[2.2c] Ziggs Guide - [ Why should you pick Ziggs ]
[ Why should you pick Ziggs ]
- Can one shot towers in late game
- High zoning
- great wave clear
- All of his abilities is skill shot
- Suffers against hard-engage teams
Ziggs Build
Best Build Guide for Ziggs

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Starting items:
Amplifying Tome
this will be your starting item like 100% of the time with my build
Boots: So why did I put
Gluttonous Greaves
in my build? because of its passive, it has a +8% magical vamp which means your skills will heal you if you land it on the enemy. And
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
is pretty much self-explanatory it gives you +15 Ability haste. It's your choice which you prefer in either of those. [Stasis Enchant] is a great boot enchantment against an enemy that can go straight into you and one-shot you like
Core items:
Luden's Echo
great first item for
, it will give you offensive power and mana sustain, and its special effects will also increase your poking/siege power.
Question: Why not
Archangel's Staff
as the first item? well, it's just pure overkill in terms of mana sustain
Luden's Echo
should be enough for
Liandry's Torment
is good against tanky composition because of its unique passive you will damage more if the fight becomes longer and you deal 1% of the enemy's max health.
Rabadon's Deathcap
is a mandatory mage item this will increase your offensive power. but you need to build some AP item first so it scales.
Void Staff
this item will make sure that you will deal damage in the mid to late game because it penetrates your enemies MR.
Lich Bane
this item will make your auto-attack hit like a truck but the downside is that you need to be closer to your enemies so make sure that you position well.
Situational items:
building this item will make your enemies reduces all healing received and other regeneration. Build this item if the enemy team comp have a lot of healing like
Dr. Mundo
Ziggs Runes
Best Runes for Ziggs

Summon Aery
this rune is perfect for
at the moment because your attacks and abilities send Aery to a target, damaging them.
High Risk, High Damage this is my go-to rune for the domination rune because it gives you 10% damage and that's huge for early to late game if you don't die. You need to position right so you can avoid dying.
[Spirit walker] for early health and slow resistance.
Manaflow Band
great for
because his abilities cause a lot of mana.

gives you an early power spike and it's safer other than
[Regeneration] if you don't like the
Hunter Titan
rune you can go with this one it gives you mana and health regeneration.
Sweet Tooth
gives you more regeneration and 60 gold.
With this rune, you can play aggressively because you have two regeneration runes.

gives a lot of damage later in the fight and
can spam ability with his [ziggs:1] to stack
High Risk, High Damage this is my go-to rune for the domination rune because it gives you 10% damage and that's huge for early to late game if you don't die. You need to position right so you can avoid dying.
[Spirit walker] for early health and slow resistance.
Manaflow Band
great for
because his abilities cause a lot of mana.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Use your AA (Auto Attack) when you have max charge of
Short Fuse
to the turret then immediately use
Hexplosive Minefield
Bouncing Bomb
to fully charge your
Short Fuse
again and AA (Auto Attack) again to the turret and use
Satchel Charge
to finish the turret.

For poking use
Satchel Charge
to position the enemy to your
Bouncing Bomb
it might be hard but with practice, you can do it.

Full combo
Satchel Charge
Bouncing Bomb
Hexplosive Minefield
Mega Inferno Bomb

Use AA (Auto Attack) to observe the enemy's pattern of dodging then when you know how he dodges use AA then immediately
Bouncing Bomb

Poking combo
Hexplosive Minefield
Bouncing Bomb
> AA (Auto Attack)
Ziggs Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Easy to hit she doesn't have mobility at all.
Be aware of her
Summon: Tibbers

How To Use Skills
Bouncing Bomb
to poke and shove waves,
Bouncing Bomb
is your main damage source.
Always save
Satchel Charge
when someone engages you so you can just put it down and escape. you can also
Satchel Charge
people to a wall to stun and catch people out. you want to max this second because it's a fun ability with a lot of potential. you can also jump over most walls! the thick ones will take more practice.
Hexplosive Minefield
can deal damage and slow enemy who walk into it usually put this in the entrance near the objective to zone the enemy.
Mega Inferno Bomb
to look around the map because it's easier and faster rather than swiping your screen. you can also use your
Mega Inferno Bomb
to steal or secure objectives like [Dragon] and [Baron]

Early Game
Try to play safe because you have the
rune and always track their jungle and help your jungle whenever he's going to do scuttle crab. Focus on Csing (last hitting creeps) to get your
Luden's Echo
before the Dragon spawns, With
Luden's Echo
you can push the wave fast try doing it to prevent the enemy mid lane to roam and if he roams he's gonna miss a lot of cs.

Mid To Late Game
when you got your core build of
Luden's Echo
Liandry's Torment
, and [Rabadon's Deathcap ] you will deal a lot of damage your team should look for pushing the turret cause with this build you can push turret really fast. And before going to team fight try to poke the enemy already before the team fight happens so they will be lower and be scared to engage.

How To TeamFight As Ziggs
When ahead:
When mages are ahead, there’s nothing really stopping them apart from their own greediness. As mages like
can do a lot of burst damage, it’s better for them to focus the backline if they’re overextended. But as
is quite squishy, he may unable to make it into the enemy's backline. This is where you should prioritize your damage on the enemy frontline even though you could kill the enemy ADC instantly.
just like before focus on the front line if you can get the backline
When behind you don't really have the burst power to kill the enemy instantly so you should really focus on the enemy front line and save your
Satchel Charge
to peel you or your teammates if someone engages.