by Arkid

[2.4] Orianna Guide - In-Depth Hypercarry 5v1 Orianna

Perfectionist World Cultural Heritage
This build is not broken anymore since it relied on Orianna's bullying abilities. Congratulations to those who abused this build while it was the most broken thing in WR. This is still viable, but it won't ever be as broken as before.
Patch 2.4
August 07, 2021 14:32

In-Depth Hypercarry 5v1 Orianna

Learn how to build Orianna into a hypercarry beast that can drain 60% of enemies' hp% with 2 clicks. This is what I'd consider the craziest Orianna build path which leads to terrific AP, while maintaining a safe early-mid game. 25 games on Orianna required.

Orianna Build

Best Build Guide for Orianna

First Purchase
Ruby Crystal
Amplifying Tome
mid game priority
Rod of Ages
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Rabadon's Deathcap
Full ROA Build (Hyper-carry)
Rod of Ages
Rabadon's Deathcap
Stasis Enchant
Seraph's Embrace
Infinity Orb
Void Staff
Full Lyanri's Build (Snowballing)
Liandry's Torment
Archangel's Staff
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Rabadon's Deathcap
Infinity Orb
Void Staff
Apc Orianna (duo lane)
Rod of Ages
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Rabadon's Deathcap
Nashor's Tooth
Archangel's Staff
Void Staff
support orianna
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Harmonic Echo
Athene's Unholy Grail
Oblivion Orb
Rabadon's Deathcap
Ardent Censer

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

Game Start:

  • Ruby CrystalRuby Crystal : The 150 hp you gain is huge as you'll become unkillable in lvl1-3. Orianna is a bully in the first 4 levels due to Electrocute and her strong AAs. The health boost from this item consolidates that even more making you scary to even strong foes like Yasuo or Zed. Also if you conserve your mana, this item will help you easily stay healthy until you can take a very efficient first recall (2000g.) 
  • Sapphire CrystalSapphire Crystal would be a good alternative for mana sustain if you have no problem staying alive and find mana harder to sustain than health. A good tip for keeping a good balance mana-wise in early-game is to not use Command: DissonanceCommand: Dissonance as often as its 70 mana cost hurts a lot before getting Tear of the GoddessTear of the Goddess . Best uses for Command: DissonanceCommand: Dissonance are these cases: 1. to proc Electrocute, 2. as a last resort for last hitting under turret. Other than that, try to limit yourself before you get your first recall.

First Recall:

  • Tear of the GoddessTear of the Goddess : This is your first item at 900g because it's the cheapest item that scales with time passed (as many items and runes in this build do.) The major reason is the complete removal of mana barriers, and also it's incredibly smart to start this right now as you'll have it finished by the time you buy Archangel's StaffArchangel's Staff . Create a habit out of buying this item upon your first recall: this is a component of your 3rd item so you have to manually buy it from the shop every time.
  • Catalyst of AeonsCatalyst of Aeons : This is your second item at 600g (assuming you started with Ruby CrystalRuby Crystal .) It's okay if you recall without the money necessary to buy this, it is not as mandatory as getting Tear of the GoddessTear of the Goddess right away. This gives you a huge hp boost and its passive healing can proc constantly with your spamming nature, while this item's mana boost in conjecture with the mana from Tear of the GoddessTear of the Goddess will let you spam without a care for mana.
  • Up to this moment you have no AP whatsoever, but your bullying is still crazy strong as long as you put wards in the bushes and avoid being ganked. Your AAs and Eletrocute are still relevant and now you can punish overextending enemies with a huge burst including Command: ShockwaveCommand: Shockwave . Also you can spam a ton, and play super aggressively with your high health, double shield, and high damage. Keep farming, you are very strong now against your lane opponent, but not strong enough against their jungle who can burst you (especially when level 5 just hits and you can be double ulted.)
  • Boots of SpeedBoots of Speed : If you can squeeze them now go for it, the speed is huge on you.

 First Item:

  • Keep looking at how much money you must collect in order to get Rod of AgesRod of Ages in order to make the most efficient recall and get it as quickly. Also try to save for 500 extra gold to get boots in case you haven't already.
  • Rod of AgesRod of Ages : Why? After having bought Archangel's StaffArchangel's Staff this item provides +185 AP, +450 HP, and unlimited mana. That's it. It makes you less dangerous in the early game until you buy Rabadon's DeathcapRabadon's Deathcap , but it prepares you for a crazy strong mid-late game. Also you don't need to have a spike in AP early on as your spammability, utility and AAs will keep you very relevant until your second item which should come fairly quickly if you focus on farm.

Mid-Game Priority:

  • Ionian Boots of LucidityIonian Boots of Lucidity : Very important as they help you spam your abilities more now that you have endless mana, and help you barrier and flash more frequently.
  • Rabadon's DeathcapRabadon's Deathcap : This item is pure AP, so you'll feel your power increasing throughout its build path. Building this as your 2nd item is also much safer and efficient as its high prices would make deaths useless if it was to be your 3rd or 4th item. Once you get this, you'll experience your first power spike. Now you may gank other lanes and help team contest objectives. You should use this period of 2-3 minutes to make progress towards Archangel's StaffArchangel's Staff .

Rest of the Game:

  • Archangel's StaffArchangel's Staff : Many novices get this item first. That is wrong, however Tear of the GoddessTear of the Goddess must have be purchased first and finished by the time you get Ionian Boots of LucidityIonian Boots of Lucidity This item is extremely quick to complete as you already have paid 1/3 of its cost. Once completed you'll have 500+ AP (the typical AP provided by a full Luden's EchoLuden's Echo + Awakened SoulstealerAwakened Soulstealer build.) This is your second and last power spike, as from this point you are officially a big carry for your team, not only killing but also saving and enchanting your team.
  • [stasis enchant]: You'd usually want to get this after your 2nd or 3rd item. It all depends on the matchup. You can even get it after Rod of AgesRod of Ages if you feel unsafe against huge burst champions like ZedZed or FizzFizz . But getting it after Archangel's StaffArchangel's Staff is optimal in order to not give up tempo towards your power spikes as you already have given up a lot of tempo. Also your double shield renders its usefulness rather adequate right now.
  • Infinity OrbInfinity Orb : Most of the time the enemies will have 3 champions with 40 Magic Resistance at this point so not only is flat Magic Pen more useful, but combined with the +200 HP and critical hit below 20%, this item will help you easily destroy any squishy in one or two quick combos. After completing this your AP should be 650+, and your HP should be 2800+ (equal to champs like WukongWukong or ViVi ). Swap for [void's staff] if the enemy team is tanky enough. A good tip would be checking the Magic Res by opening the leaderboards and checking the third tab (Magic Res is in the last column.) If 2 or more enemies have 85+ AP swap for Void StaffVoid Staff .
  • Void StaffVoid Staff : The 40% Magic Pen simply allows you to channel that complete 800+ AP into the enemies one shooting them as if you're doing some kind of witchery every time. Needless to say, at this point you are the biggest hypercarry of the game, congratulations! (You can burst a full hp enemy down in less then 0.25 seconds if you want really.)
  • MorellonomiconMorellonomicon : You may swap this in in 2 particular cases: 1. You replace Infinity OrbInfinity Orb with MorellonomiconMorellonomicon because the enemy team has a lot of healing, 2. You replace Void StaffVoid Staff with MorellonomiconMorellonomicon because the enemy team has no champ with 70+ Magic Resistance (they have an enchanter support like NamiNami , JannaJanna , or LuxLux , and a jungler with no Magic Res like Lee SinLee Sin or EvelynnEvelynn .) The extra HP, flat Magic Pen and anti-healing would be better in that case. Again check the enemy Magic Res using the leaderboards in order to choose optimally.

I once got 1024 AP, 3000+ HP using this build. Yes, it's crazy. The craziest part is that you're not even squishy and are literally as chunky as the tanks.

Lyandri's Build:

  • It is very straight forward and you should be prioritising the following items:
    1. Haunting GuiseHaunting Guise
    2. Tear of the GoddessTear of the Goddess
  • It plays out better in the current meta especially due to snowballing early. It is also considered a better build the higher the elo due to your reliance on the team unlike hyper-carrying.

APC Build:

You can run this into duo lane. It can be played in PvP, and it is viable in Ranked too if you are very good with OriannaOrianna . Make sure to buy Tear of the GoddessTear of the Goddess asap after Rod of AgesRod of Ages .

Orianna Runes

Best Runes for Orianna

Gathering Storm
Gathering Storm
Hunter Titan
Hunter Titan
Manaflow Band
Manaflow Band


The 1v5 rune set for this build with a higher skill requirement to function. Will give you less wins in average, but make you a 1v5 killing machine whenever you snowball.

Why Electrocute instead of Conqueror?

  1. Conqueror was nerfed recently.
  2. Conqueror is not useful enough to be worth it every game. Drawn out fights early-mid game are not a good idea for Ori, as she focuses on farming, poking, and helping out teammates secure kills. That becomes especially clear in late-game when Ori has a crazy poke who most people fear and there rarely is a committed fight. If someone ever commits to a 1v1 against you they should be dead before you can even proc full Conqueror. But of course, Conqueror can proc like crazy in a teamfight.
  3.  Electrocute is crazy good on Orianna early-game. It is your primary source of damage on levels 1-3. Always try to proc it when available by AA + Q + AA or AA + Q + W. It can even help you secure kills early game as I often dive an unexpecting low enemy even under turret as Electrocute finishes them off, or my AAs do (AAs can reliably finish off people, make a habit out of using them.) Electrocute doesn't scale well, but it doesn't matter because OriannaOrianna does. Electrocute simply fills her early need for damage while she build sustaining items like Tear of the GoddessTear of the Goddess or Catalyst of AeonsCatalyst of Aeons . Try to make a habit out of bullying whenever Electrocute is available, staying in front of your minions to scare your laner away from creep and deny them even their XP (especially good if you deny them 1 minions at first wave as this keep him at level 1 for 2 waves.)

Gathering Storm:

Will give about 60 AP by the 20 minutes mark. Brutal is not useful as 14 AP in the early-game doesn't help her enough.

Hunter Titan:

For scaling HP and tenacity, as you'll be a constant target for CC. Spirit Walker is not really viable as it doesn't do much for your hypercarry build, but if you find early-game very hard with this build, you are suggested to take it.

Manaflow Band:

300 max. mana, and 15 AP after Archangel's StaffArchangel's Staff . This is viable as it gives you the mana before even your first recall, especially if you're going with the Liandry's TormentLiandry's Torment build and take [archange's staff] third. Take Sweet Tooth as it helps you sustain to recall more efficiently. No other rune is viable on her.

Bone Plating
Bone Plating
Sweet Tooth
Sweet Tooth


When fully stacked in the full build it gives 45AP, and the 7% damage increase refers to another +50AP to +60AP. This will make your Command: AttackCommand: Attack deal 600+ damage in teamfights. Weak ealy-mid game due to recent nerfs.

Brutal: (Mage Lyandri's Build)
This rune replaces Electrocute for early game-aggressiveness as you'd be very weak without it.
Gathering Storm: (APC Duo Lane Build)
Build AP gradually to deal a decent amount of damage in the late game since your team relies on you for damage.

Bone Plating:
Gives you more defence together against burst damage. Can swap out for Second Wind if you find it hard to sustain during laning phase.

Sweet Tooth:
Helps you sustain and get items faster. Also gives you occasional free gold when going through the river or stealing enemies' honey fruits.

Summon Aery
Summon Aery
Pack Hunter
Pack Hunter


Summon Aery:
Standard rune for mage support that want to shield a lot.

Increase damage done by your team when impairing enemies through your ball.

Capitalizes on the advantages of your ball, giving your carry even more resistance stats.

Pack Hunter:
An amazing rune to push forward your team through an increased gold income.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Clockwork Windup
Clockwork Windup - Passive
Command: Attack
Command: Attack
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Command: Dissonance
Command: Dissonance
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Command: Protect
Command: Protect
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Command: Shockwave
Command: Shockwave
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

1. You pick Barrier for the sick outplay potential it gives. Bait the enemy into a fight if you're both low and get on top with the huge shield this gives. Scales very well and its reduced CD from Ionian Boots keeps it viable throughout the whole game.
This is a simple choice really. One more tool in Ori's kit to make her a pain to kill alongside with her spammable shields and CC. Ori can also VERY reliably use Flash to secure kills as long you manually target spells after Flash usage.
Against high burst champions like [zed] or [fizz]. Also helps with being chased. Can also be used as support as this build isdecently viable for a support (Gold-Plat) without having to steal farm. More viable now that Barrier CD is increased.
Viable in particular match-ups like [gragas] or [akali]. Would still pick Barrier as this becomes irrelevant later.


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Auto Attack
Command: Attack
Auto Attack

Electrocute Proc level 1

Auto Attack
Command: Attack
Command: Dissonance

Electrocute Proc level 2-3

Command: Attack
Command: Dissonance
Command: Protect

Simple Combo

avoid using Command: ProtectCommand: Protect unless you're in a good state as it has the longest CD (especially because of being maxed last) and it is much needed sometimes.

Command: Attack
Command: Dissonance
Command: Shockwave

Finish Off low enemies

Your ult is yet another source of damage so use it whenever you can get a kill.

Command: Attack
Command: Dissonance
Command: Shockwave
Command: Protect
Auto Attack

All-In Single Target

Command: Attack
Command: Dissonance
Command: Shockwave
Command: Protect
Command: Attack

All-In Teamfight

Command: Attack
Command: Shockwave
Command: Dissonance
Command: Protect

Dragon/Baron Steal

You can reliably steal objectives. Command: ShockwaveCommand: Shockwave before Command: DissonanceCommand: Dissonance as it stops the enemy jungler from smiting.

Command: Protect
Command: Dissonance

Support a chasing teammate

Don't use Command: ShockwaveCommand: Shockwave on teammates as it fails moreover than not, unless you're in the vc with your teammate and let them know of your plan.

Command: Protect
Command: Dissonance
Command: Attack

Being jumped on

Make a habit out of shielding first as it nullifies the chance of you activating Command: DissonanceCommand: Dissonance somewhere else. Don't use Command: AttackCommand: Attack unless you are comfortable with manually moving your ball, as you'll probably need to bring it to yourself manually again in a few seconds. Also not using Command: AttackCommand: Attack means your ball will be on you which benefits you with passive defences.

Auto Attack
Command: Attack
Command: Dissonance
Auto Attack
Auto Attack
Command: Attack

Proc Conqueror early on

This is obviously not a combo, but more of an idea on how you should do it. Trust your AAs.

Orianna Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Twisted Fate
Twisted Fate
Aurelion Sol
Aurelion Sol

Pick Barrier.

You outrange her so you can easily poke her and freeze the wave. Play around her passive and force her to use her empowered abilities to last hit minions. Be careful of her level 5 all-in.


Playing Orianna Tips

Once you step inside that game, you're playing the strongest champion with absolutely no counter whatsoever. You can carry games like crazy and bring games back from oblivion if behind. Most of the strategies are expained above so below you'll find a few general tips.

First off, you should understand the bully mentality. Your AAs are very powerful early on, and you must keep poking the enemy. You can't burst anyone yet, but the mid lane is all about psychology and tiring your opponent. That being said, always consider the range difference, and abuse it when possible.

Once you get Rabadon's DeathcapRabadon's Deathcap , abuse your power spike and look for engagements as you can easily win any battle.

If you are behind, keep farming towards your power spikes as they can turn the tide of the game.

Always use Command: AttackCommand: Attack for vision into bushes.

Force your teammates out of your lane mid-game and avoid ARAM. If you have a power spike you can handle 5 people in your lane as long as you combo the minions and keep your distance from being CC chained.

Keep AAing to proc your Conqueror. Keep looking for opportunities to proc Electrocute when available.

Use Command: AttackCommand: Attack to zone out enemies, keep your Ball moving after you buy Rod of AgesRod of Ages , especially if the wat to get out of their turret in mid lane. This way enemies are always scared of your Command: DissonanceCommand: Dissonance burst.

Spam your abilities from the base or while travelling after you purchase Tear of the Goddess to stack it faster.

if you're being chased, remember to have the ball on you after every combo if you can. The Ball gives you additional scaling defences, (up to 25 AR/MR at max level which mean an average decrease in damage taken of 12-14%.)

You can opt for an early level 2 Command: AttackCommand: Attack , as it gives a lot more damage. As a rule of thumb, always get Command: ProtectCommand: Protect for melee match-ups or if you're gonna get ganked early.


Playing Support Orianna

Skill Order (both unlocking and upgrading):
3 > 1 > 2. Put a point in your ultimate whenever possible


  • Always keep the ball on your allies to offer them resistance stats while staying back. You are an enchanting support after all, and your playstyle should be similar to a LuluLulu or SonaSona . When you get your Harmonic EchoHarmonic Echo , make sure to spam shield whenever its passive is ready to heal allies. Your damage is quite low, but you can be very deceiving through the resistances you give to your teammates and bring an amazing deal of vision control through your ball.


Rod of Ages or Liandry's

You've probably been told to build Liandry's disregarding RoA, so why should you and when should you? Also keep in mind that this build revolves around RoA and if you choose to put Liandry's in you'll have to sustain better by yourself.

Why Liandry's Torment?

  • Can fully stack with 2 abilities.
  • At full stacks, the full build deals 6-8% more damage than the full RoA build.
  • You also get a 1/2% HP burn over 3 seconds which makes recalling impossible.
  • Better paired with Conqueror.

Why not Liandry's Torment?

  • Fully stacking it is very slow unless it is a teamfight. 5 seconds is a lot.
  • Abilities are usually burnt once you get full stacks or enemies will have disengaged.
  • It gives less mana early on. Tear of the GoddessTear of the Goddess is a must asap.
  • It was nerfed recently together with Conqueror, which makes RoA now a good alternative.

Why Rod of Ages?

  • It gives 5-7% more damage than an unstacked Liandry's
  • Gives 150 more HP, a 10-20 HP heal per ability cast, and infinite mana early on. Better for sustain.
  • Better paired with Electrocute.

Why not Rod of Ages?

  • Gives you a weak early game (unless you have Electrocute) and it makes you rely on power spikes.
  • Doesn't do as much damage in drawn out fights.


It doesn't really depend on the matchup, but more on your status. The RoA is better if you're solo queuing in Gold-Emerald as it skips teamfights and makes you more tanky allowing you to rely on yourself, while Liandry's is better Diamond+ where teammates are decent or with premades where teamfights are common and people don't ARAM mid-game. Still, don't forget that Electrocute helps you snowball and gain the advantage early-game when Orianna sucks more, and Conqueror helps throughout. Also don't forget that most people use Liandry's because it was OP on this build before it was nerfed together with Conqeuror, and most are hard-stuck using that build while options such as RoA are now viable and better in many cases.


Conqueror or Electrocute

This question goes in par with the previous one as they're both paired with 2 different items. I personally prefer Electrocute because I solo queue a lot and find it easier to get a lead that way.


  • Allows you to be a bully early on, dominating the lane.
  • Makes early game easier if used correctly.
  • Surprises enemies and makes all-ins available very early.
  • Becomes a little irrelevant late-game.
  • Doesn't contribute to the goal of the build, except from helping you get there.
  • Irrelevant in teamfight and drawn fights.
  • Hard to use properly.

Pair with Rod of Ages.


  • Contributes to your power giving you roughly +110AP when fully stacked at level 15.
  • Very strong in teamfights.
  • Easier to make use of it, but harder to use it better than Electrocute. (safe, but not better pick)
  • Doesn't help early game.

Pair with Liandry's Torment or Rod of Ages.

See previous section for an explanation when to choose each. As a rule of thumb, get Electrocute + RoA on a melee matchup you feel confident in like AkaliAkali , YasuoYasuo , or ZedZed in order to bully the opposing laner. Electrocute is always more viable and helps you snowball more, but you must know how to proc it constantly with Orianna. Unlike Electrocute, Conqueror is much easier and skill-friendly, but also weaker. Your progress path should look like this:

  1. I use Conqueror because it's a safe pick. (until 50 games)
  2. I use Electrocute because I can exploit it and snowball in order to hypercarry later on (50+ games)

Always take Electrocute when you're against ZedZed no matter what.

Don't forget that most people use Conqueror + Liandry's because they were OP before being nerfed and people haven't put much thought into new alternatives. Electrocute + RoA is absolutely more viable now.



(1-2-2021) Patch 2.1:

(Ult) Command: Shockwave

  • Cooldown: 70/60/50s → 85/70/55s

This doesn't affect her as her Ultimate is yet another source of damage. This simply makes the Luden's EchoLuden's Echo + Awakened SoulstealerAwakened Soulstealer not viable anymore.

(1-3-2021) Patch 2.1A:


  • Ability power: 90 → 70
  • Total cost: 3150g (unchanged)
  • Combine cost: 800g → 950g


  • Ability power: 35 → 25
  • Total cost: 1450g → 1300g
  • Upgrade cost: 950g → 800g

This brings Liandry's build damage to a comparable level with RoA making them both viable.

(15-3-2021) Patch 2.1B:


  • AP per stack: 4 to 12 (based on champ level) → 3 to 9 (based on champ level)
  • Maximum stack Adaptive Damage bonus: 10% on ranged champions → 7% on ranged champions

This makes the Liandry's build underperform the RoA build by a lot unless Liandry's is fully stacked. Also makes Electrocute very viable.

(28-3-2021) Patch 2.2:

Base Stats

  • Health: 570 → 530

Doesn't have a big effect as you take Ruby CrystalRuby Crystal as a first item with this build anyways, and you're still a bully. it obviously hurts other builds that take another first item. Makes Sapphire CrystalSapphire Crystal less viable as a first item.

(1) Command: Attack

  • Cooldown: 6/5/4/3s → 7.5/6/4.5/3s
  • AP ratio: 0.5 → 0.4
  • Base damage: 60/100/140/180 → 50/90/130/170

Hurts Conqueror and Electrocute procing in early game, but should not be a big deal. The AP ratio hurts the most, making early AP build much less viable. It makes Liandry's much less viable in early game. but more viable in late game.

(3) Command: Protect

  • Base damage: 60/100/140/180 → 50/90/130/170

No real effect, shouldn't be used for damage anyways, and at the point you max this, its 0.4 AP ratio is way more than enough.

Overall, this nerf is another swing at the power of Orianna's bullying. But as this is a hypercarry build, it's not affected by it so much.


End of this learning path

If you liked this build or it helped you in any way, please don't forget to like above the title by pressing I like it. I'll try to keep it updated. If you have any thought on the match-ups i.e you main a character, let me know on Discord on how to improve the information. Arkid#2475

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