[2.1a] Singed Guide - Dont. Chase. Singed.
Dont. Chase. Singed.
Singed Build
Best Build Guide for Singed

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Singed has lost all sense of humanity, leaving a toxic trail of misery and terror in his wake. He is a AP tank champion who has an unique kit which revolves around the poison trail he leaves in his wake. He is extremely tilting to go against and he can subtly carry the team through just that.
Core items:
The Best Items to build on Singed in Wild Rift are unique item sets that are geared towards maximizing the champions strengths. The first item to build Liandry's Torment, and then second, you will want to complete your Boots with a
Glorious Enchant and to finish up your Core Item Build will be a
Rylai's Crystal Scepter.
This is the Singed’s core item. It will provide him +250 Max HP and +90 ability power. Since Singed is a magic damage based melee hero, this item will help him to deal an extra 2% (capped at 10%) damage for every second. This item’s unique passive will helps Singed to deal bonus magic damage on slowed and stunned enemies.
It is the second core item for Singed. It will grant him +350 max HP and +70AP. Side by side, Singed’s empowered attacks will slow down enemies by 20% for one second. It will be very helpful to prevent enemies from escaping.
Glorious Enchant is often going to be the Tier 3 boots that you buy. Always get this one unless you really need
Stasis Enchant against champions like
Zed or
Fizz for example.
Teleport Enchant is also viable in case you want to split push but as I said
Glorious Enchant really fits
Singed playstyle and you should almost always build these boots.
Situational items:
Rod of Ages - The classic one. With +250hp +60 ability power and +300 mana already providing decent stats, it also has a nice passive which converts damage taken into mana and mana spent into hp regen. The 2nd passive does also rais the items stats. +20hp, +10 mana and +6 ability power every 30sec up to +200 +100 and +60.
This item shines on scaling champions such as Singed, it also does stack pretty fast.
Morellonomicon - Common last item on most of the mages. Grants you all the stats you want and helps to deal high survivability champions such as
Olaf or
Gragas .
Void Staff - Immensely buffing your damage and granting you percentage mr reduction which helps a lot against tanks.
Randuin's Omen is an amazing late-game item against enemies with a lot of critical damage. Get this item if the enemy ADC is hard carrying the game with critical damage as it will allow you to tank way more damage and buy you and your team a lot of time.
Spirit Visage is great against a lot of Ability power as it provides you with Magic resistance. On top of that, it increases all healing you receive by 30% so if you have healing champions like
Janna or
Sona for example in your team then this item is amazing.
Adaptive Helm is a great defense item against champions that deal subsequent damage with the same ability over and over again. An example would be
Kennen Ultimate ability which deals 6 chunks of damage over 3 seconds,
Adaptive Helm will help you tank this damage. So get this item if an enemy is destroying you with subsequent damage from abilities.
Boots of Swiftness are very useful against matchups that have slows or matchups that are hard to catch up to. I only go for
Boots of Swiftness if I need the bonus movement speed throughout the whole game. It is great for snowballing as you can keep chasing the enemy down.
Mercury's Treads are always going to be a better choice except for a snowballing scenario.
Mercury's Treads are the boots I often choose to go for.
Mercury's Treads contribute towards mobility too as it grants you tenacity. Get these boots if the enemies have a lot of CC (crowd control) as it will allow you to chase and escape more effectively.
Ninja Tabi are AMAZING if the enemy has a lack of magic damage or if the enemy just has a lot of attack damage. Get
Ninja Tabi if you know that you will be taking attack damage mostly throughout the game.
Ninja Tabi gives you armor and it decreases incoming damage from basic attacks by 15%. This is obviously HUGE if they deal attack damage mostly.
Gluttonous Greaves are In my opinion, these are the best shoes in the game and should definitely be used!
Singed Runes
Best Runes for Singed

Use Conqueror keystone to get bonus damage, at its max stack(Capped at 5). The stack(AD/AP) will increase whenever you hit an enemy champion with your attacks or abilities.
Followed by Weakness for bonus damage and Spirit Walker for bonus health and slow resistance. Which will help him to survive on the battlefield.
Set Manaflow Band as your last Minor runes to gain extra mana(a hitting enemy with your ability will increase your max mana). Though Singed needs a lot of mana to cast his skills, this rune will definitely help you to solve your low mana issue.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Singed Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Some pros and cons
Pros | Cons |
| Singed has a weak early game which will force you to learn the game in a different way. He is not a champion for every one because you’ll need patience to learn his unique play style. ------ Since he is not micro intensive, his strengths lie on being macro intensive. Being aware of item timings, the map, and the strengths of your enemies and allies play a big part on being a great Singed player. |

Early Game
First, buy an Amplifying Tome and then go in Baron lane. Place your ward in the jungle near enemy buff. Toggle skill one and clear minion waves.do not try to initiate unnecessary. Your main duty is to protect your turret. Try to complete your first core item and return to your base to refill your mana bar. You can use skill combo in this order to harass enemies at the initial stage-
Poison Trail
Mega Adhesive
+Basic Attack

Mid Game
While returning buy Boots of Speed and max it to Ninja Tabi/Gluttonous Greaves. But do not max it to the enchanted part. It’s your perfect time to rotate in the mid lane and help your Mage/ADC. After a successful initiation tries to secure your first elemental drake or Rift herald. But remember you are not a jungler so do not try to take it alone. After this again focus on turret pushing.
If the enemy marked you and preventing you from pushing the turret, just swap your position and try to do a split push with your ADC. Build your second Core item according to the enemy pick. Try to fling squishy enemies near the wall and use poison trail. Use your skill 3 properly to avoid the enemy or save your ally from the enemy.

Late Game
This is the perfect time when Singed shines most on the Battlefield. He is generally known as the Bait King. Due to his sustainability, he can taunt the enemy with his low HP, When the enemy tries to kill you just trigger your ultimate and lure them to your team.
You can use Glory enchant to increase your durability and take out enemy damage dealers. When 2/3 enemies are dead try to secure Baron. Never hesitate to save your damage dealer, don’t worry just use your skills properly and you will be safe like-
Poison Trail
Insanity Potion
Mega Adhesive
+Flash+Basic Attack

Skills & Passive
CD – 10 seconds
Someone (ally champion) who comes very close to Singed will gain a 20% bonus movement speed for the next 2 seconds.
CD – 1 second, Mana – 15
skill 1
Basically, it’s a toggle skill. By pressing this skill Singed will release poisonous gas in his pathway which deals 20/30/40/50 amount of magic damage to enemies per second.
CD – 13/12/11/10 seconds, Mana – 60/70/80/90
skill 2
Singed will toss a sticky glue in a round shaped area, which will stay for the next 3 seconds. Enemies in that area are grounded and can not use any movement speed abilities; while slowing them down by 35%/40%/45%/50%. Flinging an enemy into that area will root them down.
CD – 10, Mana – 80/95/110/125
skill 3
Singed will throw an enemy over his shoulder in a designated direction while dealing 65/80/95/110 amount of magic damage and 5%/6%/7%/8% of their max health. If any enemy lands in Mega Adhesive during this Fling shot, the enemy will be rooted for 1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds.
CD – 80/70/60, Mana – 100
skill 4
Basically, this skill works as a booster for singed. After pressing this skill he will gain 30/55/80 ability power,30/55/80 Armor, and Magic Resist. Not only that he also regenerates his health by 6/11/16 and Mana regen by 6/11/16 for the next 25 seconds.