto Attack
Curse Of The Black Mist

This is your full combo as SennaSenna . You hit enemies with Last EmbraceLast Embrace , then use Dawning ShadowDawning Shadow to damage enemies and give you and your allies shields, then auto-attack and use Piercing DarknessPiercing Darkness and finally, auto-attack to get the stacks from your enemies. Depending if you win/lose the fight, use Curse Of The Black MistCurse Of The Black Mist to escape from the enemy or use it to chase them. This ability gives you and your camouflaged teammates extra movement speed.

Senna Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters


GalioGalio is an easy matchup for you. While his Winds Of WarWinds Of War can deal a lot of damage, that is his only way of poking you in lane. You can easily harass him early game since he's not that tanky. Just watch out for his knockup-taunt combo.


Best Synergies

LucianLucian . You were made to combo with LucianLucian . Your lane can be played aggressively as you are comfortable together. Look to auto-attack any champion he hits with his Ardent BlazeArdent Blaze to give him an easy trade. Layer your Piercing DarknessPiercing Darkness with his Piercing LightPiercing Light with each other to deal huge amounts of damage and set up his The CullingThe Culling
AsheAshe . Her passive pretty much gives you free Glacial Augments or in this case, Frozen MalletFrozen Mallet 's passive. If you're laning with her, you don't need to buy Frozen MalletFrozen Mallet . Instead, you should buy Iceborn GauntletIceborn Gauntlet instead. Her Enchanted Crystal ArrowEnchanted Crystal Arrow can be a great set up for your Last EmbraceLast Embrace . If you do take Frozen MalletFrozen Mallet + the Weakness rune with her, you'll be an annoying duo.
DravenDraven . If the one who plays him is good, you can both play aggressively and crush dragon lane. He can make easy work of any champion you root with your Last EmbraceLast Embrace . Your healing and shield will make sure he's alive to keep his adoration stacks.
JhinJhin . This is a flexible lane, so you can play passively or aggressively depending on JhinJhin 's playstyle. Look for combos on his Deadly FlourishDeadly Flourish and Captive AudienceCaptive Audience combo along with your root from your Last EmbraceLast Embrace that you can abuse.
VarusVarus . It doesn't matter if he builds lethality or AP, his ability to be aggressive in early game is always welcome. Try to combo his Chain Of CorruptionChain Of Corruption with your Last EmbraceLast Embrace to guarantee a kill or 2.
XayahXayah . Her passive feather range can match or even outrange you. Force enemies to engage you so she can use her BladecallerBladecaller with your Last EmbraceLast Embrace for high damage and lockdowns.
YasuoYasuo . Very aggressive post-level 3 which is what you want. Force fights with your YasuoYasuo while you can so you can hit multi-hits with your Piercing DarknessPiercing Darkness . If you manage to land your Last EmbraceLast Embrace , it's a death sentence for your enemies when YasuoYasuo is around.


Warding Locations

One of the most crucial but least talked about parts of playing support is warding. Wards can keep your team safe, help your jungler counterjungle, and contribute to securing objectives. Knowing where to place your wards is an essential part of playing support.

Warding Options:
Warding Totem. This is the standard ward. It has 3 health and gives 30 gold when destroyed. It's free and becomes invisible after a while. These are the best for short spurts of hard-to-detect vision such as before doing an objective or warding a river to avoid ganks.

Oracle Lens. This replaces your Warding Trinket and gives you a way to clear your opponents' vision. I would not recommend starting Oracle Lens for support since the vision that Warding Totem gives is much stronger.

Your First Ward:
Your first ward has only one true purpose: to catch the enemy jungler/midlaner when they are ganking. You'll be placing it as soon as possible so you can get vision of the enemy jungler/midlaner. If you're on blue side, I recommend warding the bush near the river, or the Scryer's Bloom behind it. If you are on red side, I recommend warding the blue side's tri-bush to catch their jungler. These wards are important if you're up against an early game jungler like Jarvan IvJarvan Iv . Of course, don't be afraid to use your first ward to push or defend against an invade if it's advantageous to your team.

If you're not against a strong early jungler, or perhaps their jungler started on the opposite side of the map, you may consider saving your ward. This way, you'll have enough wards to ward a bush to prevent ganks and/or ward the dragon pit.

Side note: You can't force your ADC to ward. A lot of them just don't use it. Even if they do, they only do so to hit the enemy behind FoW. You just have to play around this and get a feel for how and when will they ward. Use this to your advantage.

During Laning Phase:
In the laning phase, your wards should aim to prevent successful ganks by your opponents, enable successful ganks by your team, and control objectives. To this extent, I recommend jungle tracking if you're in a place to deep ward, as they can spot the enemy jungler and allow your jungler to counterjungle or gank the opposite side of the map.

During Mid/Late Game:
Mid and late game plays very similarly to laning phase, albeit more objective-focused. Concentrate on placing vision on objectives like dragons, Rift Herald, and Baron Nashor. Depending on your build, you should either have Umbral GlaiveUmbral Glaive or atleast Oracle Lens to remove enemy vision. Make sure to ward each objective about 45-60 seconds before they spawn. Warding Totems usually last from 90-120 seconds depending on your champion level, so it's important that visionis up on objectives during skirmishes. Alternatively, use Oracle Lens or utilize Umbral GlaiveUmbral Glaive by removing enemy wards. Don't go into jungle alone, so have someone follow you.


Early Game

This section will be different from the Warding Locations section.

SennaSenna 's early game is about harassing the enemy while keeping a safe distance. This is because she doesn't scale AD when levelling up without Gathering Storm, items or her stacks. Use Last EmbraceLast Embrace to set up kills for your ADC. Depending on your build, you'll want to buy Long SwordLong Sword as your first item and upgrade Piercing DarknessPiercing Darkness as your first ability. This will be your main harass and healing tool. You can use it on anything that is targetable, even wards, blast cones, and honeyfruit. This ability also goes through champions, minions and monsters so you can harass safely. Max this ability first, then Last EmbraceLast Embrace . Upgrade Dawning ShadowDawning Shadow when available and max Curse Of The Black MistCurse Of The Black Mist last.

As SennaSenna , you want to be picking up as many Mist Wraiths as possible during laning phase. It will always drop from a cannon, dead enemies, monsters and objectives like dragons, heralds and Baron Nashor. This will allow you to scale infinitely. Pay attention to the location of your jungler on the minimap. Help out your jungler by warding the river and objectives and use Curse Of The Black MistCurse Of The Black Mist to help your allies escape. 


Mid - Late Game

In mid-late game, you want to keep a close eye on the minimap. Try to find good opportunities to use your ult to save an ally and/or sniping off an enemy. Stick close to your ADC or your strongest member of your team and be ready to save them with Piercing DarknessPiercing Darkness . Last EmbraceLast Embrace can hold an enemy in place long enough for your team to arrive and clean up the fight.

At this point of the game, you have atleast 60-80 stacks. This is enough for you to outrange most ADCs without problem. If you're lucky, you might have 100+ stacks at this point, allowing you to outrange a tower, which also allows your team to push easier because of your damage.

During a teamfight, you must be positioned behind your teammates and away from the enemy. You don't need to be up close since at this point, you have larger range than most ADCs. Use your abilities to shield and heal your allies while damaging the enemies at the same time. Only use Last EmbraceLast Embrace if an enemy decides to jump on you or try to escape.

Stick closely to your ADC (if he/she's ahead) while roaming efficiently and safely to deep ward enemy jungle and objectives. If possible, you could use Oracle Lens or Umbral GlaiveUmbral Glaive to remove enemy vision. 



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