[2.3] Twisted Fate Guide - Slightly different Twisted Fate
Slightly different Twisted Fate
- Nobody expects it quite like the Spanish inquisition
- Can be picked into most champions
- Struggles in some matchups
Twisted Fate Build
Best Build Guide for Twisted Fate

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Starting off you buy vampiric scepter to have some sustain in lane.
For the first item you buy runaans hurricane because with combination with your passive let's you farm really quickly.
An item that combos well with hurricane is blade of the ruined king, it's passive in combination with runaan's let's you absolutely demolish enemies in teamfights.
As the third item it's good to pick up rapid firecannon to launch intercontinental bali.. I mean golden cards.
Because at this point if enemy didn't ff you have 50% crit chance and if rng doesn't hate you, you will be hitting consistant crits thus making the next item infinity edge.
For the last items there are quite a bit of options dependent on how the game is going for you, if enemies often escape you when you used you ultimate frozen mallet is a good option. If you die a lot but you still get kills you should buy either ga or bloodthirster to boost your survivability.
For enchantments there are 3 good options. Vs cc heavy champions like Annie you want to pick up quicksilver, vs burst heavy assassins like zed or fizz stasis is a better option. Against anything else protobelt is the way
Twisted Fate Runes
Best Runes for Twisted Fate

If you keep track of your mana and frequently use blue cards those are the runes for you

However if you don't manage mana manaflow is better than hunter genius
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Twisted Fate Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Why is it unexpected?
When somebody sees TF they'll think either you are trolling of you're good with him, not much people will think if you go ap or ad.