[2.1a] Kai'sa Guide - [CP] Kai'Sa - MAJOR NERF (Updated Build)
[CP] Kai'Sa - MAJOR NERF (Updated Build)
Kai'sa Build
Best Build Guide for Kai'sa

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
UPDATE: Since v2.1a riot nerf
Blade of the Ruined King
Attack Damage from 30 to 20 so I decided to update this guide to avoid confusion. The only changes I made here is adding
Long Sword
Kai'Sa is highly dependent on items due to the fact that her Passive Skill [kaisa:passive] allows her to evolve or upgrade her abilities if she meets a certain amount of stat from an item. Knowing what to evolve and what item should be bought first is something that sets apart a PRO-Kai'Sa user to a beginner one. She is very mobile and can deal burst damage in teamfight
Long Sword
B.F. Sword
Vampiric Scepter
Long Sword is a recipe to a lot of items that has Attack Damage, we will later use it to upgrade to
Guardian Angel
. B.F Sword on the other hand is a recipe to build
Infinity Edge
but why are we buying this item immediately and not Infinity Edge directly? That is because we wanted to evolve Kai'Sa's First Skill [kaisa:1] as soon as possible which requires 70 Attack Damage. 12 AD + 40 AD + 20 AD (
Long Sword
B.F. Sword
+ [vampiric scepter]) is enough to evolve First Skill. This will give Kai'Sa a damage spike in early game plus allowing her to clear wave of minions instantly
This is the recommended movement item for Kai'Sa. The Physical and Magical Vamp it provides can help Kai'Sa sustain a bit in battle. You deal damage, you heal some
This item will not just evolve Kai'Sa's Third Skill [kaisa:3] but it applies on-hit effects too which is ideal to her Passive Skill [kaisa:passive] Plasma Damage. This will make Kai'Sa a teamfight monster if positioned well while being able to put Plasma on 2 to 3 enemies at once.
You can now build
B.F. Sword
to this item. The huge amount of Crit Damage it provides can easily shred squishy targets. This is basically the most common item for marksmen
[stasis enchant] or
Quicksilver Enchant
Let's talk about what enchant should Kai'Sa use. When it comes to Enchant item, it's very situational and something you need to adjust after analyzing what is actually happening during early to mid game.
- If enemies can one shot combo you for example
Zed ,
Evelynn and
Fizz to name a few then go for Stasis Enchant
- If enemies are mostly crowd controllers for example
Kennen ,
Annie and
Seraphine to name a few then go for Quicksilver Enchant
- If enemies' crowd controls are mostly knock-ups or knock-backs don't use
Quicksilver Enchant , it wont work darling, read the description.
This provides AD and Armor so it's a win win item for Kai'Sa but aside from that you'll most likely going to build this in late game and you must know that in this phase of game, you are the main target of the enemies, death can happen anytime soon but since this item can resurrect you if you ever die, you can immediately go back in teamfight and finish the battle
This is probably the best and last item you'll build to Kai'Sa. Given the fact that enemies have built items that grant Armors and additional Maximum Health, this item is a perfect counter
Kai'sa Runes
Best Runes for Kai'sa

Conqueror - Kai'Sa can easily have full stack of this rune after doing some skills and basic attacks so it's a must have for her
Hunter Vampirism - The Physical and Magic Vamp is something that will impact the survivability and sustainability of Kai'Sa in early to mid game.
Hunter Titan - The Hunter line rune is a gambling rune because it scales depending on the unique kills you got that's why getting kills early can be rewarding in mid to late game. You can settle to Spirit Walker, a safe alternative choice over Hunter Titan
Sweet Tooth - Kai'Sa is relatively weak in early game and prone to a lot of damage if you are not extra careful on your life's decision. This rune can be rewarding too, the increase healing effect and bonus gold is ideal to her.

If you ever teamed up with a good jungler who knows how to visit gank early and they use
Lee Sin
or any jungler champion who can one shot combo then Pack Hunter is a must have, it can boost your gold pretty fast and be able to buy the items you need to evolve Kai'Sa's First Skill [kaisa:1]. This is quite as well a gambling rune if you didn't get action/teamfight in early game
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Kai'Sa's Abilities are pretty straight forward so combos isn't her thing but always remember that her Ultimate Skill [kaisa:ult] can only be use to enemies with Plasma. You can use Second Skill [kaisa:2] to hit then teleport to a specific enemy champion you wanted to take down but that's kinda risky tho. If you want a detailed Skill Combos, you can check my guide app Wild Rift Pocket Guide
Kai'sa Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Avoid the crit bullet

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Hello I'm CoffeePrince
I'm the developer of Wild Rift Pocket Guide and ML Pocket Guide. I love developing apps and creating guides or anything that I can contribute to the community specially helping beginners mastering their favorite champions and overall tips and tricks from the game.
Hey, I uploaded some High Elo Gameplays on my YouTube Channel already (Grandmaster to Challenger) and sometimes top players of their favorite champions and learn from them on how they execute things like item builds, runes, positioning, jungling, laning, zoning, poking, ganking or any gerund you can think of.
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ign: coffeeprince#1771