[2.6a] Rakan Guide - Solo Climbing with Rakan _War is in the dance_
Solo Climbing with Rakan _War is in the dance_
- High Mobility
- Good Roamings
- Great AP Scalling
- Diversified Playstyle
- Crazy Teamfight Impact
- He is a good boyfriend :D
- Kinda Squishy
- High Cooldowns Early Game
- Not The Best Early Game Damage
- Works Better as a Secondary Engage
- His Engage Can Be Stopped By A LOT of Skills
- Isn't in Arcane :'(
Rakan Build
Best Build Guide for Rakan

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
This will be long and I'll try to make myself as clear and helpful as possible.
You can play
using different builds and playstyles:
You can go Full AP, building
Rod of Ages
You can go for a supportive style, building only support and tank items (even though people sometimes build
Rod of Ages
and support items.
You can go full tank (wich I don't recommend)
Here I'm showing the two playstyles that I think are the best and more suitable for Rakan when you're playing SoloQ
1. The Supportive Build:
When going for this build you'll be usually starting with
Boots of Speed
so you can
- Upgrade them into
Plated Steelcaps or
Mercury's Treads and then into [locket enchant] or
Redeeming Enchant as soon as possible
- Lvl 1 Gank baron lane or mid lane and go to your dragon lane
- Leash for your jungler and get to lane before the first minion dies.
You'll be starting
Cloth Armor
if you're playing against a healing support like
so you can rush
Bramble Vest
And, the most surprising, you can start
Sapphire Crystal
if you're playing against a
, so you can keep shielding your adc with
Battle Dance
tries to poke him.
After that you'll usually go
Ardent Censer
to increase your ad teammates damage.
The rest you should adapt according to the game
Protector's Vow
for extra peeling, really good when behind or when you can't build anything more optimal
Randuin's Omen
against high atack speed and critical
Force of Nature
against ap
Zeke's Convergence
if you're really ahead
Athene's Unholy Grail
if you want to peel more and facing ap champions
against healing or ad comps
Archangel's Staff
if you started
Sapphire Crystal
If the enemy team is full ad and they have healing you can go
Bramble Vest
Oblivion Orb
, this way you'll be inflicting grievous wounds when taking and dealing damage
Hextech Megadrive
if you go
Bramble Vest
Oblivion Orb
2. The Full AP build
This is a really good build for lower elos cause it allows you to carry games by yourself, however I don't recommend it in higher elos (and by that I mean above Diamond II) since
Rod of Ages
takes a lot of time to stack. However, if your adc is a
, abuse this build maxing
Battle Dance
So, with this build you'll be starting
Amplifying Tome
against safe matchups or
Ruby Crystal
against hard engage (like
) so you can rush
Rod of Ages
. You can also go
Sapphire Crystal
against Malphite.
After finishing
Rod of Ages
Rabadon's Deathcap
, only buy
Boots of Speed
if you can't afford a
Needlessly Large Rod
. The reason for that is because Rakan's skills scale really well with ap. Having these 2 items you heal a lot, shield a lot and take around 70% to 90% hp of any adc (except if they build mr or health)
After finishing your two items go for
Protobelt Enchant
Redeeming Enchant
Shadows Enchant
. From there you'll have two options: commit to a FULL DAMAGE BUILD or a Peeling Build
I recommend deciding based on your team's performance and if you're ahead or behind.
If you're behind you should probably peel more, if you're ahead go damage, if your team isn't going well go damage, or peel if you see that you can count on them.
Ardent Censer
to increase your carry's damage
Athene's Unholy Grail
against ap and to heal more
Staff of Flowing Waters
to help your ap champions
Crystalline Reflector
so you can survive against heavy ad comps
against healing
Archangel's Staff
right after rabbadon if you started
Sapphire Crystal
Always go
Infinity Orb
Lich Bane
Void Staff
. Only delay
Infinity Orb
if you need
Crystalline Reflector
Banshee's Veil
to survive heavy ad or ap, or if you started
Sapphire Crystal
and wants to upgrade it into
Archangel's Staff
Rakan Runes
Best Runes for Rakan

if you're going full ap. Extra damage and mobility since you'll be delaying
Boots of Speed
Bone Plating
against engage and
Adaptive Carapace
against poke (since poke would always be breaking your
Bone Plating

If you're trying to be a supporty boi take
Font of Life
will make you tankier and
Font of Life
will make you peel more.
Always take
since it will increase your team's damage
Bone Plating
against engage and
Adaptive Carapace
against poke (since poke would always be breaking your
Bone Plating
You can take
Pack Hunter
for snowballing or
for better roamings

That said, you'll take
Phase Rush
to proc it during the teamfight and charm more people using [rakan:ult]
since it will increase your team's damage
Bone Plating
against engage and
Adaptive Carapace
against poke (since poke would always be breaking your
Bone Plating
If you're going for this runepage and playstyle, take ghost instead of flash and rush
Glorious Enchant
first item
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Basic Combo

Same as before but dashing into an ally first

Same as Before but shielding your ally two times after finishing the combo.

Flash Engage

Highest Range Combo

For saving Allies

Flash R, best way to catch enemies off guard

Best combo for teamfighting
Rakan Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
If he catches your adc, you
Battle Dance
into him and
Grand Entrance
to disengage or reengage

Lvl 1 Strategy
If you're in a matchup where your adc won't be engaged you can wait in a bush in mid or baron lane and gank them.
You should only do this if:
You know that your adc won't be engaged
Your baron laner or mid laner is strong at level one, or at least has some crowd control and carry potential
If you know that the enemy laner you're ganking doesn't have a good escape and will waste flash, lose hp or die
If you started
Boots of Speed
If you asked your laner in the champion select screen for it. He may think you're trolling and trying to steal his lane. You don't want a tilted teammate in SoloQ
If you don't have all the stuff checked, just don't do it

Laning Phase
You won't do anything at level 1, except for disengaging, you'll only engage if the enemy is out of position or if your adc is a Xayah with
Deadly Plumage
At level 2 you can find windows to start small trades with
Grand Entrance
Battle Dance
After level 4, try to use your
Gleaming Quill
as much as possible for sustain.
If you manage to get your enemy's hp low enough you may be able to get a kill at level 5 with your
The Quickness
If you see your team needs help during a fight and you know that your adc won't be dived, just go help

You should always roam as
, but when to roam? The brazilian support player Daniel Marcon says:
"Você dá roaming quando você pode"
"You roam when you can"
This means that you should only roam when you have an opportunity to do it
Your adc is farming safe? Roam!
Your jg wants to invade and you're pressuring the lane? Roam!
You recalled, your adc recalled or is farming safe? Roam to baron lane or mid lane and try to catch someone out of position!
You can roam to pressure another lane, to get vision, to get a spell or a kill, to help your jungler.
Three important things to keep in mind:
1 - You don't have to go right back to dragon lane when you recall, try to go through the jungle close to the mid lane or even throught the mid lane, so if you can make any play or if your team makes any play, you're close enough to help them.
2 - Try to always roam with your jungler, he will be your best friend
3 - Don't forget about baron lane. They don't usually expect to be ganked by a support, so you can abuse that and gank whenever you find a window.

Rakan is always good fighting for objectives, but try to advise your team on what objective you'd like to fight, they'll sometimes listen to you.
The order I usually follow is
Infernal Drake > Ocean Drake> Cloud Drake = Rift Herald > Mountain Drake
When fighting for an objective try to use your
The Quickness
Grand Entrance
on the most people possible and then get back to your team
You can always heal your entire team by using
Gleaming Quill
in any epic monster, try to use this trick even if not fighting for an objective. Just walk by, use your
Gleaming Quill
Battle Dance
back to heal your adc and get back to lane

Getting vision is a big part of a support's job, you can't make plays if you don't know where the enemy is
Try to always ward the enemy jungle, ward important bushes during objectives so you'll see any enemy coming, always clear enemy wards and as soon as possible move to gain vision.

Basically try to be a secondary engage if possible, if not, flash engage with your
The Quickness
and get back to your team.
After using
The Quickness
, just peel for your carry (and for your team, of course, but your job is to keep your carry alive, only reason you should forget him is if he's so weak that he can't deal significant damage)

Mid and Late Game Map
Try to be close to your allies, always gain vision, always think if they're safe or not and always try to help your allies that you know may be taking risks. The most common is the adcarry, since he's really squishy. If your adc is safe (wich usually happens if the jg helps him) try to protect your splitpusher.
And when I say help, I mean stick close and out of vision, if someone wants to engage your ally disengage or counterengage them and turn the fight.

Don't tilt, if you're really stressed and tired just take your time. Go drink some water, listen to music, play something else, hug your father. No game is worth your mental health, always remember that.