- Highest Damage dealer in the game
- Best tower sieger on the game
- Highest impact on Objective fights
- Best Champion to defend tower sieges
- Has a near global damage skill
- Safely damages enemy from a safe place
- Squishy , can be easily picked off if caught
- Lack of hard CC
- Lack of mobility
- Abilities are all skillshot , meaning theres no guarantee to hit unless enemy are CCed
Ziggs Build
Best Build Guide for Ziggs

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
English explanation
Mandatory items :
Luden's Echo
is the most important ziggs item, you need to perfectly farm minion before the dragon fight to get this item. This is your first power spike, and it allows you to poke down the enemy , making you a very big threat to the enemy if they are trying to contest the objective or starting a extended fight. It also allows you to clear non-cannon wave with only 1 use of Skill 1
Bouncing Bomb
and an Auto-attack
[stasis enchant] Important to take every game, U have a lack of mobility and disengage ability other than your skill 2
Satchel Charge
. You're also very squishy. Stasis is mandatory in high ranks where the meta junglers in SEA are rengar and Camille + Galio sp.
Rabadon's Deathcap
Second Power spike, your poke now deals huge damage and allows you to Instantly pick off an enemy. It also Open the possibility for ziggs to do his 1 kill combo which is (
Hexplosive Minefield
> auto attack >
Satchel Charge
Mega Inferno Bomb
Bouncing Bomb
> auto attack)
ITEMS to pick up after the three mandatory item :
Liandry's Torment
This upgrades your minefield
Hexplosive Minefield
into one of the deadliest ability , making them deal HP% dmg and also the normal AP damage . Making your zoning into a terrifying ability and also making the ability a good damage ability if enemy Zhonya, Dash, trying to escape, or if you knock them into the minefield with your
Satchel Charge
Infinity Orb
Is a very good item to pick up as your 4th item ( or 3rd if the enemy is squishy) it mainly empowers your
Mega Inferno Bomb
to Execute enemy if they are low , making getting hit by it at late game deadly.
Is a item to take if the enemy is tanky and has healing / or take it when you are facing squishy and have
Infinity Orb
as your 3rd item. With having both item Ap Penetration youre easily able to one shot squishy.
Void Staff
A good item versus tanks , good to pick up as your final item to round up your build . (No need to pick up if enemy doesnt build heavy Magic resistance items)
Indonesia translation for indonesian players ( ignore if youre not indonesian )
item wajib :
Luden's Echo
item terpenting ziggs . Sebelum dragon fight , diwajibkan untuk fokus ngefarm minion untuk dapetin item ini . Ludens echo jadi item power spike pertama ziggs , dengan ludens echo poke nya ziggs diperkuat dan zigg jadi orang terkuat di dragon fight dimana poke nya berbahaya . Ziggs juga bisa 1shot wave biasa (wave tanpa cannon) dengan skill 1
Bouncing Bomb
jika dia punya Ludens Echo.
[stasis enchant] Merupakan boots echant yang wajib diambil oleh ziggs. Ziggs hanya mempunyai 1 disengage/movement ability ( yang merupakan skill 2
Satchel Charge
) . Ziggs yang termasuk champion yang squishy (gampang terbunuh) , butuh Zhonya sebagai safety net . Stasis mengstop enemy untuk langsung membunuh ziggs , stasis juga kuat sekarang untuk melawan champion meta seperti rengar atau Camille + galio combo.
Rabadon's Deathcap
Merupakan powerspike kedua Ziggs , poke ziggs sekarang menghasilkan damage yang besar dan bisa langsung meng pick off/membunuh musuh. Setelah dapat rabbadon deathcap ziggs bisa melakukan instant kill combo (
Hexplosive Minefield
> auto attack >
Satchel Charge
Mega Inferno Bomb
Bouncing Bomb
> auto attack)
Item yang untuk dibeli setelah 3 item wajib :
Liandry's Torment
Item ini membuat skill 3
Hexplosive Minefield
menjadi skill paling berbahaya di game , musuh akan terkena HP% dmg , AP% dmg dan juga di slow . Zoning dari ability ini jadi lebih kuat dan damage yang diperkuat bikin ability ini bagus jika musuh Zhonya , memakai skill dash , lari melalui skill nya atau jika di knock ke arah
Hexplosive Minefield
Satchel Charge
Infinity Orb
item ini bagus untuk dibeli sebagai item ke empat (atau item ketiga jika enemy squishy) item ini memperkuat ulti
Mega Inferno Bomb
untuk membunuh musuh jika Hp mereka low , Hal tersebut membuat ulti ziggs berbahaya jika terkena di late game.
item ini dipake jika musuh tanky dan punya healing / atau jika melawan musuh squishy + membeli item
Infinity Orb
sebagai item ketiga . mempunyai kedua item tersebut memberikan AP penetration yang besar , dan gampang untuk membunuh musuh dengan 1 putaran skill.
Void Staff
item bagus untuk melawan tanks , bagus untuk dibeli sebagai item terakhir untuk mengcomplete build . (Tidak usah dibeli jika musuh tidak membuat item magic resistance)
Kedua Summoner spell berfokus dalam membuat ziggs hidup lebih lama / lebih aman
[barrier] membuat ziggs lebih aman jika dia di incar oleh musuh . Barrier memberi safety net kepada ziggs jika dia ditangkap / difokus musuh
[flash] summoner spell terbaik di game dan sebagai tool escape ziggs dikarenakan dia hanya punya sedikit mobility skill selain skill
Satchel Charge
Ziggs Runes
Best Runes for Ziggs

Summon Aery
is the best consistent rune for ziggs , it empowers his poke .
Bone Plating
this rune kees you alive if you get focused or being all in by enemy assasin / figthers. It also goes well with your [barrier].
increases your tower destroying capability , while also making you able to help get objectives faster . (Mandatory rune)
Indonesia translation for indonesian players (ignore if youre not indonesian)
Summon Aery
rune konsisten dan terbaik untuk ziggs, membuat pokenya lebih kuat.
bagus untuk memperkuat poke di early game , dan bermanfaat di dragon fight pertama
Bone Plating
boneplating membuat ziggs lebih gampang hidup jika musuh memfokus ziggs . Boneplating juga bagus dengan pengunaan [barrier]
membuat ziggs lebih kuat untuk menghancurkan tower , dan lebih kuat untuk mendapatkan objective seperti naga atau baron ( rune wajib)

is the best rune to take if the enemy team is fully of squishy .
Bone Plating
this rune kees you alive if you get focused or being all in by enemy assasin / figthers. It also goes well with your [barrier].
increases your tower destroying capability , while also making you able to help get objectives faster . (Mandatory rune)
Indonesia translation for indonesian players (ignore if youre not indonesian)
merupakan rune yang lebih kuat dalam beberapa situasi , ambil jika tim musuh squishy semua.
Bone Plating
boneplating membuat ziggs lebih gampang hidup jika musuh memfokus ziggs . Boneplating juga bagus dengan pengunaan [barrier]
membuat ziggs lebih kuat untuk menghancurkan tower , dan lebih kuat untuk mendapatkan objective seperti naga atau baron ( rune wajib)
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Normal laning combo , where you put your mine field where they are going / while they are taking minion , then throw a satchel charge to knock them to the minefield and then follow up with a skill 1 + Echanted auto attack , get another auto attack in if youre able to.

Normal kill combo , use it on enemy who doesnt have flash or escape ability . Throw mine field to slow then throw a satchel charge infront of them to knock em back into an instant ult + Q and Echanted auto attack.

Anti Sp echanter / squishy combo , if youre ahead just poke them till theyre low then use youre satchel charge into a instant ult . if you knock them with your satchel charge they cannot escape your ult
Ziggs Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
You easily out range his ability and able to stop him from getting close to stun you .
You can also stop his Teamfight capability by throwing minefield or satchel charge on his path to the objective if he was using his flying ability with + his skill 1.

Ziggs - artillery Mage
Ziggs as a midlaner excel on poking down enemy with his ability
He is also a very great objective figther , He can easily take down towers , control the access to Objectives (By Spamming ability at choke points / throwing mine fields to close a choke point) He can also bombard teams who are taking objective from long range like in the video . Easily pick them off if they clump together .
Ziggs as of right now , is one of the best mages ingame to push rank / or to play at the competitive scene , he brings alot of damage , poke , objective power and also zoning capability . Not only that , he is also one of the best champion to use in conjuction with the meta champion combos right now , Example : Cammile + ziggs , Jarvan + ziggs , Camille+ galio + ziggs , Nami + ziggs , and many more . The ability to easily combo with alot of the champions make him a powerfull teamfighter on top of his already damage overloaded kit .
His weakness however is the lack of mobility that he has , and the only ability to stop the enemy from his are only flash and his Skill 2 . He also bad at roaming or following other midlaner roams , the only reason a ziggs roam is an enemy sidelaner has low health and is executeable with your ult , or if your teammates such as youre jg are converging to dive / gank , you can help them by throwing ult to chunk the enemy making your jungler ganks way more effective.
You need to know when to freeze and fast push your wave , Freezing your wave makes you able to poke the enemy making them ganked easily or forcing them to not last hit the minion . The weakness of this is that the enemy midlaner can roam / fake roam and it will force you to make a decision of keeping the freeze (gambling if the enemy midlaner is fake roaming / or they fail their roam) or break the freeze and follow their roam . Following enemy midlaner roams is however the worst thing ziggs can do since he has no mobility to escape if the enemy midlaner turn around or if you get caught and ganked in the river .
You can also fast push your wave making them not able to roam and also pressuring them everytime they try to take last hit minion even under tower , the weakness of this is that you can be ganked by enemy jungler .
When to freeze and when to fast push comes down to your ability to get information and vision abot your surrounding lanes / enemies and also what matchup you have in the midlane .
Easy explanation for it is , if its a mage matchup you freeze , if its a assasin you fast push , if the enemy jungler is a agressive jungler you freeze , if enemy jungler is not an aggresive jungler champ (Amumu / shyvana) you fast push . All this however is just a simplification , youll be able to determine when to freeze or fast push the longer you play midlane / or ziggs .
You also need to put defensive wards instead of deep wards as a ziggs , since defensive wards for ziggs has more worth than information u get from putting deep ward where only your sidelaners can capatalize . ( Defensive ward = wards around midlane to stop enemy from roaming and kill you) ( Deep wards = wards deep in enemy territory to gain information that can be used to play agressively ).
INDONESIA TRANSLATION ( ignore if youre not indonesian)
Ziggs sebagai midlaner unggul dalam mempoke musuh dengan skill nya
Dia juga objective fighter yang sangat hebat, Dia dapat dengan mudah menjatuhkan tower, mengontrol akses ke Tujuan objective (Dengan kemampuan Spamming di choke point/ atau melempar
Hexplosive Minefield
untuk menutup choke point ) Dia juga dapat membombardir tim musuh yang mengambil objective dari jarak jauh.
Ziggs sampai saat ini, adalah salah satu mage terbaik untuk push rank / atau bermain di setting kompetitif, kit dia membawa banyakdamage, poke , kekuatan di objektif dan juga kemampuan zoning. Tidak hanya itu , ia juga merupakan salah satu champion terbaik untuk digunakan bersama dengan combo meta champion saat ini , Contoh : Cammile + ziggs , Jarvan + ziggs , Camille + galio + ziggs , Nami + ziggs , dan masih banyak lagi . Kemampuan untuk combo dengan mudah melalui ability
Mega Inferno Bomb
dengan banyak champion meta membuat ziggs menjadi Top pick .
Namun kelemahannya adalah kurangnya mobilitas yang dia miliki, dan satu-satunya kemampuan untuk menghentikan musuh darinya hanyalah flash dan
Satchel Charge
miliknya. Dia juga buruk dalam roaming atau mengikuti roaming midlaner lainnya, satu-satunya alasan untuk ziggs mengroam adalah sidelaner musuh memiliki HP yang rendah dan dapat dieksekusi dengan ult Ziggs , atau jika rekan tim seperti jg sedang berkumpul untuk dive / gank, Anda dapat membantu mereka dengan melemparkan ult ke musuh untuk mengchunk HP musuh membuat gank jungler Anda menjadi lebih efektif.
Anda perlu tahu kapan harus membekukan dan mendorong gelombang minion Anda dengan cepat, Membekukan gelombang membuat Anda dapat mempoke musuh dengan skill
Bouncing Bomb
secara mudah, membuat mereka dapat di gank atau memaksa mereka untuk tidak meng last hit minion. Kelemahan dari hal ini adalah midlaner musuh dapat melakukan roaming / fake roam dan akan memaksa Anda untuk mengambil keputusan untuk tetap membekukan (berjudi jika midlaner musuh fake roaming / atau gagal dalam roamnya) atau break the freeze dan ikuti roam mereka . Mengikuti roam midlaner musuh adalah hal terburuk yang dapat dilakukan ziggs karena dia tidak memiliki mobilitas untuk escape jika midlaner musuh berbalik ke arah ziggs atau jika Anda tertangkap / digank di sungai oleh midlaner musuh dan jungler musuh.
Anda juga dapat mendorong gelombang Anda dengan cepat menggunakan skill
Bouncing Bomb
Hexplosive Minefield
sehingga mereka tidak dapat roaming dan juga menekan mereka setiap kali mereka mencoba mengambil last hit minion bahkan di bawah tower, kelemahannya adalah gampang digank oleh jungler musuh.
Kapan harus membekukan dan kapan harus mendorong cepat tergantung pada kemampuan Anda untuk mendapatkan informasi dari vision map / musuh , vision di sekitar midlane dan juga champion matchup di midlane
Penjelasan mudahnya adalah, jika itu matchup mage Anda dapat membeku lane, jika itu adalah assassin anda mendorong cepat, jika jungler musuh adalah jungler agresif Anda membekukan lane, jika jungler musuh jungler pasif(Amumu / shyvana) Anda dapat mendorong lane . Namun semua ini hanyalah penyederhanaan, Anda akan dapat menentukan kapan harus membekukan lane atau mendorong cepat dari experience bermain midlane / ziggs.
Anda juga perlu menempatkan ward defensif bukan ward dalam sebagai ziggs , karena ward defensif untuk ziggs memiliki nilai lebih sebagai informasi dibanding informasi yang Anda dapatkan dari menempatkan ward yang dalam di mana hanya sidelaner Anda yang dapat mengkapitalisasi informasi tersebut . ( Defensive ward = ward di sekitar midlane untuk mencegah musuh roaming dan membunuhmu) ( Deep ward = ward yang berada jauh di dalam wilayah musuh untuk mendapatkan informasi yang bisa digunakan untuk bermain agresif ).

Teamfights and late game
In teamfights you have 2 things to do . Poke and Execute .
your skills alow you to easily poke down enemy from afar , and get a hp advantage while also stoping them to fight back with youre zoning abiltiy . This transfers to teamfight aswell , you can poke enemy in a teamfights and stop them from coming you with your skill 2 and 3 , making them reaching the backline hard . Ziggs excel on front to back fighting
Objective fights is easier since enemy are sometimes funneled through the many choke point from jungle , Clumping in the river or Clumping on the objective itself . A good posisitioning allow you to poke enemy from afar and making them having to pick on two hard decision : allow ziggs to poke or Spend resources to deal with ziggs poke .
both decision is hard because of how much damage and zoning capability you have and how much enemy need to use to kill you , making the teamfight hard on the enemy team .
ziggs also is the best tower objective figther , can easily poke down tower to the point he can just satchel it later on . or down right destroy it.