[2.3] Lucian Guide - Lucian the Purifier [In-Depth Guide 2.3c]
Lucian the Purifier [In-Depth Guide 2.3c]
- Amazing mobility
- Great early - mid game
- Good all in capabilities
- forgiving skillshots
- insane item synergies
- low range
- falls off slightly in the late game
- positioning is key for ult
Lucian Build
Best Build Guide for Lucian

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Infinity Edge First Item
Long Sword is a great first item choice to enhance your already amazing early game by adding some extra attack damage (AD)
B.F. Sword is a better
Long Sword and builds into your first item
Infinity Edge if you have the money get a
Cloak of Agility right away to add some critical chance to your build
Infinity Edge is the perfect first item to enhance your fast paced combat. Get in deal damage and get out.
Blade of the Ruined King (BotRK) First Item
Long Sword is by far the best choice as a starting item. Don´t bother with boots in the early stages since your
Relentless Pursuit provides more than enough mobility
Vampiric Scepter and if possible
Recurve Bow into
Blade of the Ruined King
Blade of the Ruined King is a great item if you face high hp or high armor enemies since the item provides 6%hp dmg on hit
Full Build
Infinity Edge for enhanced all-in capabilities and burst damage
Statikk Shiv for added mobility and the ability to enhance you range/poke by it´s passive Shiv Lighting that strikes up to 5 nearby enemies which also helps in teamfights
Blade of the Ruined King for 10% added physical vampirism and that massive 6%hp dmg on hit which helps against tankier opponents
Phantom Dancer is a perfect item to increase your sustain by giving you a shield when you fall to 35%hp + the movement speed to further enhance your "slippyness"
- [Death´s Dance] provides a similar effect like
Phantom Dancer by providing extra sustain especially against burst damage and also adds additional physical vampirism
- [Stasis Enchant] is a must have for situations where you either overextended or the enemy engaged and you didn´t have your
Relentless Pursuit to escape
Ionian Boots of Lucidity or
Gluttonous Greaves are both viable
Lucian Runes
Best Runes for Lucian

Conqueror is a perfect rune to utilize Lucian´s passive
Hunter Vampirism is a great item after recent changes since it gives you additional attack damage (AD)
Adaptive Carapace is a great item to increase your sustain when you drop below 50% health
Sweet Tooth is just an awesome item for every adc to enhance your laning phase even further

Gathering Storm is an alternative rune to improve your slightly weaker late game

Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Your most basic combo to utilize Lucian´s passive on your second Auto Attack

For a simple all-in combo to maximize your passive

For catching up to enemies

Your absolute all in
Lucian Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
is also good in the early game but besides that initial struggle you should be more than fine in the mid-game

Early Game
Start by picking up a
Long Sword
and head to the red buff or straight to lane when you are on the mirrored side. In the case of the latter it can be a good idea to wait in the bush closest to the enemy turret and attempt a gank. Through all stages of the game keep in mind that
is a champion that starts off powerful and slowly looses his strength. Time is running out so you better make the best of it.
Once the first minions come in and the fight for cs begins you have to make sure that you avoid poke. Fight the enemy or you will loose over time. You are the dangerous guy and make sure your opponent knows that. To make sure you have a great time, try to get an aggressive support
to further increase your laning phase.
You shouldn´t run into any problems, make sure to get as many last hits on minions as possible.

3-5 minutes
Now is your last chance to really ruin the day for your opponent before the first drake fight brakes out. You got your first items
B.F. Sword
Vampiric Scepter
and it´s time to shine! Deny as many last hits as possible, go in for fights, make their game as hard as possible.
Make sure to keep an eye on the minimap to make sure you know where the enemy jungler is or your jungler. A rule of thumb is to kill one minion and look at the minimap, kill a minion and look on the minimap, kill a minion and look on the minimap....... I´m serious. Your strength is the early game but when you get caught out and die you will loose out SO MUCH by the time you get back to lane

First Drake
It´s probably smart to go for every drake as
since you are very powerful at the current stage of the game. You got your first item
Infinity Edge
Blade of the Ruined King
and win basically every 1v1 against the enemy adc. Fight, fight, fight and get the drake.
IF there is zero chance to get the drake because your jungler died or your team doesn´t bother to go to the dragon pit. Consider trading a turret for the Drake but most of the time choosing a fight is the better choice (don´t go run in 1v5) . Wild Rift is a 5v5 game and you will loose no matter how good you are when you just run in without backup

Mid Game
Once you got your core items
Infinity Edge
Statikk Shiv
Blade of the Ruined King
you are a powerhouse to be feared. Make them fear you! As soon as you have the chance take it. Engage aggressively and keep in mind that your
Relentless Pursuit
enables you to cross over walls and obstacles. The mid game is your last chance to make a big impact for your team. Keep an eye for the minimap and join every team fight that breakes out.
Make sure to push out your wave if possible before any mayor objective.
In coordinated teams it can be wise to switch lane (bottom goes top and vise versa] to make sure you and your support are on the objective´s side (rift herald, baron)

Late Game
Let´s hope you made an impact before this happens if not don´t worry you aren´t useless but you won´t be the same dangerous
you once were. Try to avoid 1v1 if possible but if there is a chance to catch out an enemy it´s probably still worth it.
One of Lucian´s strengths is that he is strong across all stages of the game (just not as much in the late game)
Your item Death´s Dance really gives you an upper hand in sustained fights (longer fights) so utilize this advantage.

About teamfights
You don´t have a large range so you have to get in there. That DOES NOT mean you stick with your front line. But imagine the enemy is trying to catch you but you tease them and run around while killing them. That´s you! Stay close but not too close. You can use your
The Culling
to deal some damage from range but it won´t be enough probably. Looking out for stunned enemies is a great way to eliminate the first few enemies and then win the upper hand.
Lucian is relatively single targeted to keep that in mind. His
Piercing Light
however can pierce through targets so use this to finish off that ADC hiding behind their front line.
Make sure to maximize your
by frequently using abilities in the fight