Jinx Build
Best Build Guide for Jinx
Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Starter Items
- Long Sword is the best because it allows you to farm and poke efficiently
First Purchases (Offensive)
- B.F. Sword is the first item you want to rush because it gives you a lot of AD which allows you to poke and farm even harder
- Cloak of Agility is bought as a second item to build into IE
- Gluttonous Greaves are the only boots useful for ADC.
First Purchases (Defensive)
- Vampiric Scepter for ad/sustain e.g. if you died early
- Recurve Bow for more offensive plays e.g. if you got a kill early
- Gluttonous Greaves are the only boots useful for ADC.
Critical Build (Offensive)
This build focuses a lot on being up in the face of your enemy and shredding through them with critical strikes and area of effect damage through Switcheroo!
- Infinity Edge is what you buy first because it gives you an insane amount of damage if you manage to crit. Jinx has a lot of attack speed built into her Switcheroo! so therefore she doesn't really need any attack speed item as a first purchase.
- Runaan's Hurricane is your most important power spike as it allows you to crit on multiple targets, and deal splash critical damage to anyone nearby. This is basically your bread and butter for dealing damage. This item is included in all of Jinx's builds, no matter how they look
- Quicksilver Enchant is the only enchantment worth buying as it cleanses all CC and gives you a burst of movement speed which allows you to escape potential engages and all-ins. [stasis enchant] isn't useful because you dodge one skill, but when you come out of it you are more than likely to just get nuked.
- Rapid Firecannon is a perfect fit with your first two items, as it allows you to do even more damage but from a safer distance.
- Bloodthirster is a good all-around item as you need a lot of life steal to stay alive, and it also grants a big amount of AD and a shield to save you from death.
- Last item is flexible, but I typically go for Mortal Reminder to pierce through fat tanks like Malphite and Alistar
Attack Speed (Defensive)
This build focuses on staying alive, meaning that it includes shields, revives, and more. With this build you just want to stay behind your team and attack whoever is closest.
- Blade of the Ruined King is a strong early purchase as it gives you more room to kite and catch-up to enemies that are running away. On top of that, it grants you life steal to survive your lane and a decent amount of attack speed to stack with the rest of your build.
- Runaan's Hurricane is your most important power spike as it allows you to crit on multiple targets, and deal splash critical damage to anyone nearby. This is basically your bread and butter for dealing damage. This item is included in all of Jinx's builds, no matter how they look.
- Quicksilver Enchant is the only enchantment worth buying as it cleanses all CC and gives you a burst of movement speed which allows you to escape potential engages and all-ins. [stasis enchant] isn't useful because you dodge one skill, but when you come out of it you are more than likely to just get nuked.
- Infinity Edge gives you an insane amount of damage if you manage to crit. You already have two attack speed items, so after buying IE you should be popping off.
- Phantom Dancer is only bought because it gives you a shield while Statikk Shiv just gives damage. You want to survive, so you buy PD.
- Guardian Angel is your second chance if you screw up during team fights. Only buy it if you feel like you won't get instantly popped after coming back to life. Otherwise, buy a flexible item.
Flexible Items
- Maw of Malmortius against heavy ap teams
- Frozen Mallet if you feel like you need some extra health
- Statikk Shiv can be bought if you get very fed early and want to get extra damage or 100% crit.
Jinx Runes
Best Runes for Jinx
- Consistant damage, and fast stacks. Best rune you can take.
Gathering Storm
- I like this rune because Jinx is most powerful at 2 items, at which point this rune will give you more AD than any other. You can also take brutal if you prefer early game domination.
- Works really well in the dragon lane as you are 2, meaning that you get extra armor/magic resistance all the time
Pack Hunter
- Works really well in the dragon lane as you are 2, meaning that if you get a kill/assist then you both get gold
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points
Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Jinx Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
All she can do is spam Volley to poke you, and then try to kill you with Enchanted Crystal Arrow . If you stay behind minions, she won't be able to do anything. You have longer range, and more damage.
However, if she does get fed then don't try to fight her because she has powerful slows through Frost Shot .
- Pix deals magical damage every time you attack someone. This means you are now an AP/AD Critical Burst Machine with Crazy Attack Speed. Lulu also gives you increased movement speed, attack speed, and shields which is the best dream you'll ever have as it allows you to fight anyone in the game as long as lulu is next to you.
Nami - Nami is really powerful because of Tidecaller's Blessing which causes your attacks to deal magical damage and slow the enemy. This is super useful for Switcheroo! as it allows you to shred through enemies while they are slowed. On top of that, she is also an excellent healer and has good CC with Aqua Prison and Tidal Wave . Overall a very powerful pick with Jinx.
- Sona is an early game bully and a late-game monster. She has shields, heals, damage, and a long stun that can turn a fight around. As long as you don't feed early, you should come out as a very powerful duo.
- Braum is only decent because of your attack speed and
Concussive Blows
. He is a good support for disengaging and engaging but isn't able to heal or shield you.
- Soraka is generally very weak right now, and won't be able to do much if e.g. an
engages on you.Especially if they have grievious wounds
- Doesn't do anything apart from hooking. If he lands a really nice hook then you might get a kill but apart from that, he won't be able to do anything to protect you.
Janna - Janna is decent, but only if she knows how to use Howling Gale . Her shield is strong, and her ultimate is also very powerful. However, Janna herself is very squishy. With that being said, she will more than likely die very quickly in a team fight and therefore leave you vulnerable. She has poor scaling into the mid and late game and only shines when roaming to other lanes. So highly depends on Janna user. Can be terrible, but also very powerful.
Lux + Seraphine - Hit or miss. If they land their abilities often, then they are insanely powerful. If they don't, then they are terrible.