by DrCurvy

[2.3] Lux Guide - Dr. Curvy's Guide to Lux Support [In-Depth + Vid]

Perfectionist World Cultural Heritage
Note: My build, matchups and guide are based on my experiences. Everyone can have a different experience but won't get the same results. If so, please mix and match on the builds I suggested and find one that fits for you.
Patch 2.3
June 23, 2021 11:59

Dr. Curvy's Guide to Lux Support [In-Depth + Vid]

You still wanna do bursty damage, but not in the midlane? Wanna be the carry of the Dragon Lane? Then Lux is for you! Shine the light with my in-depth Lux guide, with the AP and Enchanter build included!


  • Crazy magic damage
  • Her shield is strong


  • Squishy
  • Can get focused on
  • Lack of mobility

Lux Build

Best Build Guide for Lux

Amplifying Tome
Sapphire Crystal
Ruby Crystal
Luden's Echo
Awakened Soulstealer
Rabadon's Deathcap
Void Staff
Redeeming Enchant
Ardent Censer
Harmonic Echo
Athene's Unholy Grail
Awakened Soulstealer
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Locket Enchant
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Plated Steelcaps
Mercury's Treads

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

The starting items for LuxLux will be different. It will depend, if you are wanting to go for an AP LuxLux or Enchanter LuxLux support build.

For your starting items on LuxLux (AP), you can either take Amplifying TomeAmplifying Tome  or Ruby CrystalRuby Crystal . But that depends on how your playstyle is within the early game;

For your starting items on LuxLux (Enchanter), you can either take Amplifying TomeAmplifying Tome  or Ruby CrystalRuby Crystal . But that depends on how your playstyle is within the early game;

  • If you are aggressive in lane, take Amplifying TomeAmplifying Tome  
  • If you are passive then in lane, take  Ruby CrystalRuby Crystal , the tanky stats will help if you are getting poked early.

This will be built in to an early Ardent CenserArdent Censer , as your first item.

But you can either choose Ardent CenserArdent Censer or Harmonic EchoHarmonic Echo  (when you are going Enchanter), but that depends on these factors:

Ardent CenserArdent Censer as a first item will usually depend on who your ADC is, champions like JinxJinx , VayneVayne or even [kaisa] would benefit from this. The reason is because you and your ADC gain attack speed, as well as on hit (bonus) magic damage for 6 seconds. Make sure to take advantage of it!

Harmonic EchoHarmonic Echo as a first item will benefit from champions that are very aggressive in the early game (a.k.a Lane Bully). Champions like DravenDraven , Miss FortuneMiss Fortune and even JhinJhin would benefit from this because it heals you and your ADC at 100 stacks, so don't be afraid to trade in lane once you see this item at maximum stacks!

When it comes to AP LuxLux however, you would defintely want to get Luden's EchoLuden's Echo as your first item. This is good because you deal tons of damage with your abilities, and the enemy will get scared of your damage and may not try to trade. 

Your second item will be the Awakened SoulstealerAwakened Soulstealer . Each unique takedown grant you 3 Ultimate Haste, which will cap out at 15 Haste! Add on top of that your Ionian Boots of LucidityIonian Boots of Lucidity , you will be spamming your ultimate like crazy!

Third item for me, is usually where I choose my boots & enchant considering the active is crucial to a mid-to-late game teamfights. I am here to breakdown the boots you should get, to know what is a must-buy;

  • Ionian Boots of LucidityIonian Boots of Lucidity is the boots I usually get when my whole team and I are snowballing. Having more Ability Haste means you are able to spam out your spells even more. Remember Ability Haste has no cap, so spam them abilities like it's URF.
  • [Ninja Tabi] is when the enemy team has a fed AD Assassin or ADC that you don't want to mess with. Also if you need to survive, for when you need to be there for your team. This item will be useful for champions like ZedZed or even YasuoYasuo .
  • Mercury's TreadsMercury's Treads is for when you are against a bursty support like LuxLux (yourself) or SeraphineSeraphine , It also comes in handy when you are against the AP Assassins like AkaliAkali , EvelynnEvelynn , FizzFizz & KennenKennen . Also Mercury's TreadsMercury's Treads reduces the amount of CC (crowd control) time dealt to you.

Which Boot enchant should you get?

Got your boots? Now what enchant would you go with? Here are a some suggestions;

  • [Locket Enchant] is SO USEFUL! I am so surprised that no one uses this enchant often, especially the support players out there (Tank Baron Laner's can benefit from this too.) Giving your shield an AOE shield that can probably save everyone is
    kind of broken, add on to LuxLux 's [lux:2] then your team will positively survive those late game teamfights for Baron or Elder Dragon. Just make sure to POSITION properly, an enemy assassin or enemy jungler can easily focus you down, especially when Flash is on cooldown.
  • Redeeming EnchantRedeeming Enchant is so UNDERRATED. I started using this recently on my match games as LuxLux and may I say it is a lifesaver. For LuxLux she barely has a healing skill, but pairing her with the items I recommended and this will leave the fight probably around 70% health. I love this item! I simp for this one.
  • Shadows EnchantShadows Enchant is probably that enchant where the game recommends you to get, but compared to others this is the least efficient enchant - for me anyways. See by the late game you would probably have your Sweeping Lens that is way more efficient, as well as using the vision plants that is around the jungle. However, scouting out where champions are with the shadows will come in handy and give a sense where majority of their team is. But the slow will be useful for you to catch them with Light BindingLight Binding .

For you 4th & 5th item could be situational and it all depends on you, here are some items that you might want to add to your build:


  • Athene's Unholy GrailAthene's Unholy Grail for even more healing. You will be surprise how much healing you can do once late game hits.
  • Zeke's ConvergenceZeke's Convergence is a tremendously powerful item! Not only does it bring the armor and magic resistances to LuxLux , but it also bring a buff that increases the attack of the highest AD in the game for 2 seconds whenever you cast your ultimate.
  • Protector's VowProtector's Vow This is very useful when there is a lot of assassins trying to take you or your ADC down. The shield can be triggered whenever a champion, monster, or even a turret hits you, both you and an ally next to you will get the shield. Don't forget more armor stats so that you can survive! Useful in all AD team comps.
  • Adaptive HelmAdaptive Helm This is probably my secret favorite item. Especially when you are faced with an annoying KennenKennen , TeemoTeemo , OriannaOrianna and AkaliAkali . Reduces the magic damage of the same ability for 15% for 4 seconds! That's enough to shut down, any annoying AP threat. Hell, even AP MalphiteMalphite . If you are faced with pure AP team comps, this is a must buy after your core.
  • Rylai's Crystal ScepterRylai's Crystal Scepter this item will help you to catch up to people at the late game, the slow on it's passive is so powerful with you Lucent SingularityLucent Singularity , that you can snipe someone with Final SparkFinal Spark if they enemy ever survives your ult, which they don't.
  • ThornmailThornmail  for the enemies who build lifesteal like Master YiMaster Yi , DariusDarius and even DravenDraven . Anti healing is a must, so that you can win these fights. It will be a big deal, within the late game.


Lux Runes

Best Runes for Lux

Font of Life
Font of Life
Bone Plating
Bone Plating
Manaflow Band
Manaflow Band
  • Font Of Life if you aggro in lane, this will be useful. If you are AP LuxLux especially the proc.
  • Weakness having the extra AP and % magic penetration would be so useful for more damage in the early or late game.
  • Bone Plating is a must have to receive less burst or poke damage 
  • Manaflow Band is for more poke in lane with your Lucent SingularityLucent Singularity , the more mana - the more poke you get. Also her Prismatic BarrierPrismatic Barrier costs a lot of wanna if you want to max that first, so the extra mana is useful.
Summon Aery
Summon Aery
Bone Plating
Bone Plating
Manaflow Band
Manaflow Band
  • Summon Aery is a MUST HAVE spell for every enchanter support for the extra shield, and it always comes handy in clutch situations. But honestly Font Of Life seems the one to have right now.
  • Weakness is useful because LuxLux 's 1st skill root, the extra damage is helpful for some poke trades in lane.
  • Bone Plating is also a must have to recieve less burst or poke damage
  • Manaflow Band is for more poke in lane with your Lucent SingularityLucent Singularity , the more mana - the more poke you get. Also her Prismatic BarrierPrismatic Barrier costs a lot of wanna if you want to max that first, so the extra mana is useful.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Illumination - Passive
Light Binding
Light Binding
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Prismatic Barrier
Prismatic Barrier
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Lucent Singularity
Lucent Singularity
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Final Spark
Final Spark
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

A must have Summoner Spell! Can be useful if there is a sudden engagements from the enemy team, and good saving your allies with your ultimate.
This is good when you are trading with the enemy Dragon lane duo. The damage reduction is very handy when you use it on the enemy ADC! Also useful vs. Assassins.
If you are with a very aggressive ADC like Draven, Kai'sa or Miss Fortune, having ignite might not be a bad idea. This is mostly the standard to win fights in lane.
If your ADC takes any other spell besides Heal, make sure you are the one who gets it. Heal is crucial to winning a trade and later a kill, so one of you must have it.


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Auto Attack
Lucent Singularity
Auto Attack
Final Spark
Auto Attack

Try weaving in your abilities with auto attacks to proc the passive for maximum damage.

Lucent Singularity
Auto Attack

This is pretty much the level 1 combo when in lane, it is really strong and people get disrespect it.



I hope you guys liked my LuxLux guide. This guide will be updated for each patch notes, so don't worry this guide won't get update (hopefully).

If you wanna know where to find me, I have a YouTube channel where I make Wild Rift videos & gameplays that are mostly based on supports! I am fairly new to YouTube so please go easy on me!

YouTube: (My channel is Dr. Curvy - Wild Rift)

Thank you guys so much for watching! I will see you in the next guide I make, bye! :)

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