[2.4b] Senna Guide - ADC That Doesn't Farm? Introducing Fasting Senna!
ADC That Doesn't Farm? Introducing Fasting Senna!
- Late Game Monster
- Fast Passive Scaling
- Your Support Now Can Get A Lead!
- Long Range
- Annoying AF
- Weak Early Game
- Don't Get Much Gold
- Support-Depending Strategy
Senna Build
Best Build Guide for Senna
Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Starting Items
- Long Sword : Early Attack Damage (AD)
- Ruby Crystal : Early Health Point (HP)
- Boots of Speed : Early Movement Speed (MS)
Core Items
- Black Cleaver : Synchronize well with Senna 's passive Absolution since it gives her bonus MS every time she Auto Attack. Of course, Trinity Force also does the same thing but Black Cleaver offers much more AD and HP and it also gives Senna Armor Reduction to enemy hit by any physical damage.
- Boots of your choice
Going full AD build means you're very vulnerable since you're squishy. You can replace Youmuu's Ghostblade and Duskblade of Draktharr with situational items like Maw of Malmortius and Guardian Angel (depending on the situation). You still can run full AD but you need to pilot the champion properly.
- Stormrazor : Decent for Senna since it helps her to kite better with the slow effect, as well as dealing more damage, crit and Attack Speed.
- Enchant of your choice
- Youmuu's Ghostblade : Gives Bonus MS when out of combat, also gives a decent Attack Speed when this item's passive is fully stacked (Spectral Haste). In short, more roam and more chase.
- Duskblade of Draktharr : Most AD item, armor penetration as well. Good for damage, basically.
- Infinity Edge : Most AD item, provide bonus crit damage. Good for damage, basically.
Be flexible. You don't have to buy them in order. Just buy what you need first depending on the situation.
- Iceborn Gauntlet : Good for slowing people = good for kiting. Having mana and Armor feels great as well no?
- Enchant of your choice
- Maw of Malmortius : No more worrying about enemy AP since you ain't gonna die any time soon against them.
- Trinity Force : More Ability Haste, Attack speed, AD and MS when Auto Attacking
- Guardian Angel : 2nd life feels pretty good I must say.
- Maw of Malmortius : Good against AP Assassins that want you dead. Also provide a fair amount of AD
- Guardian Angel : Good against AD Assassins that want your head cut off. Also provide a fair amount of AD and gives you a 2nd life as well.
- Boots of Swiftness : Good for kiting and slow reduction
- Plated Steelcaps : Good against AD Champions especially Auto Attack Champions
- Mercury's Treads : Good against AP Champions and Crowd Control (CC)
Senna Runes
Best Runes for Senna
Keystone Rune
- Conqueror : To gain the most AD possible when you're fully stacked
- Grasp of the Undying : More sustain during teamfights and laning phase. A decent damage rune as well.
- Summon Aery : Good for poking and shielding your ally since you need them to protect you.
- Phase Rush : Good for chasing, escaping, kiting and dodging skill shots.
- Fleet Footwork : Good for self healing and bonus movement speed.
Domination Rune
- Gathering Storm : Late Game Scaling since that's what Senna does best
- Hunter Vampirism : Good for sustain
Resolve Rune
- Adaptive Carapace : Good against burst and stack damage
- Bone Plating : Reduce combo damage
- Conditioning : Good against everything but weak at the early stage. Scales hard during late game.
- Hunter Titan : Good against CC team comp with tenacity (reduce CC effect by a certain amount of time)
- Second Wind : Good against poking champions
- Loyalty : I don't recommend taking this. Low value.
Inspiration Rune
- Sweet Tooth : Now your Support can eat the Honeyfruit too. REMEMBER, your Support is the one who is supposed to take all the farm which means, YOUR SUPPORT carries YOU at the early game. Gold income from Honeyfruit will help you in every stage of the game
Keyston Rune
- Grasp of the Undying : More sustain during teamfights and laning phase. A decent damage rune as well.
Domination Rune
- Gathering Storm : Late Game Scaling since that's what Senna does best
- Hunter Vampirism : Good for sustain
Resolve Rune
- Adaptive Carapace : Good against burst and stack damage
- Bone Plating : Reduce combo damage
- Conditioning : Good against everything but weak at the early stage. Scales hard during late game.
- Hunter Titan : Good against CC team comp with tenacity (reduce CC effect by a certain amount of time)
- Second Wind : Good against poking champions
- Loyalty : I don't recommend taking this. Low value.
Inspiration Rune
- Sweet Tooth : Now your Support can eat the Honeyfruit too. REMEMBER, your Support is the one who is supposed to take all the farm which means, YOUR SUPPORT carries YOU at the early game. Gold income from Honeyfruit will help you in every stage of the game
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points
Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential
Extended 1 Piercing Darkness
If you want to take this ability to another level :
- Place a ward > Piercing Darkness . Your ward is also a targetable object that can extend your 1 Piercing Darkness .
- Your 1 Piercing Darkness can also be extended upon hitting a minion, a monster, a tower and a champion (both enemy and ally).
- Can only be extended by 1 target.
Standard Trade
- Your 1 Piercing Darkness resets your auto attack
- You can get a free stack by attacking an enemy champion twice. (5 seconds cooldown)
- Your 3 Curse Of The Black Mist is used to disengage if they're trying to punish you with an all-in combo. You'll never know. BUT it's not really necessary if the enemy team has not reach Level 5.
Standard Early All-In
- A very good combo that can be used either when you get a good gank from your jungler and when the enemy is low chance of survival.
- Again, 3 Curse Of The Black Mist is used for disengage. It can also be used to give bonus movement speed for chasing the enemy down.
Ultimate Flash
- This combo will display a display bug
- Can be used to confuse your enemy
- Good for both chasing and escaping.
Standard Late All-In
- Most Output Damage Possible.
Standard Initiatior
- Get as many ally as possible into your mist / 3 Curse Of The Black Mist since the enemy have no idea how many and who is inside of the mist.
- Shadows Enchant is not really necessary but you can use it to get higher chance of hitting your 2 Last Embrace
- Shadows Enchant can also be replaced with [Exhaust].
Advance All-In
- Fast Hands are needed
- Surpise madafaka!
Inverse All-In
- Good if the enemy is low on HP or if your team is about to die.
- Piercing Darkness and her Auto Attacks can't be blocked by Yasuo 's Wind Wall . But remember, your Ult Dawning Shadow can still be blocked by Wind Wall and Braum can still block everything with his 3 Unbreakable .
- Attacking an enemy champion twice will drop a soul. (5 seconds cooldown btw)
- Attacking a soul doesn't proc your energizer stack from Rapid Firecannon , Statikk Shiv , Stormrazor and Fleet Footwork . Therefore, you can proc your movement speed without using your energizer stack allowing you to trade with the enemy.
- Even though souls only have 1 HP, Senna applies lifesteal and omnivamp on them as if she dealt a full Auto Attack and Ability damage
- Senna 's passive [senna:passive] gives her 1 AD per stack, 25 range every 20 stacks, and 15% crit chance every 20 stacks. 35% of excessive Crit Chance will be converted to Lifesteal
- Rapid Firecannon not only extend the range of your Auto Attacks but it also extend the range of your 1 Piercing Darkness .
- 1 Piercing Darkness that is extended by Rapid Firecannon will not proc your Rapid Firecannon 's passive until you hit an enemy champion. This means you can get a huge range on minion wave and and monsters. But it can still be proc by your Auto Attacks.
- Senna 's 1 Piercing Darkness cancel your Auto Attack animation allowing you to use the Auto > Piercing Darkness > Auto combo (Standard Trade) in an instant.
- Auto Attacks reset 1 seconds of your Piercing Darkness . Buying Runaan's Hurricane can proc 3 Auto Attacks.
- Your Piercing Darkness can be extended on plants and proc the plants when it got hit.
- Last Embrace is extremely slow. You can either do the [flash] > [senna:2] or wait till someone else CC the enemy team.
- Curse Of The Black Mist makes you and your allies untargetable by Auto Attacks and on-hit abilities. Everyone inside the mist will also remains invincible as long as they're in the mist. This is a good surprise engage tool since the enemy team don't know who's inside and how many are there inside the mist.
- You can treat Curse Of The Black Mist as a panic button you can press when an enemy engage happening.
- Keep in mind you can't Auto Attacks or use Abilities while in the mist or else you'll just expose the allies inside including yourself.
- Your Ult Dawning Shadow have a global range in which you can use to execute enemies and shield allies whenever they're teamfighting even when you're on the other side of the map.
Basically, you let your Support farm as if they're the ADC and you're the Support. Preferably, you want to pair up with damage Support like Seraphine , Lux , Annie , and Ashe .
Note: You can also just play a regular ADC gameplay but you need to poke a lot so you get a bunch of stacks. Not as many as Fasting Senna tho