by XyliaXD

[5.0] Xylia's Draven Guide For Patch 5.2

Patch 5.0
July 19, 2024 17:27

Xylia's Draven Guide For Patch 5.2

Learn every mechanics and how to 1v9 with Draven with this guide bt the best Draven in the SEA Server.


  • Skill Expressive Champ
  • Fun to Play
  • Best 1v9 Champ by far
  • Highest Burst Damage
  • Will almost always win every matchup if you are skilled enough
  • Dopamine overload


  • Very bad when behind
  • Weak vs CC, Slows

Draven Build

Best Build Guide for Draven

Starting Items
Long Sword
First Back
Serrated Dirk
Gluttonous Greaves
Core Items (replace Umbrail Glave with Collector)
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Mortal Reminder
Umbral Glaive
Boots (replace swiftness with berserkers greaves)
Gluttonous Greaves
Plated Steelcaps
Boots of Swiftness
Full Build
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Quicksilver Enchant
Mortal Reminder
Umbral Glaive
Infinity Edge
Blade of the Ruined King
Senna, Sona support
Tear of the Goddess
Lost Chapter
Lost Chapter
Lost Chapter
Lost Chapter
Lost Chapter

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

Starting items:

Long SwordLong Sword always else ure trolling.

First Back:

Armor pen boots and Serrated DirkSerrated Dirk is the most optimal back for DravenDraven because he likes lethality and his Spinning AxeSpinning Axe scales off of bonus ad.

Core Items:

Youmuu's GhostbladeYoumuu's Ghostblade is the best rush item for DravenDraven right now, gives VERY GOOD stats (55 AD and 15 flat pen) and the most important thing is that it gives MOVESPEED. Now i buy this item not because of the bonus attack speed it gives, just because of the movespeed. Once you understand that the faster you can rotate to lane and the faster you can join in fights, you basically CONTROL the game. Very important concept to have in mind

Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder mathematically the best item as a 2nd item for DravenDraven because it makes your lethality that much more EFFICIENT and efficiency is what youre looking for when ure playing a moba

The Collector is THE BEST 3rd item for DravenDraven , it proves everything he wants, damage, crit, lethality. And its passive works insanely well with DravenDraven , it helps you collect the kills which wouldve gotten away.

Infinity EdgeInfinity Edge Building crit without going this item is basically trolling imo, +25% crit damage is too good to pass up.

Blade of the Ruined KingBlade of the Ruined King % health damage combined with flat armor pen and % armor pen simply melts any tank and squishies

Armor Pen boots as the default boots because it is simply the most efficient boots, it gives 10 FLAT armor pen + 30 AD, basically the same stats as a Serrated DirkSerrated Dirk pre-nerf on pc, combine this with an early Serrated DirkSerrated Dirk and Vampiric ScepterVampiric Scepter combined with bloodline and you are basically unkillable with insane damage.

Plated SteelcapsPlated Steelcaps vs kaisa, ashe and lucian

Quicksilver EnchantQuicksilver Enchant Buy this whenever it hits 6 minutes, best enchant because of the low cooldown and free tenacity.

BUILD PATH: Long SwordLong Sword -> Armor Penetration Boots -> Vampiric ScepterVampiric Scepter -> Serrated DirkSerrated Dirk -> Youmuu's GhostbladeYoumuu's Ghostblade -> Serrated DirkSerrated Dirk -> Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder -> The Collector -> Infinity EdgeInfinity Edge -> Blade of the Ruined KingBlade of the Ruined King . Get Quicksilver EnchantQuicksilver Enchant whenever possible.

Draven Runes

Best Runes for Draven

Lethal Tempo
Lethal Tempo
Gathering Storm
Gathering Storm
Ultimate Shield
Ultimate Shield

Rune explanations:

Lethal TempoLethal Tempo : Always because it helps alot with extended fights and early skirmishes, DravenDraven struggles alot in teamfights and this rune makes up for it.

BrutalBrutal : best early rune, after running numbers with the lethality build this is ALWAYS the best rune.

COUP DE GRACE: will help you secure those early kills for a big snowball, helps more than Giant SlayerGiant Slayer

Bloodline: helps alot more than alacrity because you are not building early life steal with this build.

Eyeball Collection: 20 permanent attack damage when fully stacked

ConquerorConqueror and PTA is just trolling lmao.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

League Of Draven
League Of Draven - Passive
Spinning Axe
Spinning Axe
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Blood Rush
Blood Rush
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Stand Aside
Stand Aside
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Whirling Death
Whirling Death
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

when u go mid.


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Blood Rush
Auto Attack
Stand Aside
Auto Attack
Whirling Death

Have 2 axes up, W auto E auto R.

Draven Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters


Play passive and patient, try to freeze and wait until she or her support messes up and go in





Abilities Mechanics:

Spinning AxeSpinning Axe : triple Q: auto auto Spinning AxeSpinning Axe (because last Q wont always be guaranteed

Blood RushBlood Rush : double W by pressing W before you catch an axe. Dont spam W in lane or youl OOM very fast.

Stand AsideStand Aside : ONLY E when enemy is close to you, never E when theyre near the edge.

E flash instead of Flash E so enemy cant react.

Use E to cancel enemies dashes ( Shield VaultShield Vault , Jarvans EQ, HeadbuttHeadbutt ). Use E sparingly dont perma auto auto E or youll OOM (out of mana) aswell.

You can actually kind of animation "cancel" your auto attack by doing an auto attack then immediately E'ing afterwards, so it should be Auto E auto (make sure your first auto comes out so you dont cancel it by accident if you E too early).

You can buffer your E through enemies CC because it has a windup just like ezreals E, if you time it right you can cancel warwicks Ult off of you.

Whirling DeathWhirling Death : you can recall R to double hit enemy instantly. you can also "animation cancel" your auto attacks when you use R, it should be like auto R auto (just like with Stand AsideStand Aside , dont use it too early or else youll cancel your first auto.

You can also buffer your Whirling DeathWhirling Death through CC.

Draven Combo: have 2 axes up, Blood RushBlood Rush auto Stand AsideStand Aside auto Whirling DeathWhirling Death



VS POKE CHAMPS ( EzrealEzreal , LuxLux , AsheAshe , Miss FortuneMiss Fortune , CaitlynCaitlyn ): you would want to match their push, never let them push you until youre under your tower.

VS ALL IN ( TristanaTristana , SamiraSamira , ZeriZeri ): FREEZE THE WAVE (or slow push). spam ping jungler to gank when you freeze the wave infront (NOT IN) tower range.

VS HOOKS : position axes behind minions.



As DravenDraven i always want to look for early fights especially before level 5 cause thats where youre strongest at before you get a cashout. Try to bait the enemies supports and adcs to waste their big cc spells like luxs Q and caitlyns E then ping your support to go in and kill them. When your support is a melee engage champ try to not shove the wave into the enemy tower but freeze it infront of your tower to ensure the enemies walk up further to cs and you can get a free gank off of it. Try your best to track enemy jungle to ensure you dont die off of an early level 5 cheese gank.


General Laning Phase Tips


When i start at red side (my botside is near my junglers red buff): i ward the tribrush using the control ward.

When i start at blue side (my botside is near my junglers blue buff): i ward the brush in the lane NOT in the river!

Start Spinning AxeSpinning Axe level 1, when youre in lane, shove the FIRST wave as fast as possible then back off. Wait for the second wave to come, secure a minion lead, kill a minion FAST (ALWAYS kill the enemies melee minion) and then you ONLY last hit the enemies minions to stack another minion wave in your lane so you can shove it in and poke them under tower or have a cheater recall. "Oh so what if the enemy pushes back?" Easy, if they push your minions back then you MATCH their push, keep in mind you need to have ONE more minion in your wave than the enemies wave. If your minions are relatively healthy then you can just punish them by auto'ng them instead of matching their push (which i find is better).

So when you have a minion lead and the enemies are stuck with 2~3 minion waves stacked in the lane, now what? Now you ZONE, you stand infront of your stacked minion wave, when the enemy adc tries to walk up to last hit, you just auto them. Due to the sheer amount of minions in your wave, you always win the fight if they try to go all in. Its a lose lose situation for them. They have to farm under tower or just die trying to walk up and last hit.

Lets say your enemies matched your push but now they made the CRUCIAL mistake of accidentally overpushing the wave, now its coming to your tower, what will we do here? What i usually do is i stand just slightly outside of the tower range to draw minion aggro. Now i tank the enemies minions and wait for my minions to come and i repeat the steps above. Get a minion lead (1 minion more than the enemies wave) and i begin to last hit only. This is so that you can turn the enemies push into your own push without the enemies being able to do anything about it because you are DravenDraven . When the enemies try to last hit then you just auto them and match their push later.

Repeat those steps above until the enemies tier 1 turret is down and you can move on to the midgame guide.


Midgame tips

- Once you denied enemies a shit ton of xp using your insane knowledge of wave management you can take enemy tier 1 turret and rotate to top to increase map pressure. If top tier 1 tower is already gone then you can rotate to mid instead.

- Stay mid and shove waves until theres an objectives available. Your goal in the midgame is to STAY AHEAD of the enemy adc and SECURE the objectives for your team.

- Try to deep ward in the enemy jg to gain more info on their junglers, or you could ping your support and jg to do an invade.

- Try to play as SAFE as possible while creating map pressure by pushing waves constantly and rotating with your jungle/support (whoever is rotating the most).

Late game tips:

- ping your support to ward elder/baron

- stay with your team

- bonus secret tip: when a teamfight starts, MAKE SURE the enemy does NOT have vision on you. Sit back for a good 2-3 seconds or until the enemies have used their big CC ability then rush in and kill their adc FIRST ALWAYS (unless they have an annoying mage support like LuxLux , KarmaKarma or SorakaSoraka then youd consider killing them first). and let your team do the rest.



You move faster than your Spinning AxeSpinning Axe so you have to wait a little bit when they're landing. Knowing this can make kiting both easier and harder; because you're faster you don't have to go towards the axe straight away but your opponents are also trying to aim their spells in that direction.

You can't hold more than 2 Spinning AxeSpinning Axe at the same time, but the amount of axes you can have in the air is "infinite", this is called juggling.

Be smart with casting your Spinning AxeSpinning Axe and don't just spam it.

Your Stand AsideStand Aside has a cast time, so you have to predict cancel enemy engages instead of reacting.

When enemies go for last hits or when they are too close to you, use Blood RushBlood Rush to run up and get an auto in then run back, repeat until they are in lethal range then go all in.

Good tempo tips: deny enemy minions -> build up minion wave -> crash to their tower -> recall. When its 4:30 hardshove your wave and midlanes wave then rotate to herald.

Important stuff to keep in mind: When you get into the loading screen, you need to analyze the biggest threats to you such as CC like Dredge LineDredge Line and Death SentenceDeath Sentence or biggest damage dealers like Piercing ArrowPiercing Arrow and Icathian RainIcathian Rain , try your best to dodge those abilities either by side stepping them or waiting 2~3 seconds outside of the fight until the enemy uses them on your teammates then you can go in (This applies to any adc that we play not exclusive to DravenDraven ).

Look at the nice things other people said!
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