[2.6a] Fizz Guide - Another AP Jungler? Dies From Banger.
Another AP Jungler? Dies From Banger.
- One shot potential in every stage of games.
- Slippery champion, really hard to catch.
- Very fast clearing jungle, same time as Evelynn.
- Alternative to AP jungler.
- Very hard to play. Very punishing if blue get stealed by the enemy team ea
- Long cooldown early game.
- Mana hungry.
- Getting banned by your teammate.
Fizz Build
Best Build Guide for Fizz
Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
We start with our classic AP jungler item. and then we going to use our new and shiny Lich Bane as Fizz gladly use it with Rending Wave and the movement speed bonus is well appreciated here. okay, you maybe notice the [Liyandry's Torment] right? yep we're gonna use it as [Fizz:passive] deal damage over time, and the health bonus too. and of course, the uranium of every AP champion, [rabbadon's deathcap]
now you see i'm no longer giving you full item example but i'm gonna give you situational items to complete 2 item slots.
Void Staff | More AP and AP pierce. usually you gonna round up your itemization with this and combine it with 3 below. |
Guardian Angel | You just want to live another day and armor is nice against AD champions. |
Hextech Gunblade a.k.a Kitchen Gun | You want some sweet sweet life steal and looking for more cc such as Kitchen Gun will give you damage and slow when you land an ability. |
Morellonomicon | You want some healing reduction and more health. what else? |
For Enchantment
[Statis Enchant] | Defensive, usually you want this, and more likely to outwit your opponent with Fizz 's [Fizz:3] and [Flash] |
Teleport Enchant | Your fucking title is The Trickster, so why not, MAKE SOME CHAOS WHEN TEAM FIGHT then? |
Protobelt Enchant
| Fizz can use this one too, dashing his target. |
Fizz Runes
Best Runes for Fizz
Classic Fizz 's set of runes.
You may change Hunter Genius with Mastermind
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points
Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential
All in combo for Fizz.
Fizz Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
same as Amumu
When you pick fizz jungle
Jungle Pathing
If not leashed :
Red Buff -> Raptors -> Wolves -> Blue Buff -> Scuttle -> enemy Krug -> Gromp -> reset
if leashed :
Blue Buff -> Raptors -> Wolves -> Red Buff -> Scuttle -> enemy Gromp -> Krugs -> reset.
Early - Mid Game
If you're Evelynn main before, you're gonna play as same as she is.
your early game starts on red buff as Fizz has long cooldown and doesn't need mana until you reach level 3. if you're want scuttle find the enemy jungler and make sure you're able to take it without dying or [flash] (looking into you, C9 Blaber.)
You must be level 5 to reset and then clear your red buff side jungle without krugs. and prepare for fight for the drake. if you can get the drake, get it, if you can't, go trade with turret. if the Shelly spawned, get it ASAP and save it for your push soon.
Late Game
You already get 3 core items? good. this is where Fizz is annoying because how low cooldown is his Chum The Waters and his potential to one shot anyone.
what you gonna do here is :
- land Chum The Waters on back line
- one shot anyone that getting your Chum The Waters
- escape and continue the fight until nexus down.
good luck using Fizz Jungle!